The official student newspaper at Birmingham is Redbrick, on the go since 1936. However, all copy has to be approved by the Guild of Students and in recent months the censorship has been taken to extremes. No criticism of the Guild or University is allowed, and quotes have been altered. The Radish will feature side-by-side comparisons of censored and uncensored articles in one of the next two issues. A direct quote from a Guild staff member is: "Free speech is OK, if it is approved by us."
The Radish is a printed extension of an unofficial message board (at

We are currently seeking sustainable printers and advertisers, as (predictably) the Guild of Students will not allow us to use their facilities or apply for funding. Any information on sustainable paper suppliers, ethical (news)printers or potential advertisers in the Birmingham area will be gratefully received! We're moving up to an eight-page (two double-sided A3) issue with an initial distribution of 1000.
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Good luck
26.01.2006 17:08
So good luck to the Radish!
PS. Any chance you can publish online too so interested Alumni can see?
Hasbara Zionists Bully Guild of Students into Submission
26.01.2006 18:54
Please keep us updated on Brum Indymedia.
I feel it's also worth pointing out how much the Guild of Students at Birmingham University attempted to stop Palestinian Students organising together to form their own student society a couple of years ago. Hasbara Zionists and morally bankrupt Guild executives claimed the formation of a Palestinian Society: "would attract racists to the Guild".
A racist Guild Executive also censored the Palestinian Society and the University's Bust the War Society. Their arbitrary attempts at censorship are still evident if you take a look at Birmingham University's Palestinian Society website here:
I understand the Palestinian Society and Islamic Society were taking legal action against the University and it's Guild of Students following a litany of unaddressed grievances including the charge of 'institutionalised racism'.
Can anyone update us with this legal challenge?
Sue their asses!
Our Struggles against the Guild
26.01.2006 19:02
1) Initially we were denied the right to set up Palestinian Society by the guild executive for the following reasons: (quoted from Guild Exec minutes)
* Palestinian Society would create a forum for racism
* Palestinian Society would jeopardise the safety of the university
* Palestinian Society would provide a platform for extreme political groups
There were 5 votes in favour of banning us, 1 against, 2 abstentions.
2) The guild executive tried to obstruct our first event. By way of explanation, Jenny Lennox, the ever wise VP for Internal affairs said "I am not racist, but prejudiced.."
3) Every poster we have put up to advertise the society has been torn down, often with the approval of the impartial Exec.
4) Our members have been constantly harrassed by zionist activists in various ways:
* Blocking stalls
* Taking duplicate leaflets to prevent wide distribution. (We have recently been forced to introduce a charge for multiple leaflet requests to cover our costs)
* Resorting to bad language when experiencing a bout of cognitive dissonance.
* Non-exec-zionists obsessively complaining about our activities to the exec.
5) Pro-Sharon media outfits like the Jewish Chronicle have published articles to smear our reputation and to confuse the issue.
6) A warning by the Guild President not to use the word Palestine because this may imply taking a side in the Israel-Palestine dispute.
7) Repeated complaints about this harmless website have resulted in removal of pages and pictures by the Exec.
8) We will soon publish the voluminous hate-mail we have been receiving on this website.
cut 'n paste from Palestinian Society website