The official student newspaper at Birmingham is Redbrick, on the go since 1936. However, all copy has to be approved by the Guild of Students and in recent months the censorship has been taken to extremes. No criticism of the Guild or University is allowed, and quotes have been altered. The Radish will feature side-by-side comparisons of censored and uncensored articles in one of the next two issues. A direct quote from a Guild staff member is: "Free speech is OK, if it is approved by us."
The Radish is a printed extension of an unofficial message board (at

We are currently seeking sustainable printers and advertisers, as (predictably) the Guild of Students will not allow us to use their facilities or apply for funding. Any information on sustainable paper suppliers, ethical (news)printers or potential advertisers in the Birmingham area will be gratefully received! We're moving up to an eight-page (two double-sided A3) issue with an initial distribution of 1000.
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