Paul McCartney was coddling Reagan promising him that the Rock Empire would punish any attempt to show the truth, that Reagan was behind the AIDS onslaught and murder of Lennon. McCartney alibi'd both Reagan and those who released HIV by his twisted rumor-mongering on behalf of those proved beyond a shadow of a doubt to have killed Lennon and released HIV, because Reagan promised McCartney the money.
McCartney has lobby'd Jesus gangsters like Pat Robertson and Billy Graham with the Good News that Reagan and those who released HIV got away. They alibi'd the crime and now want the money selling utopian religion to the victims of AIDS.
Peter Gabriel was a contraband artist aiding those who released HIV when they tortured me on Mt. Desert Island and raped my deaf girlfriend. He betrayed testimony of child torture given to Amnesty International and optioned men who forced my mother to sell our home, in tears of true tragedy, and who deafened me. He subjected me to terroristic degradation which has gone on twenty years.
Gabriel spread crude distortion, calculating lies.
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24.01.2006 23:56