On Saturday 6th August, Save the Newchurch Guinea Pigs (SNGP) organised demos against the BBC regarding their blatantly biased programmes (screened over recent months) about this Midlands anti-vivisection campaign. Simultaneous protests took place in London, Manchester & Birmingham, outside BBC offices & studios.
The Birmingham demo brought together nearly 30 campaigners from across the West Midlands and was a great success, but protesters didn`t stop there! The day turned into a fantastic day of action against animal abuse with further demos at Thomas Cook due to their involvement in the trade in primates for vivisection, and McDonalds because of their murder of billions of animals every year and the devastating destruction to the planet caused by factory farming those animals.
BBC bias on vivisection | Brum day of action against animal cruelty | Victory for Newchurch Guinea Pigs Campaign | Newchurch National Demo to go ahead as planned | Home Office bans activist from entering UKFor nearly 6 years, animal rights protesters have campaigned tirelessly for the end of the breeding of guinea pigs for vivisection, at Newchurch Farm in Staffordshire. Save The Newchurch Guinea Pigs have orchestrated the peaceful voice of opposition to this animal hellhole, staging hundreds of demos outside the farm, their suppliers etc and upto a dozen National Demos have taken place in towns & cities throughout the area.
It was only after members of the Animal Liberation Front raided the farm liberating 600 innocent beings, that the SNGP campaign began. The ALF have continued their campaign of direct action with many attacks on the property of the owners, workers, suppliers and customers.
The cumulative effect of persistent protests and direct action has resulted in many workers and suppliers severing their ties with the farm. Despite the constant pressure, the farms greedy owners are still clinging onto their filthy, evil business.
Read about how vivisection is scientific fraud on the Europeans for Medical Progress website
The BBC`s Blatant Bias is Beyond Belief The following report covers all 3 of the Brum demos and is taken from the Stop Sequani Animal Testing website
"Trust is the foundation of the BBC: We are independent, Impartial and honest"The BBC have recently hosted three blatantly biased programs this year concerning Newchurch guinea pig farm in Staffordshire, UK and concerning issues of democratic protest and vivisection. The first was the Radio Four Program ‘Face the Facts’, then the BBC Midlands Today ‘Inside Out’ documentary presented by Ashley Blake and the culmination being the Money Program’s BBC2 documentary: ‘The Siege of Darley Oaks Farm’ broadcast in July. We believe these programmes represent a betrayal of the BBC’s own obligations as a public service.
The BBC is designed as a ‘public service broadcasting company’ – its very own 2004/2005 statement reiterates its original Charter that espouses fundamental sentiments of non-commerciality, honesty, education and impartiality. Their 2005 statement opens with the following declaration:
“Our Purpose is to enrich people’s lives with programmes and services that inform, educate and entertain Our vision is to be the most creative organisation in the world
• Trust is the foundation of the BBC: we are independent, impartial and honest
• Audiences are at the heart of everything we do
• We take pride in delivering quality and value for money
• Creativity is the lifeblood of our organisation
• We respect each other and celebrate our diversity so that everyone can give their best.”
(see http://www.bbc.co.uk/info/statements2004/docs/introduction.htm)
How is it then possible for such an ‘independent’ and ‘public’ service to broadcast three primetime programs which are deliberately economical with the truth about the Newchurch animal factory farm, so flagrantly in favour of commerciality over public education and so unashamedly prejudiced about the members of the public who protest there?
What the BBC deliberately and continuously failed to reveal during these programs:
• Any objective FACT into the peaceful protesters’ viewpoint, moral purpose or context – essential principles if any analysis is to be impartial.• Any reference to the FACT the vast majority of campaigners have distanced themselves from the alleged grave desecration.
• Any reference to the FACT many protesters refuse to accept that it ever took place, due to a catalogue of inconsistencies reported in the ‘crime’ itself.
• Any reference to the FACT that it has never been proven it had anything to do with animal rights protesters in the first place.
• Any reference to the FACT that all those arrested for the supposed desecration have now been released without charge and are pursuing legitimate compensation claims.
• Any details about the FACT countless guinea pigs are destroyed by the Newchurch family with their bare hands because they are deemed an ‘unprofitable product’.
• Any details about the FACT that thousands more guinea pigs have died through their enforced confinement, malnutrition and neurosis in the Newchurch families’ sheds.
• Any reference to the FACT that not a single Newchurch worker or family member has been hurt by anyone in over 6 years of protests.
• Any details about the FACT peaceful protesters have been repeatedly attacked and needed hospital treatment for broken bones, facial injuries and serious head wounds.
• Any details about the FACT members of the Newchurch families’ own security firm were charged with violent offences for attacking and hospitalising protesters.
• Any details to the FACT those who work for the family have been abusive and threatening to protestors, many of whom are pensioners.
• Any details about the FACT protesters have received threatening phone calls, abusive letters and had a car and front door paint stripped.
• Any details about the FACT the vast majority of these guinea pigs are killed to test commercial products, to test military weapons and exported abroad to be killed in cosmetic tests for ‘make up’ – a practice already operating under the auspices of an involuntary ban in the UK because of its overtly unethical nature.
• Any details about the FACT that numerous academics, doctors and scientists now oppose animal experiments on medical and moral grounds.
• Any details about the FACT that an ever-growing number of hospital patients are dying and have died because of taking animal tested drugs.
The full statement handed into the BBC can be found here http://www.liberation-now.org/BBC/OUR%20LIVES%20-%20THEIR%20LIES.pdf
29 activists from all over the Midlands including activists from SNGP, WMAA and the SSAT campaign joined forces today to protest outside the BBC offices at the Mail Box in Birmingham. An array of banners and placards denouncing the BBC for its sickeningly one sided approach regarding its reporting on the Newchurch campaign were displayed right outside the BBC's offices and plenty of leaflets handed out to members of the public.
Four activists were electronically 'scanned' by security before being let in to the building to hand over a statement of condemnation of the BBC, whilst at the same time demanding a statement from the BBC regarding how it justifies its virtual attack on peaceful protesters through the blatantly biased 'documentary's' it has aired over the last year.
Surprise surprise there was nobody available for comment except for a BBC worker who was completely useless. The top brass will have scarpered for the afternoon as they knew full well the demo was taking place and obviously did not want to publicly justify their campaign to label all protesters involved in the Newchurch guineapig campaign as 'terrorists'. An A4 sheet of paper stuck to a stand outside the office building stated that the public access area had been 'closed' for the day. Nice one!
After an hour and a half, protesters left the mail box to march through the busy streets of Birmingham condemning the BBC for all to see and hear. The megaphones were in use and plenty more leaflets handed out to the public. If the BBC think that they can try and turn the public against peaceful animal rights campaigns they learnt today that this comes at a price. The price of being named and shamed for being the biased bigots that they are. See http://www.liberation-now.org/
Fifteen activists then made their way to supporters of primate torture Thomas Cook in Martineau place, Birmingham. The shop was briefly occupied by a few activists whilst the rest set up camp outside the shop. The demo outside soon became noisy and informative as Thomas Cook were damned for their continued support of the Mauritian tourist trade and because of their disgraceful show of ignorance regarding the kidnapping of primates on the island of Mauritius whose final destinations are sick and evil vivisection laboratories like Huntingdon life sciences and Covance.
Many hundreds of leaflets were given out to members of the public letting them know about the Thomas Cook/Mauritius connection. It didn't take too long for five police officers to arrive on the scene who were reasonable. Three of them remained inside Thomas Cook for a while whilst Thomas Cook locked their doors from the inside.
After the police finally left around 3.30, the workers inside Thomas Cook turned the lights off, got their coats on and vacated the building! Job done! That will have cost them a packet! When will they learn? Supporting animal abuse does not pay! Time to boycott Mauritius Thomas Cook and get rid of the demos at your outlets that are happening throughout the UK. See http://www.gatewaytohell.net
Having completed the task at Thomas Cook, nine activists then went on to hold a very informative demo at McDonalds in the city centre. The megaphone was put to excellent use as the public were informed about the activities of McDonalds, namely the horrors of factory farming, the destruction of the environment and the climate change this creates, and of course people were urged to turn vegetarian to help to alleviate the planet of the scourges mentioned above.
Again, many leaflets were handed to members of the public and customers of McDonalds who were going in and out of this filthy place. Groups of people stood by to listen to the megaphone speeches which included a relevent piece on the tornado that struck Birmingham a few weeks ago linking this freak event to climate change caused by the destruction of the environment by companies like McDonalds - A company that destroys vast areas of land and trees, clearing huge areas to graze cattle for its disgusting death burgers. See http://www.mcspotlight.org/
Overall a fantastic day of demos for the animals and great to team up with so many excellent compassionate people from the Midlands!
Save the Newchurch Guinea Pigs | Gateway to Hell Campaign | McSpotlight
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