"....The Secretary of State considers that should you be allowed to enter the UK and attend further UK demonstrations or conferences you would continue to express such views. In doing so, you would be committing listed behaviours and would therefore be behaving in a way that is non-conducive to the public good. In light of these factors, the Secretary of State is satisfied that you should be excluded from the UK on the grounds that your exclusion is conducive to the public good. We instruct you not to travel to the UK as you will be refused admission on arrival. There is NO statutory right of appeal against the Secretary of State's decision."
They desperately believe they must not give our ever-growing cause for compassion more publiciy: WELL THEY JUST HAVE! This victory march will go ahead and will not be dampened by any of their unjustifiable acts of censorship. We will gather proudly and let it be known that animal rights activism is here to stay!
Dr. Steve Best: Associate Professor of Philosophy and Humanities and Chair of Philosophy University of Texas, El Paso: Teacher, Philosopher, Writer and Activist.
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