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Open Letter Re: Situation In Birmingham

Waylan Smithers | 04.08.2003 13:43 | Birmingham

Re-posted important Open Letter: original posting taken off IM & wasnt even put in the 'hidden' section: Why? Open Letter sounds the alarm bells for all serious activists

Here is (again) the link to the important Open Letter from impartial activist Sue Blackwell: the lessons to be learnt from the SWP's thug behaviour has implications for ALL antiwar activists

Waylan Smithers


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04.08.2003 13:50

Im shocked by the inappropiate and bullying behaviour of the Socialist 'Worker's' Party.

Im going to resign in protest and I urgently advise all other Party members to follow my example.

Martin Smith

It got taken off because

04.08.2003 14:05

Its just the same old nonsense.

Tell you what, we have all got the message, you dont like the SWP. Now thats just fine, no-one is forcing you to join them or read their paper, so there you go, problem solved!

BTW is winning a majority vote now "thuggish" behaviour?



04.08.2003 14:17

The comment wasn't taken off you dickhead - its still there on Learn how to use the newswire before you make allegations. Now could someone remove this pointless thread?

Idiot watcher

Time's Changed

04.08.2003 14:31

Birmingham November 2000 , first meeting of the Socialist Alliance the then SWP full timer, Louise Rathbone, has the floor: with a worldweary wave of her hand and a clement smile she emoted:

'Comrades, comrades at last we are united (cheers from audience) at last we many fingers of socialism are a combative fist (shouts of 'yeahh' & 'at last!'). Comrades all the old sectarianism is OVER! (estacy of shouts and table thumping). In the words of that rogue most lovable:
'Come comrades rally and the final battle we'll fight...' (a thunderstorm of a rapturous din as the whole audience are taken up in the dared for beginnings of [whisper it!] a Revolution in Britain!

Birmingham November 2004: a few tramps in rags gather round a grubby copy of 'Socialist Muslim', turning to the center pages they see who has been smeared as Islamophobic this week: several small typed coulums follow, to be in these pages, to be publically attacked as Islamophobe for the Crime of questioning the Peace And Injustice Party's policy of stoning women and gays is to hounded out of the trade union movement and possibly more..

Aspergus Alliance

sects, lies and people with nowt better to do..

04.08.2003 14:38

Allegations of a supposed 'Peace and Justice Party' seem to come (only, afaik) from various Trot rivals of the SWP.

And now, the latest 'Weekly Worker' says this:
"Plans for a 'radical' Peace and Justice platform in Birmingham...are unlikely to have developed much further than the imagination of an increasingly pompous John Rees."

So that's it? After all that, this whole thing is based on what they're guessing he's been imagining?

They could at least put together a dossier... ;-)

ageing hack
