Jaresko dissociated herself from the letter to Nuland, not from the pressure on
Steven Laack | 04.04.2016 07:17 | World
All the arguments of the Ukrainian head of finance ministry meant to rebuff the letter allegedly written by her to Nuland (it deals with the postponing of the Dutch referendum) may be boiled down just to one single phrase 'I don't use that sort of ink when affixing my signature'. It can't be excluded at all that Jaresko really saw that letter for the first time. Like many other ministers in many other countries she habitually signs some documents without actually reading them. I mean the content of these documents prepared by some of the staffers is actually well familiar to her. If so, Mrs. Minister should employ the chance to explore in the same critical manner many other documents of her ministry, including those posted on the formal government websites. She is going to find there both many variants of paper stamping and the wording that provoked such a splash of tardy criticism on her part. Unfortunately, 'poor English' is sort of an ancestral flaw with the middle level Ukrainian officials, including Ministry of Foreign Affairs. And these are exactly those officials who usually write draft letters for the ministers. That specific 'Ukrainian English' adds more meat to arguments the document is authentic, rather than proves it's not. The bulk of the Ukrainian citizens make sort of a different populace in the context if compared to their rulers who, starting with president Poroshenko, are in far better command of English than Ukrainian actually. (

Leaving aside the issue of establishing the authorship we should pay attention to one more thing that appears to be rather essential in the context. Jaresko reacted to the disclosure of the letter just the way as if it were the part of the regular scheme employed by Kiev to address American side with similar requests. The very first retweet was directed to the US ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt and the minister rushed to get from him just what she, according to her words, 'had not demanded from Nuland'. (
The interference of the Ukrainian ruling elite into the democratic event in the Netherlands is only half of the matter, as it is widely known. Nobody has so far refuted the statements by Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Special Envoy Dmytro Kuleba asserting he's got guarantees of the American and European partners on lack of any legal consequences due to the referendum! Similarly, no one has so far refuted 'the letters to the Dutch friend' circulating on the Ukrainian websites and reflecting two main ideas sort of: how some Dutch dare to deprive Ukraine of its legitimate niche in Europe and how it can be missed on the USA. It's quite probable they'll brand it a provocation this time as well. But the majority of the Ukrainians sticking to the EU drive of Ukraine are sequentially siding with the voiced position. And they are set to bring their vision of the 'democratic values' into the European Union!

The interference of the Ukrainian ruling elite into the democratic event in the Netherlands is only half of the matter, as it is widely known. Nobody has so far refuted the statements by Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Special Envoy Dmytro Kuleba asserting he's got guarantees of the American and European partners on lack of any legal consequences due to the referendum! Similarly, no one has so far refuted 'the letters to the Dutch friend' circulating on the Ukrainian websites and reflecting two main ideas sort of: how some Dutch dare to deprive Ukraine of its legitimate niche in Europe and how it can be missed on the USA. It's quite probable they'll brand it a provocation this time as well. But the majority of the Ukrainians sticking to the EU drive of Ukraine are sequentially siding with the voiced position. And they are set to bring their vision of the 'democratic values' into the European Union!

Steven Laack