Jews Are Leading the Push for Stricter Gun Control—And Why This Critically Matte
Jim Justice | 28.01.2016 04:09 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles
It is a fact some Jewish coalitions have been heavily involved in stricter gun controls laws here in America for some years—and have already had laws changed. Equally there are a variety of interesting theories as to why this is so, but there is one theory as likely reality not much broached and discussed that definitely needs to be brought to light—because this further push for more gun law reform relates to other contemporary political realities (as well as historical realities). There seems a more sinister reason for further gun restrictions than either Jewish paranoia of goy populations or recent mass killings. The goal also seems to go after semi-automatics then better background checks. And why has there been such a huge increase in mass killings over the last years that don’t seem statistically plausible?
Jews Are Leading the Push for Stricter Gun Control—And Why This Critically Matters
By Justice Jim
[Note: If you feel this essay is important then take the initiative to share, tweet, email, publish, discuss, etc., as this topic is very important. Likely some people will not want these ideas disseminated (including enough within mainstream media). They would rather outlaw free speech critical of Zionism. But you have a duty to yourself and people you care about to help preserve your American rights. It is very important you help these arguments get out widely—thank you.]
It is not a coincidence ‘several’ prominent Jews are leading the push for stricter gun control laws herein the United States (along with Barack Obama who was more or less financed and molly-cradled into the White House via their coaching, staffing and financial Jewish support).
If you need to verify whether Jews are, and have been, leading this march, see the following references (and they are worth reading for their insights):
Who is Behind Gun Control? at:
Jews and Jewish organizations lead the gun control campaign at:
Also google: “Video Jews Lead Gun Control Charge” (long http://... reference)
And google: “Video Jews and Gun Control” (long http://... reference)
Question of the Day: Why Are American Jews Pro-Gun Control? at:
After Newtown, Jews Lead Renewed Push on Guns by Rabbi Judah Freeman
JPFO WHITE PAPER: Why Jews Hate Guns: Are they right? And who are The Shomrim?at:
[Note: these last two citations are from Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership: JPFO (a website showing there is even a big divide within the Jewish community, as they also discusses the hypocrisy of Jews hell bent on stifling gun rights here in the United States).]
It is a fact some Jewish coalitions have been heavily involved in stricter gun controls laws here in America for some years—and have already had laws changed. Equally there are a variety of interesting theories as to why this is so, but there is one theory as likely reality not much broached and discussed that definitely needs to be brought to light—because this further push for more gun law reform relates to other contemporary political realities (as well as historical realities).
If you have already examined some of the citations above, that show Jews are again leading the push for stricter gun control, you may also suspect some of these American-Jews kind of presume themselves to be intellectually and morally superior to the rest of Goy, gun-happy America.
But it can be, and frankly must be, argued, now especially since 2001, there is a more sinister reason for further gun restrictions than either Jewish paranoia of goy populations or recent mass killings (regardless of whether Americans, both Jew and goy, are at all aware).
They claim stricter gun control is logical and necessary since we are having a phenomenal ‘multiple-fold’ increase in mass killings here within the United States, that begs for something responsible to be done, such as more changes to the laws as they exists (even as they don’t make this “multifold increase” an issue as it too should be an issue).
And what seems reasonable today is only a precursor to more draconian laws tomorrow; as we will explore there is more than better background checking on their agenda. The ‘high’ and rather ‘sudden’ increase in mass killings over the last couple years is far from statistically probable—a phenomenon which itself should be investigated by curious minds (“why a sudden increase and are there any so-called conspiracy theories that could help explain this sensational reality” other than people jumping on the ban wagon)?
[Note: You should not be deterred from examining a “conspiracy theory” (even if many people use label disparagingly in an attempt to have you not examine such) because ‘every’ theory and sub-theory deserves its own evaluation. It is within our human nature to theorize (which is the basis of science and investigation). And it is also a well-established fact the nature of human-kind regularly engages in conspiracies and forms of corruption. Political man may be (actually most definitely is) far more corrupt than what most naïve people (sheeple) imagine. This essay will invite you to explore some of ideas that may initially sound too fantastic to be true.]
And so it shouldn’t surprise anyone there are a handful of conspiracies we need to address for Americans to understand what may in fact be going on—that is regarding motives of some trying to change gun laws. After all we Americans have been lied to on a regular basis by mainstream media, public relations firms and government personnel (and more so than too many of us realize).
But this essay would become too long to go into all these important and related matters—other than to mention some with the hope readers will explore them further. You will likely already find this article long (but still interesting and as critical matter).
First and foremost we need to go back to 9/11/2001. We need to understand how pivotal that single day’s attack, and the propaganda put outright afterward, was in so many ways, and as used to justify several, aggressive, interventionist wars (subsumed within the rhetoric of our justified War on Terror). Many people think they know enough about 9/11 and see it as a dead horse—but it is not—it was aground zero event for many future foreign interventions as violence, as well as something affecting our national politics in many ways.
More importantly we need to appreciate the high levels of deceit we were programmed from that day onward to the present. 9/11 was apolitical catalyst for several ensuing realities, such as a very questionable Patriot Act that seemingly just popped out of no-where (and revised last minute without proper Congressional approval and in the context of anthrax scares in Washington D.C.), that became the reason for several disastrous forms of aggression overseas, which resulted in mass murder (wars and drone killings) as it continues to spawn more NeoCon wars that are now bleeding into Syria (as the Neocons still want the U.S. in war with Iran), not to mention our national economy has become bankrupt on all this excess military spending.
[Note: I am using the term ‘NeoCon’ (short for ‘Neo-Conservative’ or more accurately ‘Neo-Con-Artist’) to refer to those mostly Jewish-Americans who work in American Think Tanks and Right Wing media, and who advocate routinely to put Israel’s priorities ahead of U.S. real national interests. They were uniquely posed to immediately use 9/11 as an excuse to wildly and recklessly change what was coined America’s “Vietnam syndrome” or non-interventionist foreign policy.]
Now then, even more than ever, ALL Americans, including and especially American-Jewry, need to face a truth a large majority of us have not been willing to face, or research or acknowledge—and that is it was Israel (yes Israel) that was the terrorist force behind 9/11.
Instead we have been subject to a massive cover-up to this fact that has been played to 99.99% of the American people (Jews and goy alike).But unless you understand this reality you cannot understand the several wars we have entered after 9/11, and appreciate who really has been responsible for all the people who have suffered from our disastrous foreign policy ever since (that mostly the Neo-Cons have engineered) looking too often primarily to what would benefit right-wing Israel—as the traitors and/ the criminals that they are to our homeland. Our invasions of Muslim countries did not happen because of 9/11—rather 9/11 was caused to happen as an excuse to engage these illegal invasions.
If you doubt Israel was behind 9/11 then google: “Israel behind 9/11” or “Israel involve 9/11” or some similar worded search. Don’t fall for excuses to not do your due diligence research. Many will immediately scream anti-Semitism, etc., and will condemn the very idea.
You will find plenty of material on the Internet that is never discussed by big media. You may also find some videos and arguments meant to confuse or mislead with false, red herring arguments, as to discredit this central idea (that is wasn’t so much an inside job as it was a pact between the NeoCons, Dick Cheney’s VP Office and the Israel government).
If you do enough of your own research, and you are sincere in your quest to learn the truth, you too will see a ‘lot’ of dots are connected to the country that has histrionically been trying to convince us Americans (and being successful at it) how much Israelis are on ‘our’ side (as their propaganda has also come to convince many of us that Israel’s enemies are pretty much exactly the same as what are Americans’ enemies(how convenient) and of course that is why they label them terrorists—because naturally all of Israel’s enemies are terrorists (and yes google: “Chris Bollyn 9/11 Truth” as he makes a pretty convincing case.))
A lot of people automatically reject any and all allegations Israel was behind 9/11 as preposterous. After all their public relations efforts, over the years, have continuously fed us Americans a propaganda that exhorts how the United States and Israel are such great friends and partners (especially when it comes to issues in the Middle East region and our supposed mutual war on terrorists (read “war on Israel’s enemies by using American resources”)).
And if that isn’t bad enough, it’s also true many of our own elected leaders, thanks to Israel’s undue influence in our government and the election process, routinely puts Israel’s concerns ‘above’ the real interests of the American people (another indicator of how compromised are both U.S. resources and our governmental powers, that are supposedly meant for the citizens of the United States).
Whereas a snide Benjamin Netanyahu, from Israel, can give a speech to our Congress people and command more showy adulation and ostentatious respect than our own President (if they happen to be at odds on policy).
Therefore to allege Israel was behind 9/11 is to invite immediate condemnation from a myriad of sources—both Jew and gentile alike (as even many Christians do not just give Israel the benefit of the doubt they blindly support them). Shocked at such an allegation they immediately question how anyone could even imagine Israelis would betray Americans (after all leaders from both countries routinely tell us how wonderful is this ‘special’ relationship).
For someone to be so iconoclastic to even think Israel would betray us so egregiously—seems too much a blasphemous and shattering an idea—if for no other reason they well Israelis sacred in the minds of many (and their people are a sacred tribe in a cultural territory that can never be thought in merely human conditions with merely human motivations. Modern day Israelis are God’s chosen people (of course no brainwash here) so they would never do anything that was not on the side of justice or attack people who are mostly Christian (even as they prove themselves over and over to be a violent and ruthless people).
And it is more than that. Zionists have inundated the human race with myriad stories of how Jews have been victimized all throughout history. Therefore people are expected to view them as a specially protected class of people, even to the point people should never question them or suspect their motives, especially as related to any kind of ethical violation. For some of the more gullible the mere fact of their continual existence establishes their moral superiority (or so the guilt-trip and religious brainwash goes).But of course all people alive today have just as long a genealogy going back to primates, and probably equally have just as much an interesting history (even if not recorded in written print and not distorted by mythmaking and ethnocentric assumption).
[Note: This author too would rather ‘not’ believe Israel was behind 9/11—it doesn’t make anyone with a conscience feel comfortable. But once one is led down the road of conviction, and learns of even more betrayals, such as to have had, and continue to have affect on many people around the world, then one can conscientiously choose to deal with reality as it truly seems, as well as ‘probable’ future reality(if these truths are left unchecked).]
The fact is the Zionist movement is riddled with too many serious betrayals (again unbeknownst to most gentile and Jews alike) and it is time the world wake up to learn more about this broader picture and see where it has led and how many have become its victims.
Rather we could ask ourselves: “Why have so many placed so much blind trust in Israel’s relationship with the United States in the first place?” What has allowed so many Americans to little question, what amounts to, Israel’s ethnocentric role in this world of chaos, conflict, terrorism, war, etc., to just believe whatever their public relations firms, news outlets, and politicians have been telling us (especially given that this ‘special’ relationship between the United States and Israel has been, by far, mostly beneficial to Israel, with little benefit, if any, to the United States? And why should there be a ‘special’ relationship in the first place—and what does that term actually mean in real world terms?
Was it because there were always Muslims portrayed as the evil-doers and the terrorists that we really took no time to considered a more complex history and reality with our relationship with other Middle Eastern countries? Consider, for a moment, the book: “Evil” Arabs in American Popular Film: Orientalist Fear” by Tim Jon Semmerling. This book is described as: “A timely look at American popular films made between 1973 and 2001 that use Arabs, their landscapes, and their cultures as villains—and what these depictions of “evil” Arabs reveal about American fears and insecurities.” Here is one cultural example of how Hollywood/ Zionist shave routinely depicted Muslims are the bad guys.
Or take trenchant commentary in a Justin Raimando article: “Merchants of Hate: Pamela Geller and her “mainstream” conservative accomplices” May 06, 2015 at:
Again we can see another example of Zionist American Islamophobia propaganda meant to get a lot of other Americans to have a prejudice against Muslims.
And also google: “Fake ISIS beheading videos” or “Fake James Foley beheading” etc., and you will learn several of the ISIS beheading videos, taken at face value by the mainstream media, were faked, and some of those faked were done by Mossad agents at the Site Intelligence Group (as well as other intelligence groups via likely private companies).
So again here we have a variety of clear examples of how Israelis and Zionists deliberately attempt to create Islamophobia across our culture, and often enough using patently false propaganda, to encourage a much larger audience of America to fear and reject Muslims (and now being used by both major political parties in 2016 presidential debates to convince Americans to spend more tax dollars fighting ISIS because we are being convinced ISIS is a huge threat everywhere including here in the United States).
And so while it has been largely a Zionist ploy over the years to get Americans to fear and hate Muslims (not strictly speaking of course as goy prejudice is out there too) we also witness a contingent of contemporary, seemingly self-righteous liberal/ progressive who adamantly accuse primarily white, supremist, goy, men as America’s most racist of people, such as those who support Donald Trump as being the new Hitlers of the world (as if Zionists played little part in stirring up such fears, or the rejection of Syrians who cannot be adequately vetted)?
Nor have progressives explained how current Americans (including white men) can find jobs in an already stressed economy; far easier to claim the moral high-ground for supposedly caring, loving, Democratic, left-wing, contingencies?
[Note: This author is not a big Donald Trump fan for three or four reasons, one being that Trump comes from the ‘authoritarian’ school of business as the boss is always right, secondly he is very naïve on some issues even as he seems informed on others (as he too is brainwashed by mainstream media), thirdly his thinking patterns sometimes seem patently simplistic (but not as bad as several other GOP candidates and he is not as scary as several other GOP candidates that do get AIPAC approval and coaching) and fourth he operates too much off the cuff, saying things that show more arrogance than an introvert’s reflection. The point here is how ironic it seems many who view themselves as progressives so easily assume their own rainbow kind as morally superior to goy, white men—and yes I agree with Trump about protecting American’s right to own guns. And yet what is especially important to note is ‘when’ these fake ISIS beheading videos were starting to come out it was right after Israel engaged in 51 days of terrorist war crimes against Palestinians the previous summer of 2014. Then these sensationally faked Zionist and CIA sponsored videos (investigative journalism shows you how they were faked on the internet) were taken at face value from U.S. Zionist-controlled media unquestioningly (and “including” much of the so-called alternative, progressive media that easily could have vetted these sources) which then allowed any heat of indignation about Israel’s criminality to quickly fade from the media’s radar screen].
The question is why do so many Americans continue to cover up Israeli crimes? It is a historic fact Israel committed the “Lavon Affair” terrorist attack on our foreign policy in Egypt. It is also a historical fact Israel deliberately attacked our naval USS Liberty ship with the intent of killing every man on board. If you google “Israeli false flag operations against the United States” and: “Israel spying on the United States” you can see there have been several violations of this so-called ‘special relationship’ that is special only in the sense that it is so absurd.
Israel is anything but a friend to most Americans—especially those of us who are not Zionist or Jews. Why then are we expected to continue to remain quiet about these serious violations to our larger integrity, as more importantly to many victims around the world?
It doesn’t matter if big news networks like Fox and CNN have plenty of news anchors who are Jewish (but with plenty blond, goy women newscasters and other rainbow minorities such as blacks, suggesting a phony balance—giving us the false impression we are all being represented and considered). It should be obvious current presidential candidate debates are little more than news anchors asking false reality questions, especially on foreign policy issues (such as on ISIS in which we just caught a lot of vociferous condemnation) and then candidates giving false reality answers (creating a mock production of charades meant to mislead the body politic).Whereas truth seldom peaks through the delusional world.
See: “Who Controls Big Media?”
Zionists really do control much of our media, as well as are disproportionately represented in the federal government (including being key people within agencies of the Department of Homeland Security and the Justice Department) and they donate most of the political money to politicians. This is not an anti-Semitic statement: this is a set of facts that make a big difference.
These false narratives, be they the many lies about Putin (really attacking him because of his rightful concern and connection to both Ukraine and Syria (he was asked to intervene in Syria while the U.S. was not)); or covering up truth the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey etc., have actually been helping ISIS while playing us Americans this huge media deceit campaign about how evil is ISIS (and when Putin actually attacked real ISIS deployments he is condemned); or why more American war effort and tax dollar is needed to essentially aid Sunnis win over Shiites (since the Insane McCain goal has been to take out the Assad leadership of Syria by using ISIS as the excuse to get our military resources in the country); or any other various duplicities, is nothing more than a reflection of how corrupt is this country in general, and our government in particular, as well as the media as the number one resource of deceit mongering, and Zionists’ strong arm within all of this.
Within this wide culture of corruption and deceit, and its many vacuoles of ignorance and fog, there exist an elitist capacity, to maintain, offhandedly, a climate of disbelief—that is an unwillingness to examine critically who was really behind 9/11 and what it was all about. After all we Americans have been handed down lies for many decades now—9/11 just happens to have been on a grander scale and closer to home.
Nevertheless many quickly and conveniently categorize 9/11 truthers, at least those who claim Israel’s complicity, as ‘more’ examples of anti-Semitism. Because this is exactly how we Westerners have been too much brainwashed, over decades, to view world Jewry (as people who were always the world’s victims, be it by prejudice, pogroms, ostracism, lies, etc., and seldom are they perceived as people who have benefited from gentiles being victimized by their own kind).
Yet somewhat surprisingly, given the year after year, decade after decade, of guilt-trip victim-hood stories that we are routinely fed, it turns out (if you are willing to study so-called conspiracy theories) that a ‘very’ high number of people have been victims of the Zionist movement since it was hatched back in the latter part of the eighteenth century (as already New York philanthropic money was secretly being used to over-throw the Tsar of Russia bringing in the Bolshevik revolution).
But it should be no surprise some Jewish-Americans, working within the mainstream media, have already equated any accusation of Israel perpetrating 9/11 as anti-Semitism (as insinuating that not only should such an allegation be deemed false on its face but it should be considered an act of “hate-speech” against a minority—which laws can be created to outlaw).
This too is a slippery slope as we fight to protect the right to own guns. Another important civil right some American Jews are heavily involved in destroying here in the United States: our right to free speech (for example trying to ban pretty much all criticism of Israel, Zionism and Jews on American colleges—because there happens to be a BDS movement against Israel; and not so ironically we witness American political candidates giving mini-speeches about they will outlaw this freedom of speech on American campuses in order to pacify right-wing Israelis, that is so Israelis can continue to violate Palestinian rights with murder and stealing of land in relative peace). How is that for democracy?
See: “No place for anti-free-speech rules on our campuses” by Citizen Sane at:
“Some Zionists Are Using Exaggerated Hysteria to Destroy Free Speech on UC Campuses” by Grady Grip at:
[Note: You may have to use alternative search engines like to find these last two references as Zionists seem to got some search engines to not find these important and well written articles.]
Notice it has never been considered an act of hate-speech for Americans to accuse Muslims of being behind 9/11? We Americans were highly encouraged to make such an equation. Mere hours after 9/11, mainstream media was mega-phoning this as established fact. And within a mere few days after 9/11 Neocons were already advocating their war plans, via our government and White House, to go to war with “several” Muslim countries (as 3000 dead New Yorkers from this one day would soon turn into 100,000 times that number dead—not to mention millions wounded, homeless, exiled, tortured, etc.) as the United States suddenly and aggressively came to mess up several Middle Eastern countries and to leave them worst off that before they were illegal invaded (via Neo-Con-Artist lies as Zionist Neo-Cons especially found it worthy to attack a whole slew of Muslim peoples in the Middle East). Not one country that we have attacked since 9/11 is actually any better off—how is that for being the greatest nation in the world?
Before the 9/11explosions happened no one seemed to know much specific detail on how to prevent it, or who would be the perpetrators; but then very shortly afterward(only hours within the same morning) mainstream media (much influenced by Zionist suasion) were claiming it was Osama bin Laden and 19 related Muslin high-jackers! How did they know so quickly when things were so murky just hours before?
Nevertheless, the first people suspiciously arrested for involvement turned out to be Israel Mossad operatives who were seen high-fiving and celebrating the plane crashes as they happened (google: “Dancing Israelis 9/11”).But this news quickly faded from notice by mainstream journalism, when it was found to involve Israel, which quickly stopped discussing the only real terrorist cell ever arrested since.
Israeli leaders, such as Ehud Barak (one of the actual perpetrators) were some of the first to make public claims Osama bin Laden did it. Yet to this day we have never seen video footage of any of those 19 men moving around in airports or getting on board any of those flights.
Whereas the “phony” videos showing Osama bin Laden claiming responsibility was found to be faked (not the real bin Laden). And still there is no political movement claiming it is illegal and a hate-crime to accuse Muslims of 9/11 (whereas to suggest Israel was behind is considered beyond the pale)?
But it’s not beyond the pale because there are too many dots, when connected, show this terrorist operation of 2001 the work of Israelis (not a reality many people want to contemplate—that Israel is really the American peoples’ true enemy (at least to gentile Americans and equally many Jews left in the lurch).
Israelis apparently gambled on the assumption that innocent American Jews would choose to ignore this perfidious crime, if they ever found out, because, it seems, they would figure most Jews here in the United States would fear retaliation onto themselves (and it seems this psychology has proven true—that is for those who really know). No doubt Senators like Chuck Schumer and Diane Feinstein know the truth. Certainly, they, like most Congress people, have been told this truth several times, even as they ignore it.
But there is another rational Zionists and Jews seem to employ, if they learn or suspect, Zionists or Jews have used illegal or deceitful means to get their ways. It goes back to the believe their people have been victimized so many times, in so many ways (of course we don’t really know this but this is the common belief) that it justifies the idea that Jews have some magical right to do things that are unethical or criminal that would not be appropriate for other peoples (who assumedly have had easier paths to follow).
But if you study, for example the revisionist historians on World War 2 (or as called Holocaust deniers) and you are sincere in learning the truth—you quickly become aware there really has been major propaganda campaigns that have been dishonest about Zionists ways and means, and that Jews have not been as much victimized as they, themselves have been led to believe, and that some of the Hollywood movies about the Nazis are wrong. Many people don’t want to re-examine or investigate these things. If I were Jewish I would want to know the truth. I would go to those websites that listed videos and articles I could read to learn more (such as RedIceRadio.Com). I would be open-minded. But instead we have many who are condemning these serious historians as anti-Semitic and condemning the very idea of giving them a chance to share their perspectives (and even having them arrested and jailed).
Israel’s terrorist crime here in America should give clue as to why Benjamin Netanyahu (another of the real perpetrators) has such interest in American rebel groups—see his book on fighting terrorism. It is because he wants a Zionist ability to ‘disarm’ his enemies he has already attacked (symbolically through their bombing of the Twin Towers) as some Americans are slowly becoming more aware of the fact. And what better way than to have both Israelis, and Zionist counterpart organizations, like ADL and SPLC, spy on so-called white, supremist, racist groups (their labels) here in the U.S. (while Obama apparently praises these kinds of things as “shared intelligence” in their joint efforts at fighting terrorism—or was Obama referring the phony bin Laden and fake beheading videos)?
9/11, as Pandora’s box, is a major reason American Jews in power, such as U.S. Senators like Diane Feinstein and Chuck Schumer (and x-Senator Joseph Lieberman) want more gun-gutting laws to defang Joe 6-pack of any fire-power as potential revolution or any reasonable way of protection as citizens from well-armed government troops (as our country is being high-jacked and militarized since our country leadership continues to protect the real perpetrators of 9/11 (and continues to engage in foreign policy that Israel and its partners want)).
It should be a very ‘real’ concern to thinking adults why our military—via the Department of Homeland Security—has given so much military hardware and weaponry to police departments and National Guard units here within the states that have traditionally separated police departments from military operations (as each mission inherently treats civilian crowds differently). This is equally one of the current issues happening ‘while’ gun laws are being negotiated.
When you examines some of the details of this, mostly recent, militarization of police departments, via the monolithic Department of Homeland Security and its monolithic budget, it should set off alarm bells (even if it were true Jewish leaders were not trying to hamstring Americans from being able to protect themselves from the possibility of their own government becoming tyrannical (which is what this country has basically turned—and in large part because of the continual corruption of our foreign policy).
Now the military trains combat troops and Special Forces on missions “within” the United States for the purposes of crowd, riot control, etc. In truth these are all steps meant to deal with a society that has been catching up on to the massive corruptions, such as of wasting so much tax money on wasted wars (too often for Israel or Saudi Arabia) and plus their excesses of spying on the American people (another concurrent issue), and there arrogant abuse of powers such as reduction of civil liberties in general.
Too many of our American leaders (as many voting in office are millionaires) are the ones who have betrayed their own people, and they equally realize more and more people are slowly catching on to their misdeeds. Look at how low their approval ratings! And these are the people who are fighting really to disarm all capacity of semi-automatics (their real goal to take away any real fire power).
Sleuthing and sharing ideas on the Internet has made it obvious the official non-investigation of 9/11 was patently false (even if you never get to the point of feeling confident who was behind it).
Also some people, who are not afraid to at least be witness to alternative so-called conspiracy theories, are also becoming aware that some of these mass killings are not what they appear in the mainstream media—rather they appear to have been staged events, sometimes contextualized with some agents from departments within the DHS, that are now too being used as extra fodder to change gun laws, so Americans could never protect itself from a government and media that has not been truthful about 9/11, Iraq, NSA spying, State Department, Libya, ISIS, and a myriad other things, and that continues to militarize its internal police.
As hard as it is to believe, some, at least a few, of these mass killings that have made big news, such as the Sandy Hook school killing, could seem more like “false flag operations”, and improbable as this sounds, so much so one doesn’t even want to considerit could have been a staged event with a hidden purpose, when you actually start looking into it—things do seem very suspicious given what some people in the know have brought to light. Google “Sandy Hook false flag faked”.
Unfortunately many Americans are too naïve to ever imagine things might have become this corrupt—killings like the San Bernardino shootings also might have been staged for the purpose of advocating for tighter gun laws and to spread more fears of ISIS. And yet the defense lawyer of the defendants, early on raised suspicion as things seem out of whack.
But then how do they explain 9/11 because it doesn’t take a genius, or all that much research to understand the official narrative is grossly wrong.
Gun laws, then, given all this other turbulence, need to be considered in relation to all these other political realities. We Americans have been losing our civil rights. We have become the targets of mass spying. We are being lied to on a regular basis, including big questions about assault rifle supposedly used in mass attacks, which may have actually been perpetrated by sophisticated rogue criminals.
Meanwhile Israel has routinely engaged terrorism against others (but has also managed to get Muslims blamed for such realities). Netanyahu’s very definition of terrorism in his own book says it is the killing of innocent civilians in (order to gain a political goal). They egregiously killed a couple thousand Palestinians, and wounding many thousand more, and destroy thousands of homes, etc., in 2014 (mostly innocent civilians).
All this should give people pause. It is time to perk up instinctually and start thinking seriously about what is going on—in the context of things evolving. How for example, do you explain the ‘exponential’ growth in mass killings—as something as statistically natural? Are the so-called Patriot groups as crazy as some have defined them—hardly?
To consider more gun laws without giving thought to these other political contexts is the equivalent to suicide. It is negligence. Instead let’s get Senators to initiate a new investigation of 9/11 conducted by non-Zionists.
Israel has been heavily invested in the United States and naturally has interest in manipulating our country, and especially in our foreign policy, not to mention foreign aid (even while the also steal many of our corporate research secrets). Plus millions of Jews live here in the United States (many who have little interest in moving to Israel). But given the fact that Jews especially are pushing hysteria about current gun laws (and seemingly more concerned in getting rid of semi-automatics and fire-power types capacity)is not a fact people should simply set aside as irrelevant—it is very relevant—especially since Zionist groups are trying to destroy our right to free speech at the same time—and as they also advocate for more and more immigration into the United States (for dubious reasons).
Who do Jews think they are? How much longer do they think they can continue to guilt-trip people into giving up more of their rights and sharing more and more resources with others—as immigrants in large numbers eventually get on welfare rolls? What moral high ground do they really have as they seemingly assume?
Another fact little discussed is some of these mass killings happen under the influence of patients taking pharmaceutical drugs to supposedly stave off depression. These drugs have side effects that can make users more suicidal or homicidal. But this argument is seldom discussed by proponents who want to destroy gun ownership. They blame the entire violence situation on guns and give short shrift to more complex circumstances.
[Note: The gun situation in the United States may not perfect as it currently stands. People who have committed serious crimes are not now legally allowed to own guns. Comprehensive backgrounds checks are reasonable. But people who argue for mental health background checks, which they are inadvertently doing (and having more and more medical records spread through more agencies) are creating opportunities for all kinds of abuse of false claims about mental illness, some that could be motivated by political ends. For example, it can be relatively easy for people in a government to label someone as extremist or potentially dangerous—based on their arbitrary standards or biases. And if anyone knows anything about the mere ‘mortal’ realities of psychology professionals one knows how biased their subjective opinions cam be composed. In fact plenty of people who go into mental health study and work, themselves, are not all that mentally healthy. They sometimes project their stuff onto others.]
Semi-automatics are the only defense Americans have against a hostile military or police force. Any government can become hostile to groups of its own people—we see it throughout history. Just like government personnel have a right to imagine civilians going crazy or getting dangerous, normal citizens equally have a right and responsibility of assuming the same about government agencies. Just listen to what current presidential candidates say, and listen to audiences clap and cheer—you think the American society is all that safe of a place to live. I don’t. I don’t trust any of these groups of people—including fellow goy, whites. Many of them are so misinformed and delusion-based that too many, given the right circumstances, would support all manner of oppression.
Many are still OK with government spying. We have even had law professors arguing that torture was OK. It was United States people and Israelis torturing in Abu Graib. They still lock up innocent people they labeled enemy combatants in Gulag Gitmo.
The real reason for the 2nd Amendment is to be able to protect self, family and group from hostile political enemies, including and especially when governments themselves go rogue. Gun rights are not primarily about the right to hunt game or even to protect self from individual criminals—they are about the right to protect citizen groups against governments that have become corrupted or tyrannical (a truth that has played itself out all through history even before guns existed).
Furthermore, if people really knew the true story of how many despots our own U.S. foreign policy has corrupted and assisted in crimes against their own people, they would ‘never’ trust this country’s political class. We already have a long history of assisting tyrants kill their own people around the world—two examples are death squads in Guatemala and SAVAK torture of Iranians (with help from the Israelis who also ‘routinely’ torture Palestinians). No government should ever be trusted to the point citizens give up their rights to own guns with real fire-power: only the most foolish of people would succumb to such political correctness!
Read Garry Leech’s “The Hypocrisy of Obama’s Gun Control Crusade at: Real Independent News and Film: Here he writes:
In the first five years of Obama’s presidency, according to the UK-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism, more than 2,500 people were killed by US drone strikes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen. The study claims that as many as 951 of these deaths were civilians and that as many as 200 of the victims were children. And those 200 dead innocent children are just for starters.
He then adds within the article:
What about those killed by the regimes that we supply weapons to? Israel used US weapons to kill more than 1,500 Palestinian children between 2000 and 2013, which averages out to one child killed every three days. And the carnage wrought by US weaponry isn’t restricted to children.
So why are not U.S. Senators like Diane Feinstein getting riled up about so many weapons sold abroad, or how big are those killing capacities, or how easy it is for terrorists to buy and sell weapons from corporations to foreign nations irrespective of human rights?
And unfortunately this is not the end of this whole argument. As bad as this long argument already sounds (suppressing the legitimate status of average Americans while basically protecting Zionist domination of American politics) it is also about the ‘further’ labeling of goy, so-called gun-grabbers with a grudge, as people who ‘should’ be suspected as ‘extremists’ (and as potential ‘terrorists) which even so-called liberal Jews like Amy Goodman at Democracy Now, in connection to Zionist organization Southern Poverty Law Center, are already doing (as they either deliberately or inadvertently assist those more zealous and removed Zionists eventually find ways for the DHS bureaucracy to eventually ‘concentrate’ and potentially torture or murder gentile whites(that they freely labeled as “white supremists” today, and claiming they are dangerous elements in our country). SPLC, in connection to other Zionists, has played a big role in readily inviting the FBI and other government-related professionals to spy on them—that is Americans who mostly raise ‘legitimate’ political issues).
This is also one significant reason why Israel is allowed to have access to “all” NSA information on all Americans—so they can spy also on Americans belonging to the Tea Party and Patriot groups, etc.
So it is ironic many people who call themselves Jews so readily feel paranoid about non-Jewish whites or Christians, and yet if most Jews, really knew the truth about the real history of Zionism over the last century and half, learning of how many millions have suffered because of their own deceitful politics, they could begin to understand why some goy people have so much paranoia about them as paranoid Jews and especially Zionists (and especially their motives).
Unfortunately and unbeknownst to most Jews and non-Jews alike, there has been this reality-of-blindness in the Western world, created over decades by major media and movie house alike, that has deceived the masses (claims about Hitler wanting to exterminate all Jews, in which the so-called gas chambers were really delousing chambers to kill the lice spreading typhus, etc. , still being covered up as modern Israel has evolved into its own too-much terrorist state, even willing to perpetrate 9/11 on a so-called partner, irrespective of the consequences to many peoples around the world (Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iran etc.), and even to many of world Jewry who had nothing to do with this Israeli criminal tendency.
To see more of the whole story, start by looking closer at Russia’s gulag concentration camps that worked many hundreds of thousands of peoples to death—as many of those people were Christian Slavs and other non-Jewish minorities as well as some Jews. Meanwhile almost all who ran those concentration camps, some who have done research, say were atheist, Marxists who came from Jewish families. In fact it has been said by several that over 80 percent of Stalin’s top leaders were atheist, Marxists from Jewish backgrounds, and look how they willingly murdered people including the massive starvation in Ukraine (whereas German troops were welcome there as saviors from Russia).
We Americans need to wake up and explore more of the entire story of these complex histories—not just Zionist versions that have dominated. The truth was never even close to black and white. And yet this is why there are laws now in some European countries, including Germany, in which you are not allowed to argue alternative histories to World War 1 or 2 (how’s that for the enlightenment of civil liberties and free speech in countries with Zionist populations).
We Americans want to have the original Bill of Rights back. We are tired of select groups of know-betters trying to dominate our culture and destroying our freedoms (even though these freedoms are exactly why so many, many thousands of German and Russian Jews migrated to America in the first place and been able to thrive here).
Also it is true it is primarily some Jews who are taking the lead to freely allow more and more minority immigrants into the United States, irrespective to a current lack of jobs here for people who already live here, and current government too financially stressed to pay for more social programs. It may sound very humanitarian and egalitarian to be so free with national resources, but there may be another motive—and that is some want to undermine any residual, group power white, goy people might still have—regardless of how much disproportionate amount of cultural power Jews already have in respect to their statistical numbers.
They already dominate the banking industry, the media, Hollywood, and our government with their excess of political donations, etc., just like they did in the Weimer Republic and Germany before World War 1 and 2.
They argue it is about adequate background checks but we Americans are really being told we have guns that are too powerful and we can acquire them too easily (arguments overstated, as significant contextual facts are left unstated, to create over-simplified and partially false narratives). Naiveté is being manipulated in the name of doing the right and sensible thing.
Even a fairly intelligent President Obama is acting naïve on this very important matter (but then again Obama quickly moved to say he would not look into 9/11 investigations when he first took the White House and then appointed Zionist Rahm Emanuel as his Chief of Staff). Rather than follow through with his campaign promises he has continued with the build-up of the Police State.
Meanwhile we citizens have a right and duty to ask why so many important jobs in the Executive branch are given to American Jews when they only represent a small fraction of the overall population (where is allegation of reverse racism)? Why are many Chairs of the Senate Intelligence Committee Jewish: Arlen Specter, Joseph Lieberman, Bob Graham, and Diane Feinstein? Why are leaders of the Department of Homeland Security Jewish: Michael Chertoff (who seems more Israeli than American), Janet Napolitano (who is now trying to kill free speech on University of California campuses), etc.?
Why were Jews primarily in charge of the so-called 9/11 Investigation (which really was a cover-up)? And is it true a lot of Department of Homeland Security money go to Jewish companies or projects? Are these things merely coincidental? No not likely. Maybe some of us angry, goy men have legitimate issues and concerns as maybe it is true Zionist definitely make too many decisions about our country and its resources.
Not only is over-representation of Zionists in control of police powers a ‘real’ conspiracy—it seems to be a project of building a sort of Stalinist, Cheka-like-state (now called the Department of Homeland Security, with tentacles everywhere as it has become an uber-centralized, spy government) that exists to maintain any cover-up, which could one day lead, if necessary, to secret arrests, imprisonments, tortures, etc., that is once guns are no longer their issue. Anyone who does not think the DHS could not become as Police State as the once former Russian-Communist Cheka has to be kidding them-self. In fact the argument to create DHS was similar to its counterpart.
Still one can understand how many American Jews, especially, could feel caught between a rock and a hard place. Ninety nine percent plus of them knew nothing of the9/11 plot—they just happen to inherit this kind of Realpolitik from their presumed masters in the Levant (the Ariel Sharon-s of Israel).
Still, how can they continue to expect us Americans to look the other way, as they do, when the situation never gets better around the world or in Israel? The Old Testament and Torah is not even based on legitimate form of ethics—rather it is based on authoritarian claims—such as their god Yahweh commanded his people to kill off the other tribes in Canaan (and we are still supposed to believe that as representing real spiritual religion and not war propaganda?).
Ancient religions have little place in the modern world. It is time to separate Church and State throughout the Middle East. Instead we are being squeezed into siding in a clash between Shiites and Sunnis! This is not something American in the least.
This one essay cannot do anything close to justice these various matters deserve. For now it is important to understand some want you to have little capacity of self-preservation at a time when the government is not really being run by high principles and other civil rights are simultaneously being attacked. Once they have your guns you have nothing to protect yourself—you are nothing but sheep ready for the slaughter.
Israelis would never give up their right to own guns (and yet maybe that is the issues Jews in America could be addressing if they feel strongly about too much violence and oppression)?
Equally why is not Israel taking in any Syrian refugees? They certainly helped cause the problem by scheming to use ISIS as a red herring to get the West to send resources to really take out the Bashar Assad government instead. How is it progressives and democrats use the label ‘racist’ when Americans or Europeans denounce immediate Syrian or Libyan refugee transfer to Western countries when it is a no-go in Israel (that steals resources from people who legitimately live there)? Surely the U.S. is equally responsible for the ISIS crisis in ruining Iraq—but then what was the real reason we invaded Iraq—it was because of the NeoCons and Israelis! All that murder and mayhem was ultimately a Zionist project—which is what created ISIS. But everyone else gets blamed—especially the goy whites.
Currently Syria is not important to the people of the United States—it is important only to the extent that other countries in the region think it important. Furthermore Assad was voted into power. Tough if Israel or Saudi Arabia doesn’t like that fact. Tough if Bashar Assad was friendly with Iran. Why should our presidential debates be dominated by fear of ISIS videos that were faked in the first place?
Enough American troops, who fought these disastrous wars from Afghanistan, Iraq, etc., have come home from these wars to realize they have been lied to. They understand the traitors are our some of our elected officials in Washington D.C.—people like Diane Feinstein and Chuck Schumer (but also the many goy leaders as well). They are angry they have been lied to and have been put in harm’s way and to main and hurt others’ lives for no good reason. Meanwhile the political system doesn’t change for the better; it just becomes more and more corrupt as Americans are fed more and more lies. Maybe that is why elected leaders are so personally involved in Americans’ gun rights?
It is mostly one minority that is pushing this issue—and other groups are joining the band wagon as they are getting funding as non-profit groups, with so-called progressive missions, as some of their leftist kind are also trying to label white, goy, gun owners, as fanatics and crazies.
They do not argue for Israelis to ban weapons in their society, nor seem especially concerned about all the weapons sold abroad by the billions of dollars load. Meanwhile they refuse to take a look at a truer history of Zionist exploitation of Westerners, or acknowledge Israel’s own propensity to use terrorism or label “all” their enemies as terrorists—which they will actively label whites here as well. Does this seem fair and balanced?
This country is corrupt and has been so, and it is not getting drastically less so. Why would sensible people suddenly allow for this one minority of people to create laws that allow you to own little more than a pistol? More importantly this right is under attack while other rights are equally under attack. Concurrently freedom of speech and the freedom to associate without being spied on—foundational Bill of Rights guarantees are also being demolished—such as on American campuses.
In presidential debates, coded words are used as excuses to spy electronically on Americans, that is to say they are concerned about “lone-wolf” terrorists (really many are concerned about who writes political essays like this one that you are not supposed to read).Nevertheless, professional journalists are allowed to quote from anonymous sources to protect individuals for harm so why cannot whistle blowers who tell truth—truth the powers-that-be do not want you to know?
Those in power can no longer, as easily, control all channels of communication. We can still learn things we are not supposed to know as there are whistleblowers out there (people they really want to go after since too much of the violence happens from the power elite itself).
Spying on Americans, such as a future Edward Snowden, is far from the worst of it.
Now we also know agencies within the Department of Homeland Security have ordered, to purchase, up to 1.6 billion (yes billion) bullets—that is several bullets for each American—and plenty of those bullets are hollow point killer bullets that are not used in target practice. How ironic this State is acquiring enough fire power to kill the entire population several times over, while law-abiding citizens are being deprived their rights of self-protection from such a government that cannot arguably justify these huge ammunition purchases? And they say we should not be suspicious.
Equally, according to one work of investigative journalism, they have literally distributed thousands of machine guns from the Pentagon within this country now warehoused in case they need them—nothing to do with concern about foreign invaders but rather about Americans in general.
The fact is there have always been people willing to kill indiscriminately. There have always been people willing to kill people when given an order. There have always been people who could be ruthless and psychopathic under the rights circumstances. It can happen anywhere—no culture is incapable of the worst of human behavior. How can the people of the United States be so naïve?
Some of what Alex Jones at InfoWars.Com, even with his self-promoting, hyperactive, paranoiac style, is justified in his teaching those willing to at least contemplate the possible. He certainly gets people to at least think more than the mainstream media will ever do.
There are two admonitions people can take to the bank even in these skeptical times,
#1) “Never underestimate your own naiveté”,
#2) “Never underestimate how corruptible is human nature—especially political human nature.”
Don’t assume you know it all and things are mostly common-sensical—sometimes they are not. Sometimes the unreal is real. Sometimes fear and paranoia has a legitimate and an important place.
See the video on the Internet: “Innocents Betrayed” (ironically from Jews who promote gun rights. Here’s another contradiction for you). This is a very important video—you really need to see it.
Therefore conspiracy theories too have their place in human drama (and you don’t need a Shakespeare to confirm this truism).
If you think about it, there is no legitimate political group that can organize as white and be critical of Zionist or Jewish influence in this country without it being labeled racist, supremist, or extremist.
Only those who take to fomenting the same gripes the rainbow coalition and white Jewish men spiel have freedom to express, and to be pretty much as hostile as the chose, are considered legitimate in the Unites States. They even readily recruit white, goy women via a hostile feminism, to equally demonize white men. No reverse racism or sexism here.
Whites who go along with what actually is a Jewish dominance of our political agenda, via Jewish ability to not only donate huge amounts of money directly to political candidates but to non-profit organizations and media organizations, can expect to have any voice in our society as considered legitimate.
It just so happens many elected officials readily take money from AIPAC and vote the way AIPAC wants (as this Zionist organization even manipulates many state elections). Why wouldn’t there be legitimate opposition in a true democracy?
Quick indeed was much of the media, and even the progressive left, willing to portray the protesters at Burns, Oregon, Harney County take-over by ranchers as “white supremists”(and potential “terrorists”). Quick too were they to advocate for a ‘militarized’ response (from black lives matter) claiming the whites were engaging violence.
On January 5th Amy Goodman of Democracy Now interviewed lead ‘anti-goy’ Richard Cohen (partner of also heavy Zionist Mark Potok) at the Southern Poverty Law Center, in which he called the Ammon Bundy crew zealots and fanatics. SPLC is the organization that has literally labeled hundreds of mostly white, male, as supposedly right-wing extremists, Neo-Nazi, Neo-KKK, and have urged the federal government (and likely the Israeli government), to spy on these people so as to get their names on special lists—and eventually banned from legally owning any weapons.
It is a fact both the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is organization run mostly by Jews. And they have agendas that seem to go beyond what they overtly state.
For example it seems ADL is somehow involved in getting United States police department trained by Israelis that may relate to how they abuse Palestinians. But no one at Democracy Now questions this Israel training for American police departments as having anything to do with police abuse? Also ADL for a long time has been convincing other organizations across the country their explanations on racism and defamation are the most fair and balanced (imagine that—and could that be why so many believe Muslims are dangerous?).
Whereas SPLC tries to get other agencies and individuals to spy on people they deem worthy of suspicion. They especially like to focus on groups of people who happen to be gentile and white and who express dissatisfaction with this current government—something any aware person ought be. With their help Amy Goodman at Democracy Now seems to go out of her way to paint Bundy group as armed villain bandits, as she selectively paints a pictures of shallow outlaws with guns—giving no effort to understand how BLM itself has used forms of coercion to violate ranchers rights, and hearings to arrest and imprison for long lengths of time that do not seem fair.
No attempt was made by Democracy Now to get a more balanced point of view on this issue of the Hammonds because it seems those many rainbow-staffers there in New York (which hire very few goy, white men in their production team although they have plenty goy women) seeming have a well-maintained reverse form of racism and sexism that they themselves do not look-to-the-mirror to discover.
Democracy Now staff, like other leftist organizations as Daily Kos, like to brand, white men to their right-side, especially those that live in rural America, as somehow intellectually, morally, socially and politically inferior.
Certainly there are racists and extremists in this world, but these news organizations, who seem to be so ‘intent’ on pointing out the racism and sexism of other peoples, can’t imagine they have motes in their own eyes (or that maybe some blacks and minorities are just as much full of hate of white people as they assume white people are readily of then)?
With a research staff as big and well financed as Democracy Now has one could easily have found more nuanced stories such as the talk given by Rep. Greg Walden (R.OR) “Addresses Oregon Standoff, Hammond Injustice, Government Over-reach, see:
After all what could have been more relevant than that public speech?
Activists or Terrorists? How Media Controls and Dictates ‘The Narrative’ in Burns, Oregon at:
Just like Bundy Ranch, the Hammonds’ Ranch is valuable to the BLM – Here’s just how valuable
Apparently white men are never victims in any way (or even people with a legitimate grievance now and them). This web site is so one-sided.
The divide and conquer strategy of left-wing politics and the Democratic Party, plays it as if it is always blacks, women, and minorities who get the bad deal. The conceit seems to give the impression that most Jews are on the side of minorities and white men are the enemy of the many (and yet the Democratic Party, Wall Street and Zionists used Obama to get their own priorities in which average, Middle Class people and minorities benefited little).
So these people who argue against pro-gun people and their rights, armed patriots who could actually protect this country from tyranny, may in fact be creating a very terrible situation down the road for a lot of people. For example many high-minded Russian Marxists were calling for all kinds of human rights during the Tsar years but that does not mean they got all those rights does it?
[Note: This essay will be labeled anti-Semitic and people will not be encouraged to read it—because it is actually based on logical merit and deserves fair consideration (no matter how controversial).Israel and Jews do in fact dominate the media and our government and they will not take kindly to gentile Americans learning about what a lot of them do not really know—the truth of the Zionist movement, and all the deceptive propaganda that has led to the establishment of Israel and the maintaining of their terrorist country. How much longer are we expected to live under these unreasonable conditions? Who then can really feel good about being an American? Amen and goodnight.]
[Note: If you feel this essay is important then take the initiative to share, tweet, email, publish, discuss, etc., as this topic is very important. Likely some people will not want these ideas disseminated (including enough within mainstream media). They would rather outlaw free speech critical of Zionism. But you have a duty to yourself and people you care about to help preserve your American rights. It is very important you help these arguments get out widely—thank you.]
By Justice Jim
[Note: If you feel this essay is important then take the initiative to share, tweet, email, publish, discuss, etc., as this topic is very important. Likely some people will not want these ideas disseminated (including enough within mainstream media). They would rather outlaw free speech critical of Zionism. But you have a duty to yourself and people you care about to help preserve your American rights. It is very important you help these arguments get out widely—thank you.]
It is not a coincidence ‘several’ prominent Jews are leading the push for stricter gun control laws herein the United States (along with Barack Obama who was more or less financed and molly-cradled into the White House via their coaching, staffing and financial Jewish support).
If you need to verify whether Jews are, and have been, leading this march, see the following references (and they are worth reading for their insights):
Who is Behind Gun Control? at:

Jews and Jewish organizations lead the gun control campaign at:

Also google: “Video Jews Lead Gun Control Charge” (long http://... reference)
And google: “Video Jews and Gun Control” (long http://... reference)
Question of the Day: Why Are American Jews Pro-Gun Control? at:

After Newtown, Jews Lead Renewed Push on Guns by Rabbi Judah Freeman

JPFO WHITE PAPER: Why Jews Hate Guns: Are they right? And who are The Shomrim?at:

[Note: these last two citations are from Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership: JPFO (a website showing there is even a big divide within the Jewish community, as they also discusses the hypocrisy of Jews hell bent on stifling gun rights here in the United States).]
It is a fact some Jewish coalitions have been heavily involved in stricter gun controls laws here in America for some years—and have already had laws changed. Equally there are a variety of interesting theories as to why this is so, but there is one theory as likely reality not much broached and discussed that definitely needs to be brought to light—because this further push for more gun law reform relates to other contemporary political realities (as well as historical realities).
If you have already examined some of the citations above, that show Jews are again leading the push for stricter gun control, you may also suspect some of these American-Jews kind of presume themselves to be intellectually and morally superior to the rest of Goy, gun-happy America.
But it can be, and frankly must be, argued, now especially since 2001, there is a more sinister reason for further gun restrictions than either Jewish paranoia of goy populations or recent mass killings (regardless of whether Americans, both Jew and goy, are at all aware).
They claim stricter gun control is logical and necessary since we are having a phenomenal ‘multiple-fold’ increase in mass killings here within the United States, that begs for something responsible to be done, such as more changes to the laws as they exists (even as they don’t make this “multifold increase” an issue as it too should be an issue).
And what seems reasonable today is only a precursor to more draconian laws tomorrow; as we will explore there is more than better background checking on their agenda. The ‘high’ and rather ‘sudden’ increase in mass killings over the last couple years is far from statistically probable—a phenomenon which itself should be investigated by curious minds (“why a sudden increase and are there any so-called conspiracy theories that could help explain this sensational reality” other than people jumping on the ban wagon)?
[Note: You should not be deterred from examining a “conspiracy theory” (even if many people use label disparagingly in an attempt to have you not examine such) because ‘every’ theory and sub-theory deserves its own evaluation. It is within our human nature to theorize (which is the basis of science and investigation). And it is also a well-established fact the nature of human-kind regularly engages in conspiracies and forms of corruption. Political man may be (actually most definitely is) far more corrupt than what most naïve people (sheeple) imagine. This essay will invite you to explore some of ideas that may initially sound too fantastic to be true.]
And so it shouldn’t surprise anyone there are a handful of conspiracies we need to address for Americans to understand what may in fact be going on—that is regarding motives of some trying to change gun laws. After all we Americans have been lied to on a regular basis by mainstream media, public relations firms and government personnel (and more so than too many of us realize).
But this essay would become too long to go into all these important and related matters—other than to mention some with the hope readers will explore them further. You will likely already find this article long (but still interesting and as critical matter).
First and foremost we need to go back to 9/11/2001. We need to understand how pivotal that single day’s attack, and the propaganda put outright afterward, was in so many ways, and as used to justify several, aggressive, interventionist wars (subsumed within the rhetoric of our justified War on Terror). Many people think they know enough about 9/11 and see it as a dead horse—but it is not—it was aground zero event for many future foreign interventions as violence, as well as something affecting our national politics in many ways.
More importantly we need to appreciate the high levels of deceit we were programmed from that day onward to the present. 9/11 was apolitical catalyst for several ensuing realities, such as a very questionable Patriot Act that seemingly just popped out of no-where (and revised last minute without proper Congressional approval and in the context of anthrax scares in Washington D.C.), that became the reason for several disastrous forms of aggression overseas, which resulted in mass murder (wars and drone killings) as it continues to spawn more NeoCon wars that are now bleeding into Syria (as the Neocons still want the U.S. in war with Iran), not to mention our national economy has become bankrupt on all this excess military spending.
[Note: I am using the term ‘NeoCon’ (short for ‘Neo-Conservative’ or more accurately ‘Neo-Con-Artist’) to refer to those mostly Jewish-Americans who work in American Think Tanks and Right Wing media, and who advocate routinely to put Israel’s priorities ahead of U.S. real national interests. They were uniquely posed to immediately use 9/11 as an excuse to wildly and recklessly change what was coined America’s “Vietnam syndrome” or non-interventionist foreign policy.]
Now then, even more than ever, ALL Americans, including and especially American-Jewry, need to face a truth a large majority of us have not been willing to face, or research or acknowledge—and that is it was Israel (yes Israel) that was the terrorist force behind 9/11.
Instead we have been subject to a massive cover-up to this fact that has been played to 99.99% of the American people (Jews and goy alike).But unless you understand this reality you cannot understand the several wars we have entered after 9/11, and appreciate who really has been responsible for all the people who have suffered from our disastrous foreign policy ever since (that mostly the Neo-Cons have engineered) looking too often primarily to what would benefit right-wing Israel—as the traitors and/ the criminals that they are to our homeland. Our invasions of Muslim countries did not happen because of 9/11—rather 9/11 was caused to happen as an excuse to engage these illegal invasions.
If you doubt Israel was behind 9/11 then google: “Israel behind 9/11” or “Israel involve 9/11” or some similar worded search. Don’t fall for excuses to not do your due diligence research. Many will immediately scream anti-Semitism, etc., and will condemn the very idea.
You will find plenty of material on the Internet that is never discussed by big media. You may also find some videos and arguments meant to confuse or mislead with false, red herring arguments, as to discredit this central idea (that is wasn’t so much an inside job as it was a pact between the NeoCons, Dick Cheney’s VP Office and the Israel government).
If you do enough of your own research, and you are sincere in your quest to learn the truth, you too will see a ‘lot’ of dots are connected to the country that has histrionically been trying to convince us Americans (and being successful at it) how much Israelis are on ‘our’ side (as their propaganda has also come to convince many of us that Israel’s enemies are pretty much exactly the same as what are Americans’ enemies(how convenient) and of course that is why they label them terrorists—because naturally all of Israel’s enemies are terrorists (and yes google: “Chris Bollyn 9/11 Truth” as he makes a pretty convincing case.))
A lot of people automatically reject any and all allegations Israel was behind 9/11 as preposterous. After all their public relations efforts, over the years, have continuously fed us Americans a propaganda that exhorts how the United States and Israel are such great friends and partners (especially when it comes to issues in the Middle East region and our supposed mutual war on terrorists (read “war on Israel’s enemies by using American resources”)).
And if that isn’t bad enough, it’s also true many of our own elected leaders, thanks to Israel’s undue influence in our government and the election process, routinely puts Israel’s concerns ‘above’ the real interests of the American people (another indicator of how compromised are both U.S. resources and our governmental powers, that are supposedly meant for the citizens of the United States).
Whereas a snide Benjamin Netanyahu, from Israel, can give a speech to our Congress people and command more showy adulation and ostentatious respect than our own President (if they happen to be at odds on policy).
Therefore to allege Israel was behind 9/11 is to invite immediate condemnation from a myriad of sources—both Jew and gentile alike (as even many Christians do not just give Israel the benefit of the doubt they blindly support them). Shocked at such an allegation they immediately question how anyone could even imagine Israelis would betray Americans (after all leaders from both countries routinely tell us how wonderful is this ‘special’ relationship).
For someone to be so iconoclastic to even think Israel would betray us so egregiously—seems too much a blasphemous and shattering an idea—if for no other reason they well Israelis sacred in the minds of many (and their people are a sacred tribe in a cultural territory that can never be thought in merely human conditions with merely human motivations. Modern day Israelis are God’s chosen people (of course no brainwash here) so they would never do anything that was not on the side of justice or attack people who are mostly Christian (even as they prove themselves over and over to be a violent and ruthless people).
And it is more than that. Zionists have inundated the human race with myriad stories of how Jews have been victimized all throughout history. Therefore people are expected to view them as a specially protected class of people, even to the point people should never question them or suspect their motives, especially as related to any kind of ethical violation. For some of the more gullible the mere fact of their continual existence establishes their moral superiority (or so the guilt-trip and religious brainwash goes).But of course all people alive today have just as long a genealogy going back to primates, and probably equally have just as much an interesting history (even if not recorded in written print and not distorted by mythmaking and ethnocentric assumption).
[Note: This author too would rather ‘not’ believe Israel was behind 9/11—it doesn’t make anyone with a conscience feel comfortable. But once one is led down the road of conviction, and learns of even more betrayals, such as to have had, and continue to have affect on many people around the world, then one can conscientiously choose to deal with reality as it truly seems, as well as ‘probable’ future reality(if these truths are left unchecked).]
The fact is the Zionist movement is riddled with too many serious betrayals (again unbeknownst to most gentile and Jews alike) and it is time the world wake up to learn more about this broader picture and see where it has led and how many have become its victims.
Rather we could ask ourselves: “Why have so many placed so much blind trust in Israel’s relationship with the United States in the first place?” What has allowed so many Americans to little question, what amounts to, Israel’s ethnocentric role in this world of chaos, conflict, terrorism, war, etc., to just believe whatever their public relations firms, news outlets, and politicians have been telling us (especially given that this ‘special’ relationship between the United States and Israel has been, by far, mostly beneficial to Israel, with little benefit, if any, to the United States? And why should there be a ‘special’ relationship in the first place—and what does that term actually mean in real world terms?
Was it because there were always Muslims portrayed as the evil-doers and the terrorists that we really took no time to considered a more complex history and reality with our relationship with other Middle Eastern countries? Consider, for a moment, the book: “Evil” Arabs in American Popular Film: Orientalist Fear” by Tim Jon Semmerling. This book is described as: “A timely look at American popular films made between 1973 and 2001 that use Arabs, their landscapes, and their cultures as villains—and what these depictions of “evil” Arabs reveal about American fears and insecurities.” Here is one cultural example of how Hollywood/ Zionist shave routinely depicted Muslims are the bad guys.
Or take trenchant commentary in a Justin Raimando article: “Merchants of Hate: Pamela Geller and her “mainstream” conservative accomplices” May 06, 2015 at:

Again we can see another example of Zionist American Islamophobia propaganda meant to get a lot of other Americans to have a prejudice against Muslims.
And also google: “Fake ISIS beheading videos” or “Fake James Foley beheading” etc., and you will learn several of the ISIS beheading videos, taken at face value by the mainstream media, were faked, and some of those faked were done by Mossad agents at the Site Intelligence Group (as well as other intelligence groups via likely private companies).
So again here we have a variety of clear examples of how Israelis and Zionists deliberately attempt to create Islamophobia across our culture, and often enough using patently false propaganda, to encourage a much larger audience of America to fear and reject Muslims (and now being used by both major political parties in 2016 presidential debates to convince Americans to spend more tax dollars fighting ISIS because we are being convinced ISIS is a huge threat everywhere including here in the United States).
And so while it has been largely a Zionist ploy over the years to get Americans to fear and hate Muslims (not strictly speaking of course as goy prejudice is out there too) we also witness a contingent of contemporary, seemingly self-righteous liberal/ progressive who adamantly accuse primarily white, supremist, goy, men as America’s most racist of people, such as those who support Donald Trump as being the new Hitlers of the world (as if Zionists played little part in stirring up such fears, or the rejection of Syrians who cannot be adequately vetted)?
Nor have progressives explained how current Americans (including white men) can find jobs in an already stressed economy; far easier to claim the moral high-ground for supposedly caring, loving, Democratic, left-wing, contingencies?
[Note: This author is not a big Donald Trump fan for three or four reasons, one being that Trump comes from the ‘authoritarian’ school of business as the boss is always right, secondly he is very naïve on some issues even as he seems informed on others (as he too is brainwashed by mainstream media), thirdly his thinking patterns sometimes seem patently simplistic (but not as bad as several other GOP candidates and he is not as scary as several other GOP candidates that do get AIPAC approval and coaching) and fourth he operates too much off the cuff, saying things that show more arrogance than an introvert’s reflection. The point here is how ironic it seems many who view themselves as progressives so easily assume their own rainbow kind as morally superior to goy, white men—and yes I agree with Trump about protecting American’s right to own guns. And yet what is especially important to note is ‘when’ these fake ISIS beheading videos were starting to come out it was right after Israel engaged in 51 days of terrorist war crimes against Palestinians the previous summer of 2014. Then these sensationally faked Zionist and CIA sponsored videos (investigative journalism shows you how they were faked on the internet) were taken at face value from U.S. Zionist-controlled media unquestioningly (and “including” much of the so-called alternative, progressive media that easily could have vetted these sources) which then allowed any heat of indignation about Israel’s criminality to quickly fade from the media’s radar screen].
The question is why do so many Americans continue to cover up Israeli crimes? It is a historic fact Israel committed the “Lavon Affair” terrorist attack on our foreign policy in Egypt. It is also a historical fact Israel deliberately attacked our naval USS Liberty ship with the intent of killing every man on board. If you google “Israeli false flag operations against the United States” and: “Israel spying on the United States” you can see there have been several violations of this so-called ‘special relationship’ that is special only in the sense that it is so absurd.
Israel is anything but a friend to most Americans—especially those of us who are not Zionist or Jews. Why then are we expected to continue to remain quiet about these serious violations to our larger integrity, as more importantly to many victims around the world?
It doesn’t matter if big news networks like Fox and CNN have plenty of news anchors who are Jewish (but with plenty blond, goy women newscasters and other rainbow minorities such as blacks, suggesting a phony balance—giving us the false impression we are all being represented and considered). It should be obvious current presidential candidate debates are little more than news anchors asking false reality questions, especially on foreign policy issues (such as on ISIS in which we just caught a lot of vociferous condemnation) and then candidates giving false reality answers (creating a mock production of charades meant to mislead the body politic).Whereas truth seldom peaks through the delusional world.
See: “Who Controls Big Media?”

Zionists really do control much of our media, as well as are disproportionately represented in the federal government (including being key people within agencies of the Department of Homeland Security and the Justice Department) and they donate most of the political money to politicians. This is not an anti-Semitic statement: this is a set of facts that make a big difference.
These false narratives, be they the many lies about Putin (really attacking him because of his rightful concern and connection to both Ukraine and Syria (he was asked to intervene in Syria while the U.S. was not)); or covering up truth the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey etc., have actually been helping ISIS while playing us Americans this huge media deceit campaign about how evil is ISIS (and when Putin actually attacked real ISIS deployments he is condemned); or why more American war effort and tax dollar is needed to essentially aid Sunnis win over Shiites (since the Insane McCain goal has been to take out the Assad leadership of Syria by using ISIS as the excuse to get our military resources in the country); or any other various duplicities, is nothing more than a reflection of how corrupt is this country in general, and our government in particular, as well as the media as the number one resource of deceit mongering, and Zionists’ strong arm within all of this.
Within this wide culture of corruption and deceit, and its many vacuoles of ignorance and fog, there exist an elitist capacity, to maintain, offhandedly, a climate of disbelief—that is an unwillingness to examine critically who was really behind 9/11 and what it was all about. After all we Americans have been handed down lies for many decades now—9/11 just happens to have been on a grander scale and closer to home.
Nevertheless many quickly and conveniently categorize 9/11 truthers, at least those who claim Israel’s complicity, as ‘more’ examples of anti-Semitism. Because this is exactly how we Westerners have been too much brainwashed, over decades, to view world Jewry (as people who were always the world’s victims, be it by prejudice, pogroms, ostracism, lies, etc., and seldom are they perceived as people who have benefited from gentiles being victimized by their own kind).
Yet somewhat surprisingly, given the year after year, decade after decade, of guilt-trip victim-hood stories that we are routinely fed, it turns out (if you are willing to study so-called conspiracy theories) that a ‘very’ high number of people have been victims of the Zionist movement since it was hatched back in the latter part of the eighteenth century (as already New York philanthropic money was secretly being used to over-throw the Tsar of Russia bringing in the Bolshevik revolution).
But it should be no surprise some Jewish-Americans, working within the mainstream media, have already equated any accusation of Israel perpetrating 9/11 as anti-Semitism (as insinuating that not only should such an allegation be deemed false on its face but it should be considered an act of “hate-speech” against a minority—which laws can be created to outlaw).
This too is a slippery slope as we fight to protect the right to own guns. Another important civil right some American Jews are heavily involved in destroying here in the United States: our right to free speech (for example trying to ban pretty much all criticism of Israel, Zionism and Jews on American colleges—because there happens to be a BDS movement against Israel; and not so ironically we witness American political candidates giving mini-speeches about they will outlaw this freedom of speech on American campuses in order to pacify right-wing Israelis, that is so Israelis can continue to violate Palestinian rights with murder and stealing of land in relative peace). How is that for democracy?
See: “No place for anti-free-speech rules on our campuses” by Citizen Sane at:

“Some Zionists Are Using Exaggerated Hysteria to Destroy Free Speech on UC Campuses” by Grady Grip at:

[Note: You may have to use alternative search engines like to find these last two references as Zionists seem to got some search engines to not find these important and well written articles.]
Notice it has never been considered an act of hate-speech for Americans to accuse Muslims of being behind 9/11? We Americans were highly encouraged to make such an equation. Mere hours after 9/11, mainstream media was mega-phoning this as established fact. And within a mere few days after 9/11 Neocons were already advocating their war plans, via our government and White House, to go to war with “several” Muslim countries (as 3000 dead New Yorkers from this one day would soon turn into 100,000 times that number dead—not to mention millions wounded, homeless, exiled, tortured, etc.) as the United States suddenly and aggressively came to mess up several Middle Eastern countries and to leave them worst off that before they were illegal invaded (via Neo-Con-Artist lies as Zionist Neo-Cons especially found it worthy to attack a whole slew of Muslim peoples in the Middle East). Not one country that we have attacked since 9/11 is actually any better off—how is that for being the greatest nation in the world?
Before the 9/11explosions happened no one seemed to know much specific detail on how to prevent it, or who would be the perpetrators; but then very shortly afterward(only hours within the same morning) mainstream media (much influenced by Zionist suasion) were claiming it was Osama bin Laden and 19 related Muslin high-jackers! How did they know so quickly when things were so murky just hours before?
Nevertheless, the first people suspiciously arrested for involvement turned out to be Israel Mossad operatives who were seen high-fiving and celebrating the plane crashes as they happened (google: “Dancing Israelis 9/11”).But this news quickly faded from notice by mainstream journalism, when it was found to involve Israel, which quickly stopped discussing the only real terrorist cell ever arrested since.
Israeli leaders, such as Ehud Barak (one of the actual perpetrators) were some of the first to make public claims Osama bin Laden did it. Yet to this day we have never seen video footage of any of those 19 men moving around in airports or getting on board any of those flights.
Whereas the “phony” videos showing Osama bin Laden claiming responsibility was found to be faked (not the real bin Laden). And still there is no political movement claiming it is illegal and a hate-crime to accuse Muslims of 9/11 (whereas to suggest Israel was behind is considered beyond the pale)?
But it’s not beyond the pale because there are too many dots, when connected, show this terrorist operation of 2001 the work of Israelis (not a reality many people want to contemplate—that Israel is really the American peoples’ true enemy (at least to gentile Americans and equally many Jews left in the lurch).
Israelis apparently gambled on the assumption that innocent American Jews would choose to ignore this perfidious crime, if they ever found out, because, it seems, they would figure most Jews here in the United States would fear retaliation onto themselves (and it seems this psychology has proven true—that is for those who really know). No doubt Senators like Chuck Schumer and Diane Feinstein know the truth. Certainly, they, like most Congress people, have been told this truth several times, even as they ignore it.
But there is another rational Zionists and Jews seem to employ, if they learn or suspect, Zionists or Jews have used illegal or deceitful means to get their ways. It goes back to the believe their people have been victimized so many times, in so many ways (of course we don’t really know this but this is the common belief) that it justifies the idea that Jews have some magical right to do things that are unethical or criminal that would not be appropriate for other peoples (who assumedly have had easier paths to follow).
But if you study, for example the revisionist historians on World War 2 (or as called Holocaust deniers) and you are sincere in learning the truth—you quickly become aware there really has been major propaganda campaigns that have been dishonest about Zionists ways and means, and that Jews have not been as much victimized as they, themselves have been led to believe, and that some of the Hollywood movies about the Nazis are wrong. Many people don’t want to re-examine or investigate these things. If I were Jewish I would want to know the truth. I would go to those websites that listed videos and articles I could read to learn more (such as RedIceRadio.Com). I would be open-minded. But instead we have many who are condemning these serious historians as anti-Semitic and condemning the very idea of giving them a chance to share their perspectives (and even having them arrested and jailed).
Israel’s terrorist crime here in America should give clue as to why Benjamin Netanyahu (another of the real perpetrators) has such interest in American rebel groups—see his book on fighting terrorism. It is because he wants a Zionist ability to ‘disarm’ his enemies he has already attacked (symbolically through their bombing of the Twin Towers) as some Americans are slowly becoming more aware of the fact. And what better way than to have both Israelis, and Zionist counterpart organizations, like ADL and SPLC, spy on so-called white, supremist, racist groups (their labels) here in the U.S. (while Obama apparently praises these kinds of things as “shared intelligence” in their joint efforts at fighting terrorism—or was Obama referring the phony bin Laden and fake beheading videos)?
9/11, as Pandora’s box, is a major reason American Jews in power, such as U.S. Senators like Diane Feinstein and Chuck Schumer (and x-Senator Joseph Lieberman) want more gun-gutting laws to defang Joe 6-pack of any fire-power as potential revolution or any reasonable way of protection as citizens from well-armed government troops (as our country is being high-jacked and militarized since our country leadership continues to protect the real perpetrators of 9/11 (and continues to engage in foreign policy that Israel and its partners want)).
It should be a very ‘real’ concern to thinking adults why our military—via the Department of Homeland Security—has given so much military hardware and weaponry to police departments and National Guard units here within the states that have traditionally separated police departments from military operations (as each mission inherently treats civilian crowds differently). This is equally one of the current issues happening ‘while’ gun laws are being negotiated.
When you examines some of the details of this, mostly recent, militarization of police departments, via the monolithic Department of Homeland Security and its monolithic budget, it should set off alarm bells (even if it were true Jewish leaders were not trying to hamstring Americans from being able to protect themselves from the possibility of their own government becoming tyrannical (which is what this country has basically turned—and in large part because of the continual corruption of our foreign policy).
Now the military trains combat troops and Special Forces on missions “within” the United States for the purposes of crowd, riot control, etc. In truth these are all steps meant to deal with a society that has been catching up on to the massive corruptions, such as of wasting so much tax money on wasted wars (too often for Israel or Saudi Arabia) and plus their excesses of spying on the American people (another concurrent issue), and there arrogant abuse of powers such as reduction of civil liberties in general.
Too many of our American leaders (as many voting in office are millionaires) are the ones who have betrayed their own people, and they equally realize more and more people are slowly catching on to their misdeeds. Look at how low their approval ratings! And these are the people who are fighting really to disarm all capacity of semi-automatics (their real goal to take away any real fire power).
Sleuthing and sharing ideas on the Internet has made it obvious the official non-investigation of 9/11 was patently false (even if you never get to the point of feeling confident who was behind it).
Also some people, who are not afraid to at least be witness to alternative so-called conspiracy theories, are also becoming aware that some of these mass killings are not what they appear in the mainstream media—rather they appear to have been staged events, sometimes contextualized with some agents from departments within the DHS, that are now too being used as extra fodder to change gun laws, so Americans could never protect itself from a government and media that has not been truthful about 9/11, Iraq, NSA spying, State Department, Libya, ISIS, and a myriad other things, and that continues to militarize its internal police.
As hard as it is to believe, some, at least a few, of these mass killings that have made big news, such as the Sandy Hook school killing, could seem more like “false flag operations”, and improbable as this sounds, so much so one doesn’t even want to considerit could have been a staged event with a hidden purpose, when you actually start looking into it—things do seem very suspicious given what some people in the know have brought to light. Google “Sandy Hook false flag faked”.
Unfortunately many Americans are too naïve to ever imagine things might have become this corrupt—killings like the San Bernardino shootings also might have been staged for the purpose of advocating for tighter gun laws and to spread more fears of ISIS. And yet the defense lawyer of the defendants, early on raised suspicion as things seem out of whack.
But then how do they explain 9/11 because it doesn’t take a genius, or all that much research to understand the official narrative is grossly wrong.
Gun laws, then, given all this other turbulence, need to be considered in relation to all these other political realities. We Americans have been losing our civil rights. We have become the targets of mass spying. We are being lied to on a regular basis, including big questions about assault rifle supposedly used in mass attacks, which may have actually been perpetrated by sophisticated rogue criminals.
Meanwhile Israel has routinely engaged terrorism against others (but has also managed to get Muslims blamed for such realities). Netanyahu’s very definition of terrorism in his own book says it is the killing of innocent civilians in (order to gain a political goal). They egregiously killed a couple thousand Palestinians, and wounding many thousand more, and destroy thousands of homes, etc., in 2014 (mostly innocent civilians).
All this should give people pause. It is time to perk up instinctually and start thinking seriously about what is going on—in the context of things evolving. How for example, do you explain the ‘exponential’ growth in mass killings—as something as statistically natural? Are the so-called Patriot groups as crazy as some have defined them—hardly?
To consider more gun laws without giving thought to these other political contexts is the equivalent to suicide. It is negligence. Instead let’s get Senators to initiate a new investigation of 9/11 conducted by non-Zionists.
Israel has been heavily invested in the United States and naturally has interest in manipulating our country, and especially in our foreign policy, not to mention foreign aid (even while the also steal many of our corporate research secrets). Plus millions of Jews live here in the United States (many who have little interest in moving to Israel). But given the fact that Jews especially are pushing hysteria about current gun laws (and seemingly more concerned in getting rid of semi-automatics and fire-power types capacity)is not a fact people should simply set aside as irrelevant—it is very relevant—especially since Zionist groups are trying to destroy our right to free speech at the same time—and as they also advocate for more and more immigration into the United States (for dubious reasons).
Who do Jews think they are? How much longer do they think they can continue to guilt-trip people into giving up more of their rights and sharing more and more resources with others—as immigrants in large numbers eventually get on welfare rolls? What moral high ground do they really have as they seemingly assume?
Another fact little discussed is some of these mass killings happen under the influence of patients taking pharmaceutical drugs to supposedly stave off depression. These drugs have side effects that can make users more suicidal or homicidal. But this argument is seldom discussed by proponents who want to destroy gun ownership. They blame the entire violence situation on guns and give short shrift to more complex circumstances.
[Note: The gun situation in the United States may not perfect as it currently stands. People who have committed serious crimes are not now legally allowed to own guns. Comprehensive backgrounds checks are reasonable. But people who argue for mental health background checks, which they are inadvertently doing (and having more and more medical records spread through more agencies) are creating opportunities for all kinds of abuse of false claims about mental illness, some that could be motivated by political ends. For example, it can be relatively easy for people in a government to label someone as extremist or potentially dangerous—based on their arbitrary standards or biases. And if anyone knows anything about the mere ‘mortal’ realities of psychology professionals one knows how biased their subjective opinions cam be composed. In fact plenty of people who go into mental health study and work, themselves, are not all that mentally healthy. They sometimes project their stuff onto others.]
Semi-automatics are the only defense Americans have against a hostile military or police force. Any government can become hostile to groups of its own people—we see it throughout history. Just like government personnel have a right to imagine civilians going crazy or getting dangerous, normal citizens equally have a right and responsibility of assuming the same about government agencies. Just listen to what current presidential candidates say, and listen to audiences clap and cheer—you think the American society is all that safe of a place to live. I don’t. I don’t trust any of these groups of people—including fellow goy, whites. Many of them are so misinformed and delusion-based that too many, given the right circumstances, would support all manner of oppression.
Many are still OK with government spying. We have even had law professors arguing that torture was OK. It was United States people and Israelis torturing in Abu Graib. They still lock up innocent people they labeled enemy combatants in Gulag Gitmo.
The real reason for the 2nd Amendment is to be able to protect self, family and group from hostile political enemies, including and especially when governments themselves go rogue. Gun rights are not primarily about the right to hunt game or even to protect self from individual criminals—they are about the right to protect citizen groups against governments that have become corrupted or tyrannical (a truth that has played itself out all through history even before guns existed).
Furthermore, if people really knew the true story of how many despots our own U.S. foreign policy has corrupted and assisted in crimes against their own people, they would ‘never’ trust this country’s political class. We already have a long history of assisting tyrants kill their own people around the world—two examples are death squads in Guatemala and SAVAK torture of Iranians (with help from the Israelis who also ‘routinely’ torture Palestinians). No government should ever be trusted to the point citizens give up their rights to own guns with real fire-power: only the most foolish of people would succumb to such political correctness!
Read Garry Leech’s “The Hypocrisy of Obama’s Gun Control Crusade at: Real Independent News and Film:

In the first five years of Obama’s presidency, according to the UK-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism, more than 2,500 people were killed by US drone strikes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen. The study claims that as many as 951 of these deaths were civilians and that as many as 200 of the victims were children. And those 200 dead innocent children are just for starters.
He then adds within the article:
What about those killed by the regimes that we supply weapons to? Israel used US weapons to kill more than 1,500 Palestinian children between 2000 and 2013, which averages out to one child killed every three days. And the carnage wrought by US weaponry isn’t restricted to children.
So why are not U.S. Senators like Diane Feinstein getting riled up about so many weapons sold abroad, or how big are those killing capacities, or how easy it is for terrorists to buy and sell weapons from corporations to foreign nations irrespective of human rights?
And unfortunately this is not the end of this whole argument. As bad as this long argument already sounds (suppressing the legitimate status of average Americans while basically protecting Zionist domination of American politics) it is also about the ‘further’ labeling of goy, so-called gun-grabbers with a grudge, as people who ‘should’ be suspected as ‘extremists’ (and as potential ‘terrorists) which even so-called liberal Jews like Amy Goodman at Democracy Now, in connection to Zionist organization Southern Poverty Law Center, are already doing (as they either deliberately or inadvertently assist those more zealous and removed Zionists eventually find ways for the DHS bureaucracy to eventually ‘concentrate’ and potentially torture or murder gentile whites(that they freely labeled as “white supremists” today, and claiming they are dangerous elements in our country). SPLC, in connection to other Zionists, has played a big role in readily inviting the FBI and other government-related professionals to spy on them—that is Americans who mostly raise ‘legitimate’ political issues).
This is also one significant reason why Israel is allowed to have access to “all” NSA information on all Americans—so they can spy also on Americans belonging to the Tea Party and Patriot groups, etc.
So it is ironic many people who call themselves Jews so readily feel paranoid about non-Jewish whites or Christians, and yet if most Jews, really knew the truth about the real history of Zionism over the last century and half, learning of how many millions have suffered because of their own deceitful politics, they could begin to understand why some goy people have so much paranoia about them as paranoid Jews and especially Zionists (and especially their motives).
Unfortunately and unbeknownst to most Jews and non-Jews alike, there has been this reality-of-blindness in the Western world, created over decades by major media and movie house alike, that has deceived the masses (claims about Hitler wanting to exterminate all Jews, in which the so-called gas chambers were really delousing chambers to kill the lice spreading typhus, etc. , still being covered up as modern Israel has evolved into its own too-much terrorist state, even willing to perpetrate 9/11 on a so-called partner, irrespective of the consequences to many peoples around the world (Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iran etc.), and even to many of world Jewry who had nothing to do with this Israeli criminal tendency.
To see more of the whole story, start by looking closer at Russia’s gulag concentration camps that worked many hundreds of thousands of peoples to death—as many of those people were Christian Slavs and other non-Jewish minorities as well as some Jews. Meanwhile almost all who ran those concentration camps, some who have done research, say were atheist, Marxists who came from Jewish families. In fact it has been said by several that over 80 percent of Stalin’s top leaders were atheist, Marxists from Jewish backgrounds, and look how they willingly murdered people including the massive starvation in Ukraine (whereas German troops were welcome there as saviors from Russia).
We Americans need to wake up and explore more of the entire story of these complex histories—not just Zionist versions that have dominated. The truth was never even close to black and white. And yet this is why there are laws now in some European countries, including Germany, in which you are not allowed to argue alternative histories to World War 1 or 2 (how’s that for the enlightenment of civil liberties and free speech in countries with Zionist populations).
We Americans want to have the original Bill of Rights back. We are tired of select groups of know-betters trying to dominate our culture and destroying our freedoms (even though these freedoms are exactly why so many, many thousands of German and Russian Jews migrated to America in the first place and been able to thrive here).
Also it is true it is primarily some Jews who are taking the lead to freely allow more and more minority immigrants into the United States, irrespective to a current lack of jobs here for people who already live here, and current government too financially stressed to pay for more social programs. It may sound very humanitarian and egalitarian to be so free with national resources, but there may be another motive—and that is some want to undermine any residual, group power white, goy people might still have—regardless of how much disproportionate amount of cultural power Jews already have in respect to their statistical numbers.
They already dominate the banking industry, the media, Hollywood, and our government with their excess of political donations, etc., just like they did in the Weimer Republic and Germany before World War 1 and 2.
They argue it is about adequate background checks but we Americans are really being told we have guns that are too powerful and we can acquire them too easily (arguments overstated, as significant contextual facts are left unstated, to create over-simplified and partially false narratives). Naiveté is being manipulated in the name of doing the right and sensible thing.
Even a fairly intelligent President Obama is acting naïve on this very important matter (but then again Obama quickly moved to say he would not look into 9/11 investigations when he first took the White House and then appointed Zionist Rahm Emanuel as his Chief of Staff). Rather than follow through with his campaign promises he has continued with the build-up of the Police State.
Meanwhile we citizens have a right and duty to ask why so many important jobs in the Executive branch are given to American Jews when they only represent a small fraction of the overall population (where is allegation of reverse racism)? Why are many Chairs of the Senate Intelligence Committee Jewish: Arlen Specter, Joseph Lieberman, Bob Graham, and Diane Feinstein? Why are leaders of the Department of Homeland Security Jewish: Michael Chertoff (who seems more Israeli than American), Janet Napolitano (who is now trying to kill free speech on University of California campuses), etc.?
Why were Jews primarily in charge of the so-called 9/11 Investigation (which really was a cover-up)? And is it true a lot of Department of Homeland Security money go to Jewish companies or projects? Are these things merely coincidental? No not likely. Maybe some of us angry, goy men have legitimate issues and concerns as maybe it is true Zionist definitely make too many decisions about our country and its resources.
Not only is over-representation of Zionists in control of police powers a ‘real’ conspiracy—it seems to be a project of building a sort of Stalinist, Cheka-like-state (now called the Department of Homeland Security, with tentacles everywhere as it has become an uber-centralized, spy government) that exists to maintain any cover-up, which could one day lead, if necessary, to secret arrests, imprisonments, tortures, etc., that is once guns are no longer their issue. Anyone who does not think the DHS could not become as Police State as the once former Russian-Communist Cheka has to be kidding them-self. In fact the argument to create DHS was similar to its counterpart.
Still one can understand how many American Jews, especially, could feel caught between a rock and a hard place. Ninety nine percent plus of them knew nothing of the9/11 plot—they just happen to inherit this kind of Realpolitik from their presumed masters in the Levant (the Ariel Sharon-s of Israel).
Still, how can they continue to expect us Americans to look the other way, as they do, when the situation never gets better around the world or in Israel? The Old Testament and Torah is not even based on legitimate form of ethics—rather it is based on authoritarian claims—such as their god Yahweh commanded his people to kill off the other tribes in Canaan (and we are still supposed to believe that as representing real spiritual religion and not war propaganda?).
Ancient religions have little place in the modern world. It is time to separate Church and State throughout the Middle East. Instead we are being squeezed into siding in a clash between Shiites and Sunnis! This is not something American in the least.
This one essay cannot do anything close to justice these various matters deserve. For now it is important to understand some want you to have little capacity of self-preservation at a time when the government is not really being run by high principles and other civil rights are simultaneously being attacked. Once they have your guns you have nothing to protect yourself—you are nothing but sheep ready for the slaughter.
Israelis would never give up their right to own guns (and yet maybe that is the issues Jews in America could be addressing if they feel strongly about too much violence and oppression)?
Equally why is not Israel taking in any Syrian refugees? They certainly helped cause the problem by scheming to use ISIS as a red herring to get the West to send resources to really take out the Bashar Assad government instead. How is it progressives and democrats use the label ‘racist’ when Americans or Europeans denounce immediate Syrian or Libyan refugee transfer to Western countries when it is a no-go in Israel (that steals resources from people who legitimately live there)? Surely the U.S. is equally responsible for the ISIS crisis in ruining Iraq—but then what was the real reason we invaded Iraq—it was because of the NeoCons and Israelis! All that murder and mayhem was ultimately a Zionist project—which is what created ISIS. But everyone else gets blamed—especially the goy whites.
Currently Syria is not important to the people of the United States—it is important only to the extent that other countries in the region think it important. Furthermore Assad was voted into power. Tough if Israel or Saudi Arabia doesn’t like that fact. Tough if Bashar Assad was friendly with Iran. Why should our presidential debates be dominated by fear of ISIS videos that were faked in the first place?
Enough American troops, who fought these disastrous wars from Afghanistan, Iraq, etc., have come home from these wars to realize they have been lied to. They understand the traitors are our some of our elected officials in Washington D.C.—people like Diane Feinstein and Chuck Schumer (but also the many goy leaders as well). They are angry they have been lied to and have been put in harm’s way and to main and hurt others’ lives for no good reason. Meanwhile the political system doesn’t change for the better; it just becomes more and more corrupt as Americans are fed more and more lies. Maybe that is why elected leaders are so personally involved in Americans’ gun rights?
It is mostly one minority that is pushing this issue—and other groups are joining the band wagon as they are getting funding as non-profit groups, with so-called progressive missions, as some of their leftist kind are also trying to label white, goy, gun owners, as fanatics and crazies.
They do not argue for Israelis to ban weapons in their society, nor seem especially concerned about all the weapons sold abroad by the billions of dollars load. Meanwhile they refuse to take a look at a truer history of Zionist exploitation of Westerners, or acknowledge Israel’s own propensity to use terrorism or label “all” their enemies as terrorists—which they will actively label whites here as well. Does this seem fair and balanced?
This country is corrupt and has been so, and it is not getting drastically less so. Why would sensible people suddenly allow for this one minority of people to create laws that allow you to own little more than a pistol? More importantly this right is under attack while other rights are equally under attack. Concurrently freedom of speech and the freedom to associate without being spied on—foundational Bill of Rights guarantees are also being demolished—such as on American campuses.
In presidential debates, coded words are used as excuses to spy electronically on Americans, that is to say they are concerned about “lone-wolf” terrorists (really many are concerned about who writes political essays like this one that you are not supposed to read).Nevertheless, professional journalists are allowed to quote from anonymous sources to protect individuals for harm so why cannot whistle blowers who tell truth—truth the powers-that-be do not want you to know?
Those in power can no longer, as easily, control all channels of communication. We can still learn things we are not supposed to know as there are whistleblowers out there (people they really want to go after since too much of the violence happens from the power elite itself).
Spying on Americans, such as a future Edward Snowden, is far from the worst of it.
Now we also know agencies within the Department of Homeland Security have ordered, to purchase, up to 1.6 billion (yes billion) bullets—that is several bullets for each American—and plenty of those bullets are hollow point killer bullets that are not used in target practice. How ironic this State is acquiring enough fire power to kill the entire population several times over, while law-abiding citizens are being deprived their rights of self-protection from such a government that cannot arguably justify these huge ammunition purchases? And they say we should not be suspicious.
Equally, according to one work of investigative journalism, they have literally distributed thousands of machine guns from the Pentagon within this country now warehoused in case they need them—nothing to do with concern about foreign invaders but rather about Americans in general.
The fact is there have always been people willing to kill indiscriminately. There have always been people willing to kill people when given an order. There have always been people who could be ruthless and psychopathic under the rights circumstances. It can happen anywhere—no culture is incapable of the worst of human behavior. How can the people of the United States be so naïve?
Some of what Alex Jones at InfoWars.Com, even with his self-promoting, hyperactive, paranoiac style, is justified in his teaching those willing to at least contemplate the possible. He certainly gets people to at least think more than the mainstream media will ever do.
There are two admonitions people can take to the bank even in these skeptical times,
#1) “Never underestimate your own naiveté”,
#2) “Never underestimate how corruptible is human nature—especially political human nature.”
Don’t assume you know it all and things are mostly common-sensical—sometimes they are not. Sometimes the unreal is real. Sometimes fear and paranoia has a legitimate and an important place.
See the video on the Internet: “Innocents Betrayed” (ironically from Jews who promote gun rights. Here’s another contradiction for you). This is a very important video—you really need to see it.
Therefore conspiracy theories too have their place in human drama (and you don’t need a Shakespeare to confirm this truism).
If you think about it, there is no legitimate political group that can organize as white and be critical of Zionist or Jewish influence in this country without it being labeled racist, supremist, or extremist.
Only those who take to fomenting the same gripes the rainbow coalition and white Jewish men spiel have freedom to express, and to be pretty much as hostile as the chose, are considered legitimate in the Unites States. They even readily recruit white, goy women via a hostile feminism, to equally demonize white men. No reverse racism or sexism here.
Whites who go along with what actually is a Jewish dominance of our political agenda, via Jewish ability to not only donate huge amounts of money directly to political candidates but to non-profit organizations and media organizations, can expect to have any voice in our society as considered legitimate.
It just so happens many elected officials readily take money from AIPAC and vote the way AIPAC wants (as this Zionist organization even manipulates many state elections). Why wouldn’t there be legitimate opposition in a true democracy?
Quick indeed was much of the media, and even the progressive left, willing to portray the protesters at Burns, Oregon, Harney County take-over by ranchers as “white supremists”(and potential “terrorists”). Quick too were they to advocate for a ‘militarized’ response (from black lives matter) claiming the whites were engaging violence.
On January 5th Amy Goodman of Democracy Now interviewed lead ‘anti-goy’ Richard Cohen (partner of also heavy Zionist Mark Potok) at the Southern Poverty Law Center, in which he called the Ammon Bundy crew zealots and fanatics. SPLC is the organization that has literally labeled hundreds of mostly white, male, as supposedly right-wing extremists, Neo-Nazi, Neo-KKK, and have urged the federal government (and likely the Israeli government), to spy on these people so as to get their names on special lists—and eventually banned from legally owning any weapons.
It is a fact both the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is organization run mostly by Jews. And they have agendas that seem to go beyond what they overtly state.
For example it seems ADL is somehow involved in getting United States police department trained by Israelis that may relate to how they abuse Palestinians. But no one at Democracy Now questions this Israel training for American police departments as having anything to do with police abuse? Also ADL for a long time has been convincing other organizations across the country their explanations on racism and defamation are the most fair and balanced (imagine that—and could that be why so many believe Muslims are dangerous?).
Whereas SPLC tries to get other agencies and individuals to spy on people they deem worthy of suspicion. They especially like to focus on groups of people who happen to be gentile and white and who express dissatisfaction with this current government—something any aware person ought be. With their help Amy Goodman at Democracy Now seems to go out of her way to paint Bundy group as armed villain bandits, as she selectively paints a pictures of shallow outlaws with guns—giving no effort to understand how BLM itself has used forms of coercion to violate ranchers rights, and hearings to arrest and imprison for long lengths of time that do not seem fair.
No attempt was made by Democracy Now to get a more balanced point of view on this issue of the Hammonds because it seems those many rainbow-staffers there in New York (which hire very few goy, white men in their production team although they have plenty goy women) seeming have a well-maintained reverse form of racism and sexism that they themselves do not look-to-the-mirror to discover.
Democracy Now staff, like other leftist organizations as Daily Kos, like to brand, white men to their right-side, especially those that live in rural America, as somehow intellectually, morally, socially and politically inferior.
Certainly there are racists and extremists in this world, but these news organizations, who seem to be so ‘intent’ on pointing out the racism and sexism of other peoples, can’t imagine they have motes in their own eyes (or that maybe some blacks and minorities are just as much full of hate of white people as they assume white people are readily of then)?
With a research staff as big and well financed as Democracy Now has one could easily have found more nuanced stories such as the talk given by Rep. Greg Walden (R.OR) “Addresses Oregon Standoff, Hammond Injustice, Government Over-reach, see:

After all what could have been more relevant than that public speech?
Activists or Terrorists? How Media Controls and Dictates ‘The Narrative’ in Burns, Oregon at:

Just like Bundy Ranch, the Hammonds’ Ranch is valuable to the BLM – Here’s just how valuable

Apparently white men are never victims in any way (or even people with a legitimate grievance now and them). This web site is so one-sided.
The divide and conquer strategy of left-wing politics and the Democratic Party, plays it as if it is always blacks, women, and minorities who get the bad deal. The conceit seems to give the impression that most Jews are on the side of minorities and white men are the enemy of the many (and yet the Democratic Party, Wall Street and Zionists used Obama to get their own priorities in which average, Middle Class people and minorities benefited little).
So these people who argue against pro-gun people and their rights, armed patriots who could actually protect this country from tyranny, may in fact be creating a very terrible situation down the road for a lot of people. For example many high-minded Russian Marxists were calling for all kinds of human rights during the Tsar years but that does not mean they got all those rights does it?
[Note: This essay will be labeled anti-Semitic and people will not be encouraged to read it—because it is actually based on logical merit and deserves fair consideration (no matter how controversial).Israel and Jews do in fact dominate the media and our government and they will not take kindly to gentile Americans learning about what a lot of them do not really know—the truth of the Zionist movement, and all the deceptive propaganda that has led to the establishment of Israel and the maintaining of their terrorist country. How much longer are we expected to live under these unreasonable conditions? Who then can really feel good about being an American? Amen and goodnight.]
[Note: If you feel this essay is important then take the initiative to share, tweet, email, publish, discuss, etc., as this topic is very important. Likely some people will not want these ideas disseminated (including enough within mainstream media). They would rather outlaw free speech critical of Zionism. But you have a duty to yourself and people you care about to help preserve your American rights. It is very important you help these arguments get out widely—thank you.]
Jim Justice
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