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Urgent Call : Demo against UKIP / Nigel Farage talk in Gloucester Tomorrow!

Concerned | 08.11.2015 15:06 | Anti-racism | Gender | Migration

Last minute call for help on demo tomorrow in Gloucester, meeting at GL1 leisure centre in Gloucester. Nigel Farage will be doing a talk on the SayNoToEU talk...


Demo starts at 6pm, no central organisation.

Map :,-2.2411892,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x487106777c24cc97:0x6c843f818eb9cf1d

FB event :

Please bring / make banners and organise yourselves.

See you there!



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no platform

08.11.2015 20:11

No platform for racist, sexist homophobes unless named Galloway.


No platform for racist, sexist homophobes

12.11.2015 14:25

No platform for racist, sexist homophobes unless he's named George Galloway in which case we'll turn a blind eye because George needs to buy votes from the various nutcase Islamists who still encourage their followers to vote for him.


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