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Migrants fighting back.

Arie Van Boeem | 05.10.2015 17:11

Workers at the new Autonoom Centrum in Calais were instrumental in the mass attack on the channel tunnel on Saturday morning.

Volunteers from Belgium, Netherlands, France and England came together to help plan the migrants mass rushing of the tunnel and destruction of parts of the Apartheid fence.

This is the start of a series of attacks that will be taking place over the next weeks until David Cameron agrees that England must accept an open border and provide homes to people running from the wars he helped start.

Arie Van Boeem


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06.10.2015 12:14

Was there a particular reason you encouraged them to undertake a life threatening attempt to cross the Channel when you could have helped them claim asylum in France, Belgium or the Netherlands ?
Somebody more cynical might conclude that you are more interested in making a political point than you are helping those fleeing wars and repression.

Migrant Support UK
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