Profiles and Information of North East EDL,NEI and BNP/NF members
Anon | 24.09.2015 21:37 | Anti-racism | World
Contents contain EDL members giving Nazi salutes, members idolization of Adolf Hitler, North East EDL members brandishing a number of weapons from baseball bats, knives, a shotgun, air rifles, axes, swords, pistols and more. Some members even performed mock lynchings, indoctrinated their own children and relatives children which much more also revealed.
Also included are mobile numbers, addresses and employment of some North East EDL/NEI/BNP/NF members. Some which work in private security firms, to directorial and management positions in the workforce.
If anyone wishes to use content below feel welcome to use/publish it.
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01) Antonio H Brown
24.09.2015 21:49
Antonio H Brown
Antonio H Brown at the NEI Ban the Burka Hartlepool demo in November 2013
Early photo of Antonio H Brown with North East EDL members
Antonio H Brown was a steward for the EDL demo on the 25th May 2013 in Newcastle
Antonio H Brown discusses anti-semitic and homophobic views with Wayne McCurry
Antonio H Brown with EDL members
Antonio H brown at North East EDL flash demo in 2014
Gender:- Male
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL/NEI/
Lives:- Jarrow
Political History:- Antonio Brown has been involved with the North East EDL for a number of years, notably he also holds homophobic and anti-semitic views. Antonio has attend local EDL flash demos to NEI regional demos and national EDL demos across the country.
02) Adam Coulthand aka 'Kurt Hunt'
24.09.2015 23:15
Adam Coulthand aka 'Kurt Hunt'
Adam Coulthand aka 'Kurt Hunt'
Adam Coulthand aka 'Kurt Hunt'
Adam Coulthand aka 'Kurt Hunt'
Adam Coulthand aka 'Kurt Hunt' at Newcastle Flash demo
Adam Coulthand aka 'Kurt Hunt' at EDL demo
Adam Coulthand aka 'Kurt Hunt' - Online
Gender:- Male
Dob:- 03 August 1994
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL
Lives:- Ashington
Political History:- Adam’s been involved with the North East EDL since 2013 onwards. He tries to remain anonymous online though published here are photographs of himself not covered up.
Recently he attended the Pegida demo in Newcastle earlier this year in 2015 and is still actively involved and connected with EDL members and other far-right groups.
03) Adrian Langton
25.09.2015 10:24
Adrian Langton - North East EDL
Adrian Langton - North East EDL
Adrian Langton and Claire Reah - North East EDL
Adrian Langton's EDL t-shirt prints - North East EDL
Adrian Langton mistake in printing - North East EDL
Adrian Langton's racist comments/jokes - North East EDL
Adrian Langton's profile shows sympathy for the UVF
Adrian Langton
Adrian Langton
Gender:- Male
Birthday:- 11 January
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL
From:- Manchester
Lives:- North East England
Political History:- Adrian is known to show sympathy for he UVF and also helps out various far-right groups with printing t-shirts, it would help if Adrian learnt how to spell Bishop Auckland correctly. Adrian’s caught making racist posts/jokes as far back as 2011.
Adrian’s known to be involved with the North East EDL since January 2015 and is currently dating Claire Reah who’s also a North East EDL member (since 3rd August 2015).
04) Alan Bozwell Rain
25.09.2015 10:55
Alan Bozwell Rain
Alan Bozwell Rain in Dover, 12th September 2015
Alan Bozwell Rain with Sunderland Defence League members
Alan Bozwell Rain with NEI members
Alan Bozwell Rain + NEI
Alan Bozwell Rain
Alan Bozwell Rain
Tommy Allan and Alan Bozwell Rain
Alan Bozwell Rain - Dover 12th September 2015
Alan Bozwell Rain
Alan Bozwell Rain
Alan Bozwell Rain
Alan Bozwell Rain - NEI demo 2014
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 27 May 1976
Political Affilation:- North East EDL/NEI/NF
From:- Sunderland
Lives:- Sunderland
Education:- Went to Pennywell Comprehensive School (Class of 1992, Sunderland)
Political History:- Alan’s been involved with the North East EDL and NEI for sometime now. He recently went to Dover to the NF march where he looked for refugees in trucks which can be seen here:-
25.09.2015 14:12
05) Alfie Harrison
25.09.2015 16:33
Alfie Harrison
Alfie Harrison with Tommy Allan and Martin Hogarth
Alfie's collection of weapons.
Alfie Harrison
Alfie Harrison
Alfie Harrison
Alfie Harrison with gun
Alfie Harrison support for BNP and other far-right groups since 2009
Alfie Harrison
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 22/09/1985
Political Affiliation:- Sunderland EDL
From:- Sunderland
Lives:- Sunderland
Mobile:- 07904 183266
BBM:- 2a9b18e0(BBM)
Political History:- Alfie showed an interested in the BNP and other far-right groups since 2009 before getting involved with Sunderland EDL Division. He close friends with Tommy Allan and is also a part of HMD (Hendon Mad Dogs).
06) Andrew Benton
25.09.2015 16:41
Andrew Benton
Andrew Benton at EDL Middlesbrough demo
Andrew Benton
Andrew Benton
Andrew Benton
Andrew Benton
Andrew Benton
Andrew Benton
Andrew Benton with Tommy Robinson
Andrew Benton
Photo from Andews profile showing Craig Owens a neo-nazi at EDL demo in May
Andrew Benton
Andrew Benton with David McCubbin and Wendy Angel
Andrew Benton recorded footage of Craig Owens giving Nazi salute in Newcastle
Andrew Benton
Andrew Benton with Teesside EDL members
Andrew Benton
Andrew Benton
Andrew Benton
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 06/03/1971
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL Teesside Divison (Since 2013)
From:- Middlesbrough
Lives:- Middlesbrough
Political History:- Andrew Benton has been involved with the North East EDL and EDL Teesside Division since 2013 to this present day.
Andrew is also friends with Craig Owens who he filmed giving a Nazi salute at the North East EDL demo on the 17th May Newcastle 2014. See a video of the nazi salute here:-
07) Andrew Doyle
25.09.2015 16:55
Andrew Doyle
Andrew Doyle with EDL members Gavin Dunn and David McCubbin
Andrew Doyle with North East EDL members
Andrew Doyle
Andrew Doyle
Andrew Doyle and other North East EDL members outside St.James Park
Andrew Doyle at EDL flash demo in Newcastle
Andrew Doyle with North East EDL members
Andrew Doyle
Andrew Doyle and EDL members near Pumphreys Bar
Andrew Doyle at NEI ban the burka demo in Hartlepool
Andrew Doyle at EDL south shields demo 2013
Andrew Doyle at Pegida demo in Newcastle
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 18 May 1971
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL (Since 2013)
From:- South Shields
Lives:- South Shields
Education:- Went to Brinkburn Comphrensive
Political History:- Andrew Doyle’s been involved with the North East EDL since 2013 and actively attends EDL demos. Recently he attended Pegida demo which took place earlier this year in Newcastle Upon Tyne.
08) Andrew D Johnson
25.09.2015 17:30
Andrew D Johnson
Andrew D Johnson
Andrew D Johnson being arrested
Andrew D Johnson's hilarious EDL t shirt
Andrew D Johnson with North East EDL members
Andrew D Johnson with David McCubbin
Andrew D Johnson
Andrew D Johnson
Andrew D Johnson's photograph of a friend giving nazi salute on EDL march
Andrew D Johnson's indoctrination
Andrew D Johnson's indoctrination of relatives children
Andrew D Johnson friend talk/joke about beating a 'black cunt' up.
Andrew D Johnson incites to race riot
Andrew D Johnson's mock lynching
Andrew D Johnson targeting a photographer in Newcastle
Andrew D Johnson with Kevin Caroll
Andrew D Johnson - hiding your face won't do anything now.
Andrew D Johnson
Andrew D Johnson's street and house
Andrew D Johnson with Teesside EDL members
Gender:- Male
Dob:- 04/02/1977
Political Affiliation:- EDL (Since 2013), EDL Teesside Division
From:- Middlesbrough
Lives:- Middlesbrough
Address:- 46 Moorcock Close, Middlesbrough, TS6 0TS, Cleveland
Political History:- Andrew has been involved with the North East EDL since 2013. Andrew’s been photographed indoctrinating his own kids and relatives children into posing and holding far-right material/flags.
Andrew’s also photographed doing a mock lynching hanging a Golliwog by the neck while using his hands to represent a gun to its head. Additionally he’s posted pictures of his EDL mates giving Nazi salutes and his friends joke about beating a ‘black cunt’ up.
Furthermore Andrew targets anyone who he sees as a ‘lefty’, he targeted a photographer in Newcastle on two occasions who was only 15 years old at the time. This is a reminder to anyone who might not agree with releasing such information is that they won’t stop at anything to target anyone who takes photos or simply opposes them.
09) Andy Foster
25.09.2015 18:02
Andy Foster in North Shields
Andy Foster with North East EDL members Darren Hurst and Darrin Kelly
Andy Foster
Andy Foster with North East EDL
Andy Foster at NEI demo
DOB:- 13/08/1974
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL/NEI
From:- Bishop Auckland
Lives:- Durham
Political History:- Andy's involved with the North East EDL and NEI and has attended local demos and national demos. He recently attended the North East EDL demo in North Shields.
10) Anthony Dodds
25.09.2015 18:12
Anthony Dodds
Anthony Dodds at Pegida demo in Newcastle
Anthony Dodds and friend Jed at Pegida demo
Anthony Dodds support for the BNP
Anthony Dodds with NEI members on route to Pegida demo
Anthony Dodds photos at NF demo at the Monument in Newcastle
Anthony Dodds
Anthony Dodds photos at NF demo at the Monument in Newcastle
Anthony Dodds embarrassing photo
Anthony Dodds
Anthony Dodds
Anthony Dodds at NEI demo 2014
Anthony Dodds at NEI demo 2014
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 18/06/1989
Political Affiliation:- Pegida/NF/NEI/BNP
From:- Murton, Durham
Lives:- Murton,Durham
Political History:- Anthony Dodds has attended NEI and NF demos in 2014 to 2015. He recently attended the Pegida Demo earlier this year in 2015. Anthony also shows support to the British National Party/BNP.
11) Ashley Smith
25.09.2015 18:24
Ashley Smith
Ashley Smith with North East EDL members
Ashley Smith
Ashley Smith
Ashley Smith
Ashley Smith
Ashley Smith
Ashley Smith
Ashley Smith
Ashley Smith with Andrew Benton
Ashley Smith with Paul McKenzie
Ashley Smith
Ashley Smith with Carl Lintern
Ashley Smith with John Hill
Ashley Smith
Ashley Smith
Ashley Smith at EDL flash demo at the Monument in Newcastle
Ashley Smith with Teesside EDL
Ashley Smith's racism
Ashley Smith support for the BNP
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 21 May 1990
Political Affiliation:- BNP/North East EDL/Teesside EDL (since 2014)
From:- Middlesbrough
Lives:- Middlesbrough
Mobile:- 269b60c5(BBM)
Education:- Studied at Longlands College, Middlesbrough
Political History:- Ashley Smith has been involved with the EDL since August 2014. Ashley also shows support to the British National Party/BNP.
Ashley even threatens to slap his own colleagues at work for not speaking english and being Romanian describing him as a ‘mucky skined cunt’ and ‘This romanian needs t stop chatin shit n speak english while working wig me or he gerrin a big fat hairy part of my english hands on his chops’.
12) Barrie Bell
25.09.2015 18:38
Barrie Bell
Barrie Bell at EDL demo
Bryan Ellison , North East EDL member
Bryan Ellison at EDL demo
Barrie Bell's BNP support and racism
Barrie Bell in the Daily Star
Barrie Bell, Bryan Ellison and Trevor Johnson
Barrie Bell photos of North East EDL coach bricked (click to enlarge)
Barrie Bell at EDL demo (click to enlarge)
Barrie Bell
Barrie Bell's friend support North East EDL too
Barrie Bell's friends burn a Koran (cropped)
Barrie Bell's house
Barrie Bell's street.
Gender:- Male
Dob:- 27 August 1958
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL/BNP
Pubs frequently go to:- The Black Garter, The Duke, Percy Arms, Beehive
From:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Lives:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Address:- 100 Dunstanburgh Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE6 2PX, Tyne and Wear
Political History:- Barrie Bell is known to support the BNP before joining the North East EDL in early 2010. Barrie to this present day still supports the EDL.
Barrie is very irritated that people call him a racist because he claims he isn’t. Yet on his page he makes a number of racist and violent posts inciting to burn books, threatens to ‘do their own thing’ to groups of young ‘muzzy’s on a night out, refers black people as ‘darkies’ and openly shows support the British National Party/BNP.
Barrie’s very well connected and regularly visits a number of pubs within Newcastle including The Black Garter and The Percy’s Arms. Barrie’s friend Bryan Ellison ‘Budgie’ from Newcastle also shows support for the EDL and is pictured attending an EDL demo.
His friends Trevor Johnson and Lynsey Bowman Black who’re also featured with Barrie in the Daily Star article both show support for the North East EDL too.
13) Brian Carr
25.09.2015 19:06
Brian Carr
Brian Carr at EDL demo
Brian Carr with NE EDL members Claire Reah, Shaun Reah, Anthony Ford
Brian Carr forgets with no foreigners there'd be no curry either
Brian Carr's embarrassing photos
Brian Carr
Gender:- Male
Age:- 43
Political Affilation:- North East EDL/Britain First/UKIP (EDL member since 2013)
Employment:- Pipe fitter/Steward (Oil Rig)
From:- Newcastle
Lives:- Wallsend
Mobile:- 07928372609
Political History:- Brian Carr is known to have been involved with the North East EDL since 2013 and has been photographed attending demos and local EDL meetings.
14) Brian Morrow
25.09.2015 19:15
Brian Morrow
Brian Morrow with North East EDL members outside St James Park
Brian Morrow
Brian Morrow
Brian Morrow with Thomas Donohoe
Brian Morrow at EDL meet and greet
Brian Morrow
Brian Morrow's house and street
Brian Morrow lone wolf attempt
Brian Morrow's BNP support
Brian Morrow at Pegida demo in Newcastle
Brian Morrow
Brian Morrow with North East EDL members
Brian Morrow
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 14 June 1972
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL (since 2014) /BNP/Britain First
Address:- Upstairs flat Inbetween Kingsdale Rd and Stoneleigh Ave
Longbenton, England
Political History:- Brian Morrow has been involved with the North East EDL as early as 2014 to this present day.
He’s known to to be a lone-wolf trying to walk up and disrupt counter demonstrations by himself no doubt trying to impress his EDL mates. Brian also supports the British National Party (BNP) and Britain First.
15) Carl Lintern
25.09.2015 19:25
Carl Lintern
Carl Lintern at North East EDL flash demo
Carl Lintern with North East EDL members
Carl Lintern
Carl Lintern
Carl Lintern
Carl Lintern
Carl Lintern
Carl Lintern at EDL meet and greet
Carl Lintern
Carl Lintern
Carl Lintern
Gender:- Male
Political Affilation:- North East EDL
From:- Newcastle
Lives:- Newcastle
16) Charlie Rafferty
25.09.2015 19:37
Charlie Rafferty
Charlie Rafferty
Charlie Rafferty
Charlie Rafferty
Charlie Rafferty (in camouflage)
Anthony Dodds with Charlie Rafferty
Charlie Rafferty at NF demo at the Monument, Newcastle
Charlie Rafferty's house and street.
Gender:- Male
Birthday:- 07/08/
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL/Sunderland Defence League/NEI/NF
From:- Murton
Lives:- Murton
Address:- School House, Coronation Street North, Murton, Seaham, SR7 9AX
Employment:- Used to be a Bus driver for Go North East
Political History:- Charlie’s been involved with the North East EDL since 2013 though since then has attended numerous NEI and NF demos. Recently Charlie attended the Dover demo on the 12th September 2015.
17) Chris Smith
25.09.2015 19:42
Chris Smith
Chris Smith
Chris Smith
Chris Smith
Chris Smith
North East EDL member from Newcastle.
18) Claire Reah
25.09.2015 19:52
Claire Reah
Claire Reah
Claire Reah
Claire Reah
Claire Reah
Claire Reah
Claire Reah
Claire Reah
Claire Reah
Claire Reah
Claire Reah
Claire Reah at Pegida demo, that mask isn't going cover your identity anymore
Shaun Reah
Claire Reah
Gender:- Female
DOB:- 11 June 1982
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL
From:- South Shields
Lives:- South Shields
Employment:- Used to work for the Royal Mail
Political History:- Claire Reah has been involved with the North East EDL since May 2013 and has attended local EDL flash demos to regional and nationwide demos. She's still actively connected and involved with the North East EDL.
Her brother Shaun Reah was caught out for having a explosion tattoo:-
19) Connor Ross Peachy
25.09.2015 19:59
Connor Ross Peachy
Connor Ross Peachy EDL support
Connor Ross Peachy
Connor Ross Peachy
Connor Ross Peachy
Connor Ross Peachy
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 27 March 1996
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL
From:- Durham
Lives:- Durham
Employment:- Groundworker
Info:- Connor supports the North East EDL along with other branches and trains at Northern Fight Star Gym:- Eldon Lane Workmans Club, dll14 Bishop Auckland -
20) Craig Alan ‘Wilson’ Bell
25.09.2015 20:09
Craig Alan ‘Wilson’ Bell
Craig Alan ‘Wilson’ Bell with friend that has a Swastika tattoo
Craig Alan ‘Wilson’ Bell with Alan Bozwell Rain in 2012
Craig Alan ‘Wilson’ Bell posts about his planned assaults
Craig Alan ‘Wilson’ Bell
Craig Alan ‘Wilson’ Bell BNP support
Craig Alan ‘Wilson’ Bell
With no immigrants there would be no Curry either Craig
Craig Alan ‘Wilson’ Bell
Craig Alan ‘Wilson’ Bell with pistol
Craig Alan ‘Wilson’ Bell's insanity
Craig Alan ‘Wilson’ Bell's not the brightest bulb in the box either
Craig Alan ‘Wilson’ Bell
Craig Alan ‘Wilson’ Bell racism
Craig Alan ‘Wilson’ Bell gets the piss taken out him by his own friends
Craig Alan ‘Wilson’ Bell theft (click to enlarge)
EDL/NEI members who also support NUFC won't be too happy to see this either
Craig Alan ‘Wilson’ Bell
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 10/03/1982
Political Affilation:- EDL, NEI / BNP
From:- Sunderland
Lives:- Sunderland
Employment:- Pick Packer at National Oilwell Varco (Past:- Nissan Motor Company)
Studied at Pennywell School
AIM:- craigo
Mobiles:- 07724 409792, 07449513976, 07973 853249
Political History:- Craig has known NEI member Alan Bozwell Rain since 2011. Even before the NEI was founded, Craig had made posts about his racial attacks in Sunderland from 2009. Craig’s been involved with the NEI since 2013 to this present day.
Craig has a history of being a theft which he uses 3 numbers/ bbm codes to deal with stolen goods openly on Facebook. He’s stolen iPods, laptops, cars, video games and clothing brands. He’s shows support for the British National Party/BNP, the EDL and openly uses racist and violent language online.
Craig has just signed up with the Army reserves to be a part time soldier, though it won’t be long before they see this file about his views and beliefs.
21) Danielle Richardson and Michael James Grey
25.09.2015 20:27
Danielle Richardson
Michael James Grey
Michael James Grey at Pegida demo in Newcastle
Michael James Grey and Danielle Richardson
Michael James Grey at EDL flash demo in Newcastle
Danielle Richardson at EDL meet and greet
Danielle Richardson and Michael James Grey at EDL flash demo in Newcastle
Michael James Grey
Michael James Grey (balaclava) with Danielle Richardson and Deidre
Danielle Richardson and Michael James Grey
Danielle Richardson and Michael James Grey
Danielle Richardson at EDL flash demo
Danielle Richardson at EDL meet and greet
Danielle Richardson
Danielle Richardson
Danielle Richardson and Michael James Grey
Danielle Richardson at EDL flash demo
Danielle Richardson
Danielle Richardson
Gender:- Female
DOB:- 22/09/1985
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL
Lives:- Gateshead
Political History:- Danielle’s been involved with the North East EDL since 2014 taking part in flash demos at the monument with her partner Michael James Grey who’s also a North East EDL member. She’s also attended meet and greets of North East EDL and attended numerous of EDL demonstrations across the country.
Name:- Michael James Grey
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 23/06/1981
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL
Lives:- Newcastle
Education:- West Denton high school
Political History:- James has also taken part in North East EDL flash demos, he recently attended the Pegida Demo in Newcastle earlier this year.
22) Darrell Copeland ‘Arse Tattoo man’
25.09.2015 20:31
Darrell Copeland ‘Arse Tattoo man’
Darrell Copeland with Wayne McCurry
Darrell Copeland
Darrell Copeland
Darrell Copeland's weapons
Darrell Copeland's weapons
Darrell Copeland
Darrell Copeland getting arrested
Darrell Copeland
Darrell Copeland was a steward at the Pegida demo in Newcastle
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 13 April 1967
Political Affiliation:- EDL/NEI
Lives:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Political History:- Darrell takes a massive beating over pork chop:-
Darrell once hired a hitman:-
Darrell Copeland identified as the man with a offensive tattoo:-
Currently lives in Newcastle
23) Darrin (Daz) Kelly
25.09.2015 20:35
Darrin (Daz) Kelly (left)
Darrin (Daz) Kelly in Dover with NEI members
Darrin (Daz) Kelly in Dover
Darrin (Daz) Kelly
Darrin (Daz) Kelly in Dover
Darrin (Daz) Kelly
Darrin (Daz) Kelly with North East EDL members
Darrin (Daz) Kelly
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 17 June 1965
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL/NF
Lives:- Darlington
Employment:- Former Management at Kwit Fit
Political History:- Darrin’s been involved with the North East EDL since 2014 attending local and national EDL demos. He recently attended the National Front's Dover demo with NEI members.
24) David Hann
25.09.2015 20:42
David Hann
David Hann at White man march Newcastle
David Hann gives a nazi salute
David Hann
David Hann
David Hann
David Hann with Tommy Allan
David Hann
David Hann
David Hann
David Hann
David Hann
Gender:- Male
Dob:- 18 December 1965
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL/NEI/National Action
From:- Sunderland
Lives:- Sunderland
Education:- Ryhope Comprehensive/Southmoor Community School
Mobile:- 07584 970715
Political History:- David’s involved with the North East EDL and NEI. He’s been caught at National Actions White man march in Newcastile and in photographs giving Nazi Salutes.
25) David Walker
25.09.2015 20:44
David Walker
David Walker at EDL demo in Newcastle
David Walker
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 14 April 1993
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL (Since 2013)
Employment:- Labourer at Barrat Development
Education:- Heworth Grange Comprehensive
From:- Gateshead
Lives:- Felling
Mobile:- 07832 808987
Thanks for this
25.09.2015 22:38
25.09.2015 23:34
Go tell that
27.09.2015 06:18
EDL, NF and NWI / NEI regularly post on there!
Anti-Redwatch, Anti-Troll
27.09.2015 06:20
Fuck off Troll.
What goes round come round.
27.09.2015 13:36
26) David Williams
27.09.2015 19:21
David Williams (left)
David Williams at demo
David Williams support for National Socialism
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 15 March 1966
Political Affiliation:- NEI/National Socalism
Lives:- North East
Political History:- David Williams has been involved with the NEI as early as 2013 attending local and national demos and holds national socialist views
27) Deirdre
27.09.2015 19:32
Deirdre - North East EDL
Deirdre with Melissa Williams and Adam Coulthand - North East EDL
Deirdre with NEI members in Dover - North East EDL
Deirdre at North East EDL meet and greet
Deirdre at North East EDL meet and greet
Deirdre - North East EDL
Deirdre - North East EDL
Deirdre a North East EDL member at Pegida demo
Deirdre - North East EDL
Deirdre with Laura Mason - North East EDL
Deirdre - North East EDL
Deirdre - North East EDL
Deirdre - North East EDL
Deirdre support for White supremacy - North East EDL
Gender:- Female
Birthday:- 25 March
Political Affiliation:- White Supremacy/North East EDL/NEI
From:- Amble
Lives:- Amble
Political History:- Deirdre is involved with the North East EDL and NEI. She's attended a number of local demos, meet and greets and national demos such as the Pegida demo in Newcastle and the National Front's demo in Dover on the 12th September 2015.
Deirdre also supports a page called 'Hail the White race'
28) Donna Watson
27.09.2015 19:47
Donna Watson
Donna Watson with Nick Griffin BNP
Donna Watson with Nick Griffin BNP
Donna Watson
Donna Watson - Ex British Army
Donna Watson - Ex British Army
Donna Watson - Ex British Army
Donna Watson - Ex British Army
Donna Watson - Ex British Army
Donna Watson at Pegida demo in Newcastle
Donna Watson with Nick Griffin BNP
Donna Watson
Gender:- Female
DOB:- 20 January 1969
Political Affiliation:- BNP/The British Voice
From:- Dundee, Scotland
Lives:- South Shields
Employment:- Ex British Army/HM Forces
Politcal History:- Donna Watson is photographed next to BNP leader Nick Griffin which she supports and is also actively involved with the ‘The British Voice’ branch based in South Shields. She’s connected with numerous North East EDL members and is a Ex British Army Soldier.
Recently Donna also attended the Pegida Demo in Newcastle earlier this year and the White Man March hosted by National Action in Newcastle.
Other info:- Donna has a thing for muscly men.
29) Gaffa Galashan
27.09.2015 20:01
Gaffa Galashan - North East EDL
Gaffa Galashan - North East EDL
Gaffa Galashan - North East EDL
Gaffa Galashan - North East EDL
Gaffa Galashan - North East EDL
Gaffa Galashan - North East EDL
Gaffa Galashan - North East EDL
Gaffa Galashan - North East EDL
Gaffa Galashan - North East EDL
Gaffa Galashan - North East EDL
Gaffa Galashan - North East EDL
Gaffa Galashan - North East EDL
Gaffa Galashan - North East EDL
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 01/10/1964
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL/UKIP
From:- London
Lives:- Durham
Mobile:- 07923521577
Political History:- Gaff has been involved with the North East EDL since 2012 and recently attended the Pegida demo in February and North East EDL demo in South Shields in August 2015.
30) Gail Knox
27.09.2015 20:12
Gail Knox - North East EDL
Gail Knox - North East EDL
Gail Knox with Shotgun - North East EDL
Gail Knox - North East EDL
Gail Knox - North East EDL
Gail Knox - North East EDL
Gail Knox - North East EDL
Gail Knox - North East EDL . Nothing says true british pride like a shotgun eh
Gender:- Female
DOB:- 4 July 1957
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL/NEI/
Lives:- North East
Political History:- Gail Knox is involved with the North East EDL. In one photograph she poses with a shotgun.
31) Gary Lisle
27.09.2015 20:22
Gary Lisle
Gary Lisle at North East EDL meet and greet
Gary Lisle
Gary Lisle
Gary Lisle
Gary Lisle
Gary Lisle
Gary Lisle with child abuser Mark Pearson also a North East EDL member
Gary Lisle
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 18/11/1985
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL (Since 2013)
Lives:- Newcastle
Employment:- Packer at Greggs Factory (September 2014 to present)
Education:- Studied at Whitely Bay High School
Political History:- Gary’s been involved with the North East EDL since 2013 and has attended numerous meet and greets and EDL demos since then.
32) Gary W Sullivan
27.09.2015 20:30
Gary W Sullivan
Gary W Sullivan - North East EDL
Gary W Sullivan - North East EDL
Gary W Sullivan - North East EDL
Gary W Sullivan - North East EDL
Gary W Sullivan - North East EDL
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 29 December 1965
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL (Since 2010) /Gremlins/UKIP
Mobile:- 07787 390686
From:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Lives:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Address:- 223 Walkerdene House, Tumulus Av, Walker, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE6 4UX
Education:- Studied at Blakelaw - 9 August 1974 to September 1987
Political History:- Gary’s been involved with the North East EDL since 2010 and recently attended the Pegida demo earlier in January 2015 this year.
33) Gavin Dunn
27.09.2015 20:39
Gavin Dunn - North East EDL
Gavin Dunn - North East EDL
Gavin Dunn - North East EDL
Gavin Dunn - North East EDL
Gavin Dunn - North East EDL
Gavin Dunn - North East EDL
Gavin Dunn - North East EDL
Gavin Dunn - North East EDL
Gavin Dunn - North East EDL
Gavin Dunn with David McCubbin - North East EDL
Gavin Dunn - North East EDL
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL
From:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Lives:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
34) Gavin Hobson
27.09.2015 20:47
Gavin Hobson
Gavin Hobson
Gavin Hobson with NEI members
Gavin Hobson - with NEI members on way to Pegida demo
Gavin Hobson
Gavin Hobson
Gavin Hobson
Gavin Hobson
Gavin Hobson
Gavin Hobson
Gavin Hobson
Gender:- Male
Birthday:- 29/01/
Political Affiliation:- NEI/Pegida/Sunderland Defence League
From:- Sunderland
Lives:- Sunderland
Education:- Thornhill School
Political History:- Gavin’s been involved with the NEI since 2014 attending a number of their demos including ones hosted by Sunderland Defence League to the Pegida demo earlier this year in 2015
35) Harry Fisken
27.09.2015 21:03
Harry Fisken
Harry Fisken at Pegida demo in Newcastle 2015
Harry Fisken at NF demo, monument - newcastle
Harry Fisken at NF demo, monument - newcastle
Harry Fisken at National Action white man march - Newcastle
Harry Fisken at National Action white man march - Newcastle
Harry Fisken
Harry Fisken
Harry Fisken with Sunderland Defence League
Harry Fisken at NF demo Monument, Newcastle
Harry Fisken - Sunderland Defence League
Harry Fisken
Harry Fisken with NEI - Dover, 12th September 2015
Harry Fisken - Sunderland Defence League
Harry Fisken
Harry Fisken
Harry Fisken NEI
Harry Fisken
Harry Fisken - racist comment about 'pakis'
Harry Fisken's house and street
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 07/09/1960
Political Affiliation:- NEI/North East EDL/Sunderland Defence League/NF/National Action
From:- Sunderland
Lives:- Sunderland
Address:- 9 Paton Rd, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear SR3 1QH
Education:- Thornhill School (1971-1977)
Political History:- Harry’s been involved with the North East EDL since 2013 though has attended NEI demos, National Front demos in Newcastle, The Pegida demo in Newcastle and National Action’s White man March in Newcastle in March earlier in March 2015.
Harry claims he isn’t a racist yet regularly talks about ‘pakis’ he’s chased and letting a staffy out on them in Hendon on one occasion to scare them. He regularly takes photos of counter demonstrators claiming he attacked them on some occasions though really he never has.
36) Helen Barrass, Rachel Kilpatrick + Paul Davison
27.09.2015 21:18
Paul Davison
Helen Barrass
Rachel Kilpatrick
Helen Barrass and Rachel Kilpatrick at NF demo at the Monument in Newcastle
Paul Davison - North East EDL
Paul Davison - NEI
Paul Davison - Northern Ireland + Orange Order
Paul Davison and Helen Barrass
Helen Barrass at Pegida march
Rachel Kilpatrick at Pegida march
Helen Barrass photo archive from profile (click enlarge)
Helen Barrass spotting reds (click to enlarge) not so hidden now
Helen Barrass at North Shields EDL demo August 2015
Rachel Kilpatrick with NEI
Rachel Kilpatrick and Helen Barrass
Paul Davison at NEI demo in Sunderland
Helen Barrass
Gender:- Female
Political affiliation:- North East EDL/NEI/National Front
DOB:- 23/06/
From:- North Shields
Lives:- North Shields
Education:- Went to John Spence High School
Helen Barrass is dating Paul Davison (NEI) who used to be involved the North East EDL before joining the NEI and then Orange Order/Loyalist movement. Helen’s been involved with the EDL since 2014 and has also attended the Pegida demo in Newcastle and before that attended the National Front demo at the Monument with her friend Rachel Kilpatrick. She also attend EDL flash demos and her most recent demo was the EDL demo in North Shields.
Helen often plays the role as a spotter taking photos of stalls and counter demos where her friends discuss about physically assaulting them. Her photo is added for identification in future.
Name:- Rachel Kilpatrick
Gender:- Female
Political affiliation:- EDL/National Front
Lives:- North Shields
DOB:- 30 March 1992
Rachel has attended National Front demos and Pegida demos in Newcastle. Her most recent demo was also the EDL demo in North Shields.
Pubs Helen and Rachel frequent:- ‘The Victoria - Whitely Bay, The Anson, The Garricks Head Pub’
Name:- Paul Davison
Gender:- Male
Political affiliation:- North East EDL/NEI/Loyalist
Paul Davidson is known to be involved with the North East EDL since 2011 before joining the NEI who he still has connections with. Paul recently has been seen in Northern Ireland and at Orange Order marches.
37) Ian Maines and Stephen Maines
28.09.2015 05:45
Ian Maines - North East EDL
Stehen Maines - North East EDL
Steve Hewitt and Ian Maines - North East EDL
Stephen Maines at EDL demo
Ian Maines at EDL demo
Ian Maines, Stephen Maines and Steve Hewitt
Steve Hewitt - North East EDL regional organizer
Ian Johnson, Moxy, Steve Hewitt and Ian Maines - North East EDL
Early snap of North East EDL with Steve Hewitt
Steve Hewitt. lol
Gender:- Male
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL
From:- Newcastle
Lives:- Newcastle
Name:- Stephen Wilson
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 20 May 1962
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL
From:- Newcastle
Lives:- Newcastle
Education:- Went to Rutherford Comprehensive
Political History:- Ian Maines and Stephen Maines are closely connected with one of the North East Regional Organiser’s Steve Hewitt and have been involved since its initial founding. Stephen has been spotted at the Pegida demo in Newcastle earlier this year.
38) Isaac Lye Callison
28.09.2015 05:56
Isaac Callison - North East EDL
Isaac Callison - arrests
Isaac Callison - arrests
Isaac Callison with David McCubbin
Isaac Callison - North East EDL
Isaac Callison
Isaac Callisons support for the BNP
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 17 February 1984
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL/BNP/
From:- Blaydon
Lives:- Consett
Yahoo:- (Yahoo! Messenger)
Criminal History:- Isaac Callison has been caught dealing with Heroin and notably kidnapped and held a man hostage. ‘They bundled their victim into a BMW, drove him to a friends to show off, stabbed him with a knife and threatened him with a knuckleduster and sword’
Today Isaac isn’t shy or ashamed about his past, in-fact he proudly displays newspaper cuttings of his arrest and sentencing on his Facebook profile.
Political History:- Since then Isaac has been involved with the North East EDL since 2015 pictured going to EDL demos with other North East EDL members. Isaac also shows support for the British National Party/BNP.
39) James Matthew Wade, Liam Wade and Chrissy Joscelyne
28.09.2015 06:32
James Wade
Chrissy Joscelyne
Liam Wade
James Wade posing behind their own NUFC National Front sticker
James, Chrissy's and Liam's support for far-right groups
James Wade
James and Chrissy with Division 92
Chrissy and Lee with North East EDL member Gary Nichol
James Wade support for the EDL
James Wade
James Wade and Chrissy Joscelyne
James + Liams house and street
James Wade posing with weapons
James Wade
Liams comments about Ukraine neo-nazis as heroes and racism (click to enlarge)
Liam Wade
James Wade before a raid
Ukraine neo-nazis that James takes inspiration from
South Guard Partizan
Embarrassing photos of Liam Wade
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 29/10/1994
Political affiliations:- North East EDL/National Front/National Action
From:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Lives:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Sport club history:- Trains at F.I.T Club on High Bridge Street
Political History:- James Wade has been known to support the EDL since 2009. He shows support towards other parties and groups such as the National Front, National Action, UKIP and the BNP. James is also connected with Ukraine, Polish, Macedonian and other European Far-right nationalists.
James also has travelled and has connections with Polish and Ukraine Far-right ultras where he take most his inspiration from. Recently James Wade attended the Pegida demo in Newcastle earlier this year.
James is also part of the so-called Newcastle United ‘Ultras’ group ‘Division 92’ who are not only are taken the piss out of by Newcastle supporters [1] though some members in D92 are also known to show support towards far-right groups.
For instance, James friend Chrissy Joscelyne, also a D92 member supports the EDL and is connected with EDL member Gary Nichol. James also has a brother called Liam Wade (pictured) who is also known to share similar views with his brother and has connections with Far-right Ultras group South Guard Partizan.
Name:- Liam Wade
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 15/08/1992
Political Affiliation:- Misanthropic Division/National Socialism
Mobile:- 07789639382
Phone:- 0191 236 6686
Address:- 43 Brunton Park, Great North Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE3 5LX, Tyne and Wear
Employment:- Mechanic at Volvo Tracks. Past: Managing Director at North East Logistics Limited
Liam Wade is known to call Ukraine Neo-Nazi’s as ‘heroes of our time’ and supports National Socialist groups such as Misanthropic Division which use Ak47’s and the SS Totenkopf (Death Head) as their logo. He has connections with Neo-Nazi Ultras group South Guard Partizan which he describes as ‘our Black and White cousins’ and also is connected with Macedonian Neo Nazi’s. Liam also supports Skrewdriver.
The Wades also run a transport business called ‘W Wade Transport’ which matches Liam’s address.
Division 92 also printed a homophobic and anti-antifascist sticker which they claim never happened. Though James is also photographed posing behind their own National Front/White Supremacist styled NUFC sticker. They say they don’t bring politics into football, yet they’re the ones openly brining far-right idealogical views and material into football.
Name:- Chrissy Joscelyne
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 26/12/1990
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL
From:- Prudhoe
Lives:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Education: Went to Prudhoe Community High School and Highfield Middle School
[1] -
40) Stephen Cape
28.09.2015 06:55
Stephen Cape - North East EDL
Stephen Cape - North East EDL
Stephen Cape - North East EDL
Stephen Cape - North East EDL
Stephen Cape at North East EDL Meet and Greet
Stephen Cape at North East EDL Meet and Greet
Stephen Cape with David McCubbin - North East EDL
Stephen Cape - North East EDL Teesside Division
Stephen Cape - North East EDL
Stephen Cape - North East EDL
Stephen Cape at North East EDL flash demo
Stephen Cape - North East EDL
Stephen Cape - North East EDL
Stephen Cape - North East EDL
Stephen Cape with John Hill - North East EDL members
Stephen Cape attemping to mask his face - North East EDL
Stephen Cape with Ted Lee - North East EDL
Stephen Cape - North East EDL
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 12/11/1969
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL
From:- Newcastle
Lives:- Newcastle
Political History:- Jason has attended numerous North East EDL flash demos since getting involve in 2013. Since then Jason has attended EDL demos across the country with North East EDL members including March for England.
41) Jay Vickers
28.09.2015 16:33
Jay Vickers - North East EDL
Jay Vickers - North East EDL
Jay Vickers - North East EDL
Jay Vickers - North East EDL
Jay Vickers - North East EDL
Jay Vickers - North East EDL
Jay Vickers - North East EDL
Jay Vickers - North East EDL
Jay Vickers - North East EDL
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 28 July 1988
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL Teesside Division
From:- Middlesbrough
Lives:- Stockton
Employment:- Works with Mark James also a EDL member
Political History:- Jay’s been involved with the North East EDL since 2014 and has attended a number of EDL demo’s since.
42) Jed Stoker Charlton
28.09.2015 16:45
Jed Stoker Charlton
Jed Stoker Charlton and Anthony Dodds
Jed Stoker Charlton next to NF banner
Jed Stoker Charlton
Jed Stoker Charlton with North East EDL members
Jed Stoker Charlton with NEI members
Jed Stoker Charlton with gun
Jed Stoker Charlton with Charles Raffery
Jed Stoker Charlton with Charles Raffery and Anthony Dodds
Jed Stoker Charlton with weapons
Jed Stoker Charlton at NEI demo in Sunderland
Jed Stoker Charlton at Pegida demo with Anthony Dodds
Jed Stoker Charlton with Anthony Dodds
Gender:- Male
Dob:- 10/02/1994
Political Affilation:- Pegida/NEI/EDL/NF/Sunderland Defence League/BNP
From:- Sunderland
Lives:- Murton
Mobile:- 07450967671
Employment:- Rapid Glazing & Windows Ltd
Past:- East Durham College
Political History:- Jed Charlton has been involved with the NEI since 2014 and has attended NEI and EDL marches since including the Pegida demo in Newcastle earlier this year in 2015.
43) John Brownson
29.09.2015 18:02
John Brownson
John Brownson (left) at EDL/NEI demo
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 02/05/1978
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL
From:- Bishop Auckland
Lives:- Ferryhill
44) John Connolly
29.09.2015 20:09
John Connolly - North East EDL
John Connolly - North East EDL
John Connolly at North East EDL meet and greet
John Connolly at North East EDL North Shields demo, August 2015
John Connolly at North East EDL meet and greet
John Connolly with North East EDL
John Connolly - North East EDL
John Connolly - North East EDL
John Connolly at North East EDL flash demo
John Connolly - North East EDL
John Connolly - North East EDL
John Connolly - North East EDL
John Connolly with Alan Turpin Smith - North East EDL
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 14 July 1966
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL (Since 2014)
Political History:- John’s been involved with the North East EDL since around 2014 attending a number of flash demos in the North East, local EDL meet and greets and EDL demos across the country.
45) John W Hill (Hilly)
30.09.2015 04:46
John W Hill
John W Hill's support for the BNP/British National Party
People taking the piss out of Johns EDL involvement
More people taking the piss out of Johns EDL involvement
John W Hill with Stephen Cape - North East EDL
John W Hill with North East EDL members
John W Hill with Andrew Johnson - North East EDL
John W Hill - North East EDL
John W Hill - North East EDL
John W Hill - North East EDL
John W Hill - North East EDL
John W Hill - North East EDL
John W Hill - North East EDL
John W Hill - North East EDL
John W Hill - North East EDL
John W Hill - North East EDL
John W Hill - North East EDL
John W Hill - North East EDL
John W Hill - North East EDL
Gender:- Male
Birthday:- 5 April
Political Affiliation:- Active with North East EDL since 2013/BNP/UKIP
From:- Stockton on Tees
Lives:- Stockton on Tees
Education:- Studied at sheraton comprehensive
Employment:- Machine operator at Steel works
Political History:- John has been involved with the North East EDL since 2013 attending a number of demos locally and nationwide. Fortunately even his own friends take the piss out of his involvement with the EDL. John Hill also shows support to the BNP/British National Party.
46) John Kerr
30.09.2015 05:02
John Kerr - North East EDL
John Kerr with North East EDL at demo/meet
John Kerr with Gavin Dunn - North East EDL
John Kerr at work
John Kerr at work
John Kerr at work
Gender:- Male
Birthday:- 02/07
Political Afilliation:- North East EDL
From:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Lives:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Employment:- Charge hand scaffolder at Cape Industrial Services -
Political History:- John Kerr has been involved with the North East EDL since March 2015 attending an EDL march
46) Julie Usher, Billie Steele and John McMahon
30.09.2015 05:19
Billie Steele
John McMahon
Julie Usher
Julie Usher and Billie Steele at North East EDL demo
Billie Steele and Tony Hodson
John McMahon and Billie Steele at North East EDL demo May 2013
Julie Usher and Billie Steele at North East EDL demo
John McMahon and Billie Steele at North East EDL demo
Julie Usher, John McMahon and Billie Steele at North East EDL demo
Julie Usher, John McMahon and Billie Steele at North East EDL demo
John McMahon and Billie Steele with EDL flag
John McMahon and Billie Steele
EDL members question North East EDL's pointless flash demo
Julie Usher and Billie Steele at EDL demo in Newcastle
Gender:- Female
Political Afffiliation:- North East EDL
From:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Lives:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Education:- Slatyford -Class of 1976
Mobile:- 07538 770670
Political History:- Julie’s been involved with the North East EDL since 2013 attending regional, and national demos including local EDL flash demos. Julie is dating Billie Steele also a North East EDL member.
In a video which Julie recorded at the Monument even their own members ask what was the point in that particular demo. See it here:-
Name:- Billie Steele
DOB:- 24/07/1955
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL
From:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Lives:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Political History:- Billie and his friend John McMahon have been involved with the EDL since 2013, attending demos in Newcastle and meet and greets.
48) Kev Brindle
30.09.2015 05:29
Kev Brindle - NEI
Kev Brindle - NEI at National Action's White Man March Newcastle
Kev Brindle's tattoos
Kev Brindle - NEI
Kev Brindle - NEI
Kev Brindle - NEI
Kev Brindle - NEI
Kev Brindle - NEI
Kev Brindle - NEI
Kev Brindle - NEI
Kev Brindle at National Front demo in Dover, 12th September 2015
Kev Brindle - NEI at NF demo in Newcastle
Kev Brindle - NEI
Kev Brindle - NEI
Kev Brindle - NEI
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 2 March 1969
Political Affiliation:- NEI/EDL
From:- Bolton
Lives:- Newcastle upon Tyne
Political History:- Kev’s been involved with the NEI since 2014 attending numerous demos locally and nationwide.
49) Kevin Bannon
30.09.2015 12:43
Kevin Bannon
Kevin Bannon with David McCubbin - North East EDL
Kevin Bannon - North East EDL
Kevin Bannon at North East EDL flash demo, Newcastle
Kevin Bannon at North East EDL flash demo, Newcastle
Kevin Bannon at North East EDL demo in Middlesbrough
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 10 October 1962
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL (since 2014) / UKIP
From:- Newcastle
Lives:- Newcastle
Political History:- Kevin Bannon’s been involved with the North East EDL since 2014 adding flash demos and a number of regional demos such as Middlesbrough and other demos.
50) Kevin Robe
30.09.2015 14:05
Kevin Robe - NEI
Kevin Robe - nazi salute - NEI
Kevin Robe - NEI
Gender:- Male
Dob:- 12 August 1980
Political Affiliation:- NEI
From:- Sunderland
Lives:- Sunderland
Education:- Went to Hartcliffe School
Political History:- Kevin Robe is involved with the NEI, he’s caught giving a nazi salute on the way to the Pegida demo with other NEI members in Febuary 2015.
51) Kieron M Wright and Lorraine Percival
30.09.2015 15:44
Kieron M Wright at NF demo
Lorraine Percival
Lorraine Percival with EDL mask
Kieron M Wright with EDL mask
Kieron M Wright with Steven Barker at NF demo
Kieron M Wright with Tommy Allan at NF demo
Kieron M Wright with Phillip Hackers at NF demo
Kieron M Wright at work on Northumberland Street, Newcastle
Kieron M Wright
Kieron M Wright
Kieron M Wright and Lorraine Percival
Kieron M Wright white power and bnp support
Kieron M Wright
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 25 November 1992
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL/BNP/NF
Relationship:- Lorraine Percival (also North East EDL supporter) In a relationship since 4 April 2011
From:- Sunderland
Lives:- Sunderland
Political History:- Kieran been involved with the North East EDL and NEI attending demos including National Front Demos. His partner Lorraine Percival is also photographed in an EDL mask.
52) Laura Reed
30.09.2015 15:59
Laura Reed
Laura Reed - North East EDL
Laura Reed - North East EDL
Laura Reed with North East EDL in 2010
Laura Reed - North East EDL with SIA licence
Laura Reed - North East EDL talks about being spat on by her own EDL members
Laura Reed
Gender:- Female
Birthday:- 10 July
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL
From:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Lives:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Employment:- S.I.A. Door Supervisor and Crowd Safety Steward at Showsec International Ltd
Political History:- Laura Reed has been involved with the North East EDL since 2010. Though being involved with the North East EDL isn’t always fun for women, she states she’s been spat on with cider by other North East EDL members since joining.
Laura’s currently working as a S.I.A Door Supervisor and as Crowd Safety Sterward at Showsec International Ltd:-
Contact Showsec about Laura Reeds involvement in the EDL:-
53) Lee Dunn
30.09.2015 16:11
Lee Dunn
Lee Dunn at EDL demo
Lee Dunn at EDL demo
Lee Dunn with Neil Dagga North East EDL members
Lee Dunn with North East EDL members
Gender:- Male
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL
From:- South Shields
Lives:- South Shields
Political History:- Lee Dunn has been involved with the North East EDL for a number of years attending local demos and national EDL demos
54) Lee Dyson
30.09.2015 16:27
Lee Dyson
Lee Dyson with Paul McKenzie
Lee Dyson with Tommy English (masked) and David Williams - NEI
Lee Dyson with NEI members
Lee Dyson with Andrew Johnson
Lee Dyson
Lee Dyson
Lee Dyson with EDL Tattoo
Lee Dyson with Tommy English
Lee Dyson
Lee Dyson
Lee Dyson
Lee Dyson with Gavin Hobson
Lee Dyson
Lee Dyson with North East EDL members
Lee Dyson at EDL flash demo, Monument, Newcastle
Lee Dyson with Tommy English
Lee Dyson with EDL/NEI members in Newcastle on Westgate Rd.
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 13/01/1980
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL Teesside division/NEI
From:- Stockton on Tees
Lives:- Stockton on Tees
Political History:- Lee’s been involved with the North East EDL since 2014 attending EDL flash demos at Northumberland Street to a number of Regional and National EDL/NEI demos.
55) Lee 'England' and Chrissy Johnson
30.09.2015 17:14
Lee 'England'
Chris Johnson
Chris Johnson with D92 members
Chris Johnson and Lee 'England' with North East EDL members
Lee 'England' with North East EDL members in 2013
Lee 'England' at North East EDL flash demo, Monument, Newcastle
Lee 'England' at EDL demo
Lee 'England' with Division 92 members
Lee 'England' with Gary Nichol and Peter Brydon
Lee 'England' at North East EDL meet and greet
Lee 'England' at North East EDL meet and greet
Lee 'England' at North East EDL flash demo, Monument, Newcastle
Lee 'England' (left of page) at North East EDL flash demo, Monument, Newcastle
Lee 'England' at North East EDL flash demo, Monument, Newcastle
Lee 'England' with North East EDL members
Lee 'England'
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 22 July 1997
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL
Education:- Whitely Bay High school
Political History:- Lee ‘England’ and his friend Chrissy Johnson are Division 92 members, though they’ve also been caught out photographed attending North East EDL demos and meetings. Lee particularly has been involved since 2013.
56) Linzi Brown
30.09.2015 22:24
Linzi Brown
Linzi Brown support for the BNP and National Front
Linzi Brown at National Front demo in Newcastle
Linzi Brown at National Front demo in Newcastle
Linzi Brown at Pegida demo in Newcastle
Linzi Brown with Sam McArdie at EDL demo
Linzi Brown
Linzi Brown
Linzi Brown with North East EDL members
Linzi Brown
Linzi Brown at EDL demo
Linzi Brown with John Connolly and Hollie Smallwood - North East EDL members
Linzi Brown
Linzi Brown - North East EDL
Linzi Brown - North East EDL (sun glasses)
Linzi Brown with Isaac Callison a Heroin dealer and kidnapper - North East EDL
Linzi Brown with North East EDL
Linzi Brown
Linzi Brown with North East EDL
Gender:- Female
Political Affiliation:- NF/North East EDL /BNP
Lives:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Political History:- Linzi Brown has been involved with the National Front photographed attending a National Front demo in Newcastle.
Linzi also very active with the North East EDL attending demos with other members and also attended the recent Pegida demo in Newcastle.
Linzi’s page shows she supports the BNP/ British National Party and the National Front.
57) Marc Foster
01.10.2015 10:11
Marc Foster
Marc Foster with EDL members
Marc Foster
Marc Foster posed with a knife
Marc Foster with EDL members
Marc Foster with EDL members
Marc Foster with EDL members
Marc Foster
Marc Foster's friend Kenny
Marc Foster - North East EDL
Marc Foster - North East EDL
Marc Foster - North East EDL
Marc Foster - North East EDL
Marc Foster - North East EDL
Marc Foster - North East EDL
Marc Foster - North East EDL
Marc Foster makes baby wear EDL badges - North East EDL
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 14 August 1980
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL Teesside Division/UKIP/
From:- Middlesbrough
Lives:- Middlesbrough
Education:- Nunthorpe Comprehensive
Political History:- Marc has been involved with the North East EDL since 2011 to this present day. He’s also pictured stupidly enough making his only child wear EDL badges and posed with a knife, though being such a great warrior maybe he should go to Syria and actually fight ISIS instead of playing dress-up in his house.
58) Marcus (William Owen Briggs) Watson
01.10.2015 10:21
Marcus (William Owen Briggs) Watson - NEI
Marcus (William Owen Briggs) Watson with Deirdre - NEI
Marcus (William Owen Briggs) Watson - NEI
Marcus (William Owen Briggs) Watson - NEI
Marcus (William Owen Briggs) Watson with NEI in Dover - 12th September 2015
Marcus (William Owen Briggs) Watson - NEI member at Pegida demo in Newcastle
Marcus (William Owen Briggs) Watson - NEI weapons
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 14/06/1993
Political Affiliation:- /NEI/NF
From:- Sunderland
Lives:- Sunderland
Mobile:- 07525844191
Education:- Studied Joinery and Carpentry at New College Durham, Joiner at Skills training
Political History:- Marcus has been involved with the NEI since 2014, recently he attended the NF Dover demo on the 12th September 2015.
59) Mark James
01.10.2015 10:35
Mark James
Mark James - North East EDL
Mark James with Andrew Johnson - North East EDL
Mark James - North East EDL
Mark James - North East EDL
Mark James - North East EDL
Mark James - North East EDL
Mark James with Lee Dyson - North East EDL
Mark James - North East EDL
Mark James - North East EDL
Mark James - North East EDL
Mark James - North East EDL
Mark James - North East EDL
Mark James - North East EDL
Mark James - North East EDL
Mark James - North East EDL
Mark James - North East EDL
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 13 March 1976
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL (2013), NEI
From:- Middlesbrough
Lives:- Stockton on Tees
Education:- Blakeston School
Mobile:- 07999 501350, 07934 918722
Political History:- Mark James has been involved with the EDL since 2013 and has attended a number of EDL demos locally and across the country.
60) Mark Richard Isadore
01.10.2015 10:48
Mark Richard Isadore
Mark Richard Isadore - NEI
Mark Richard Isadore - NEI
Mark Richard Isadore - NEI
Mark Richard Isadore - NEI
Mark Richard Isadore - NEI
Mark Richard Isadore - NEI
Mark Richard Isadore at NEI demo in Sunderland, 2014
Mark Richard Isadore and NEI members with child abuser EDL member Mark Pearson
Mark Richard Isadore and NEI members with child abuser EDL member Mark Pearson
Mark Richard Isadore - NEI
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 19 May 1975
Political Affiliation:- NEI/UKIP
From:- Sunderland
Lives:- Sunderland
Political History:- Mark’s been involved with the NEI since 2014 and has attended numerous demos since.
61) Mark Walls
01.10.2015 10:59
Mark Walls
Mark Walls
Mark Walls
Mark Walls at North East EDL flash demo
Mark Walls trying to cover his face
Mark Walls with Alan Spence - North East EDL
Mark Walls
Gender:- Male
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL /NEI
Lives:- Felling, Gateshead
Employment:- Front Line worker at Securitas
Political History:- Mark Walls has been involved with the North East EDL for a number of years and has attended local flash demos to regional and national EDL demos.
62) Martin Hogarth
01.10.2015 11:11
Martin Hogarth
Martin Hogarth with Tommy Allan and Kieron Wright
Martin Hogarth at National Action's White Man March, Newcastle 2015
Martin Hogarth
Martin Hogarth with Tommy Allan
Martin Hogarth with Tommy Allan and Kieron Wright
Martin Hogarth with Tommy Allan
Martin Hogarth
Martin Hogarth with NEI members
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 18 May 1988
Political Affiliation:- EDL/NEI/Pegida/National Action
From:- Sunderland
Lives:- Hendon, Sunderland
Political History:- Martin's been involved with the NEI since 2014. He attended the Pegida demo where he was really scared when he lost his minder Tommy Allan:- - 45.48 - 46.15
Martins attended National Action demo in Newcastle and is also a part of H.M.D (Hendon Mad Dogs)
63) Michael Badger
01.10.2015 11:27
Michael Badger
Michael Badger with EDL
Michael Badger with EDL tattoo
Michael Badger's racist and bigoted comments
Michael Badger supporting Adolf Hitler
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL
Lives:- Newcastle
64) Michael Brownson
01.10.2015 11:36
Michael Brownson
Michael Brownson NEI
Michael Brownson with NEI in Dover, 12th September 2015
Michael Brownson - EDL
Michael Brownson
Michael Brownson
Michael Brownson
Colin Dodds
Michael Brownson
Michael Brownson
Michael Brownson - Basra, 2004 Ex British Soldier
Gender:- Male
BIrthday:- 27.05.
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL/NEI/
Lives:- Durham
Employment:- Ex British Soldier
Political History:- Michael’s been involved with the North East EDL since 2012.
If you’ve seen some people putting up St George flags around Durham more than likely you’ll find that it’s Michael and Collin Dodds who have been putting them up.
Recently Michael attended the National Front's Dover demo with NEI members on the 12 September 2015.
65) Michael Parker
04.10.2015 21:45
Michael Parker
Michael Parker
Michael Parker - North East EDL
Michael Parker - North East EDL
Michael Parker - North East EDL at South Shields Demo
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 12 May 1966
Political Affiliation;- North East EDL (Since 2012)
From:- Sunderland
Lives:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Education:- Studied Basic Skills at wearside college, Past: Pennywell School
Political History:- Michael’s been involved with the EDL since 2012 to this present day attending local and nationwide demos.
Other info:- Michael is a really big fan of Elvis Presley
66) Neil Mcdermott
04.10.2015 22:10
Neil Mcdermott
Neil Mcdermott - masked
Neil Mcdermott with North East EDL
Neil Mcdermott - North East EDL
Neil Mcdermott - North East EDL
Neil Mcdermott
Neil Mcdermott - North East EDL
Neil Mcdermott
Neil Mcdermott with Jay Vickers - North East EDL
Neil Mcdermott - North East EDL
Gender:- Male
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL/NEI/
From:- Stockton on Tees
Lives:- Stockton onTees
Political History:- Neil is involved with the North East EDL.
67) Paul Ross
04.10.2015 22:27
Paul Ross
Paul Ross nazi salute - North East EDL
Paul Ross - North East EDL
Paul Ross - North East EDL
Paul Ross - North East EDL
Gender:- Male
Age:- 50
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL
Lives:- Auckland Wind, Shildon
Political History:- Paul Ross has been involved with the North East EDL since 2012, he’s been charged for racial abuse [1] and has been caught photographed giving a Nazi salute. He’s still connected with both NEI and North East EDL members.
[1] +
68) Paul Rogers
04.10.2015 22:44
Paul Rogers
Paul Rogers with Kevin Carroll
Paul Rogers with Tommy Robinson
Paul Rogers support for Adolf Hitler and the BNP
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 31/05/1977
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL/BNP/National Socialist
From:- Forest Hill
Lives:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Education:- St Mary Comprehensive School
Political History:- Paul Rogers has been involved with the North East EDL since 2013, he also idolises Adolf Hitler and supports the BNP.
69) Penny Graham
04.10.2015 23:06
(Penny) Ann Graham
Ann Graham with Laura Mason - North East EDL
Ann Graham - North East EDL
Ann Graham - North East EDL
Gender:- Female
DOB:- 12/08/1975
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL
From:- Gravesend
Lives:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Mobile:- 27041b40(BBM)
Education:- Studied at thamesview, Past: Thamesview Secondary School
Political History:- Ann’s been involved with the North East EDL since 2013 and takes her support very seriously having an EDL christmas bauble, mug and lighter made.
70) Peter Barwick
05.10.2015 06:05
Peter Barwick
Peter Barwick at NF Dover demo with NEI 12 September 2015
Peter Barwick
Peter Barwick - North East EDL
Peter Barwick
Peter Barwick (st george mask)
Peter Barwick - North East EDL
Peter Barwick
Peter Barwick
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 25 March 1967
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL/NEI/
From:- Middlesbrough
Lives:- Hartlepool
Education:- Went to Bassleton Comprehensive
Political History:- Peter Barwick tries to hide is face on demos and online wearing a st george face mask or with a pig mask. Fortunately here other photos gathered show him without his mask on.
Peter’s been involved with the North East EDL since 2014 though also recently attended the Dover demo with NEI friends on the 12 September 2015.
Peter Barwick is also a Middlesbrough FC supporter.
71) Richie Raymond
05.10.2015 06:16
Richie Raymond
Richie Raymond with Keith Ormston
Richie Raymond - North East EDL monument demo (red shirt, brown cap)
Richie Raymond with NE EDL members including Chris Smith
Richie Raymond
Richie Raymond
Richie Raymond
Richie Raymond and Keith Ormston
Gender:- Male
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL since 2012
Lives:- Bedlington
Went to Cramlington High School (left 1996)
Political History:- Richie has been involved with the North East EDL since 2012. He took part in an attack at the Monument in 2012 and has attended local and national EDL demos.
72) Robert Low
05.10.2015 06:28
Robert Low
Robert Low with EDL tattoo
Robert Low
Robert Low
Robert Low
Robert Low's racist posts
Robert Low street and pictures from the inside of his house.
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 06/11/1971
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL since 2010 / UKIP
From:- Newcastle
Lives:- Newcastle
AIM:- robndebs
Skype:- smilerob71
Address:- 2 Honister Place, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE15 7JX.
Political History:- Robert Low has been involved with the North East EDL since 2010 to this present day. Rob even has an EDL tattoo on his chest and supports UKIP.
73) Shaun Ramsay and Tony Hamilton
05.10.2015 06:49
Shaun Ramsay
Tony Hamlinton at North East EDL demo 25th May
Shaun Ramsay with North East EDL Regional Organiser Steve Hewitt
Shaun Ramsay's support for Adolf Hitler
Shaun Ramsay's Swastika medal collection
Shaun Ramsay and Tony Hamlinton at North East EDL demo 25th May
Shaun Ramsay and Tony Hamlinton
Shaun Ramsay
Shaun Ramsay with his friend Davy giving Nazi salutes
Tony Hamlinton at work
Shaun Ramsay
Shaun Ramsay with Tony Hamliton at Pegida demo, Newcastle Feb 2015
Shaun Ramsay
Tony Hamliton
Shaun Ramsay
Tony Hamliton
Shaun Ramsay at NE EDL demo 25th May 2013
Tony Hamliton at NE EDL demo 25th May 2013
Shaun Ramsay's racist and violent comments
Shaun Ramsay at work
Gender:- Male
Political Affiliation:- National Socialism/North East EDL/Pegida
DOB:- 13/09/
Lives:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Political History:- Shaun Ramsay is closely connected with the North East Regional Organiser from Elswick, Steve Hewitt. Shaun's attended a number of EDL demos including the 25th May 2013 EDL demo in Newcastle and Pegida earlier this year in February 2015.
Shaun shows support for Adolf Hitler and even collects National Socialist badges/medals.
Name:- Tony Hamilton
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 03/01/1974
Political Affiliation:- Pegida/UKIP/North East EDL
Education:- St.Mary’s Comphrensive School
Employment:- Contracts Manager at JSW Developments ltd and HTR Developments: -
Political History:- Tony Hamilton has been photographed attending EDL demos since 2013 and the recent Pegida demo in Newcastle.
Photos removed?
05.10.2015 11:53
74) (Stampy) Brian Stamp
06.10.2015 12:00
Brian Stamp
Brian Stamp
Brian Stamp with NEI/EDL including child abuser Mark Pearson at sleepout
Brian Stamp
Brian Stamp
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 2 August 1982
Political Affiliation:- NEI/National Action
From:- South Shields
Lives:- South Shields
Political History:- Brian Stamp is involved with the NEI and recently attended a sleep out with other EDL and NEI members in Newcastle where there money got taken from them for not having a permit. Brian also shows support towards National Action.
75) Stanley Burn
06.10.2015 16:18
Stanley Burn
Stanley Burn with North East EDL
Stanley Burn with Baseball bat and EDL balaclarva
Stanley Burn with Jay Vickers
Stanley Burn with North East EDL Teesside Division
Stanley Burn
Stanley Burn
Gender:- Male
Birthday:- 07/10
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL/Teesside Division
From:- Billingham
Lives:- Billingham
Education:- Northfield School, Billingham
Mobile:- 07784 021455
Political History:- Stanley Burn is photographed posing with a baseball bat with an EDL balaclava and has been involved with the North East EDL since 2013 onwards attending local demonstrations and national demos.
76) Stephen Wilson
06.10.2015 16:49
Stephen Wilson
Stephen Wilson - North East EDL 2012, Shotton
Stephen Wilson - North East EDL 2012
Stephen Wilson - North East EDL
Stephen Wilson - North East EDL organizers meeting
Stephen Wilson - North East EDL
Stephen Wilson - North East EDL
Stephen Wilson - North East EDL
Stephen Wilson - North East EDL
Stephen Wilson
Stephen Wilson - North East EDL
Stephen Wilson with Ian Johnson and John Morrow - North East EDL
Stephen Wilson
Stephen Wilson - North East EDL
Stephen Wilson - North East EDL
Stephen Wilson - Sunderland EDL
Stephen Wilson's embarrassing video
Stephen Wilson - 'not racist' North East EDL
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 03/09/1962
Political Affiliation:- Divisional Organiser of County Durham EDL (Involved with EDL since 2012)/UKIP/
Lives:- Houghton le Spring
Political History:- Stephens been active with the North East EDL since 2012 and has attended a number of local and national EDL demos since to this present day. He’s currently the Divisional Organiser of County Durham EDL.
Other info:- Stephen used to live in Brockley Whims, South Shields. Stephen really likes Northern Soul and fishing.
77) Steven Mctaggart
06.10.2015 17:57
Steven Mctaggart
Steven Mctaggart
Steven Mctaggart
Steven Mctaggart threatens to mow down 'muslims' in his car
Steven's luxurious lifestyle
Steven Mctaggart's support for White power
Steven Mctaggart at work
Steven Mctaggart support for the BNP/ British National Party
Steven Mctaggart threatens to use a knuckle duster
Steven Mctaggart incites to riot.
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 30/12/1987
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL/White Supremacy/BNP
Employment:- Scaffolder at Offshore Oil and Gas Industry
Education:- Kingsmeadow Comphrensive School
DJ name:- DJ Taggy:-
From:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Lives:- Gateshead
Political History:- Steven Mctaggart supports the North East EDL. He regularly makes violent and racist posts such as driving over people in his car who he deems as ‘muslim’. Steven also shows support for the British National Party/BNP.
Other info:- Steven likes gambling and spending lots of money on expensive motors and alcohol.
78) Terry Allin
06.10.2015 18:15
Terry Allin
Terry Allin with Steve Hewitt
Terry Allin with North East EDL
Terry Allin with North East EDL - Bigg Market, Newcastle
Terry Allin with Steve Hewitt
Terry Allin with Lee Bowey - North East EDL
Terry Allin - North East EDL
Terry Allin
Terry Allin - North East EDL meet and greet
Terry Allin with Ian Maines in the Bigg Market, Newcastle - North East EDL
Terry Allin with Steve Hewitt - Pumpherys Bar
Terry Allin with Steve Hewitt
Terry Allin hate for women but gets put in his place by his friends
Embarrassing photo of Terry Allin
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 07/09/1992
Political Affiliation:- EDL/UKIP
From:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Lives:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Mobile phone:- 07539 825832
Education info:- Went to All Saints College
Political History:- Terry’s been involved with the North East EDL since 2011 and is closely connected to early North East EDL members such as Steve Hewitt and Ian Maines.
79) Terrence Oneil
06.10.2015 19:01
Terrence Oneil
Terrence Oneil
Terrence Oneil at National Action's White Man March in Newcastle
Terrence Oneil with NEI
Terrence Oneil with NEI
Terrence Oneil's early BNP and Skrewdriver posts
Terrence Oneil
Terrence Oneil
Terrence Oneil with Sunderland Defence League
Terrence Oneil with NEI
Terrence Oneil - NEI
Terrence Oneil
Terrence Oneil
Terrence Oneil
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 25 September 1969
Political Affiliation:- Sunderland Defence League/NEI/North East EDL/BNP
Lives:- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Education:- Used to attend Blaydon Comprehensive then Gateshead College
Political History:- Terry’s been involved with the North East EDL since 2013. He’s also involved with the NEI and Sunderland Defence League. He recently attended National Action’s White Man march in Newcastle and has liked Neo Nazi band Skrewdriver since 2009.
80) Tommy Allan
06.10.2015 19:29
Tommy Allan - NEI
Tommy Allan with NEI - October 2015, Edinburgh NWI demo
Tommy Allan
Thomas Allan, Tommys dad also involved with the far-right
Tommy Allan - NEI
Tommy Allan with Thomas Allan - NEI
Tommy Allan - NEI
Tommy Allan - National Front
Tommy Allan with Ashley Lambert - NEI
Tommy Allan - NEI
Tommy Allan - EDL
Tommy Allan - NF
Tommy Allan with Phillip Hackers - NEI
Tommy Allan - NEI
Tommy Allan with Harry Fisken - NEI
Tommy Allan - Sunderland Defence League
Tommy Allan with David Hann - NEI
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 10 December 1985
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL/NEI/NF
From:- Sunderland
Lives:- Sunderland (East End)
Political History:- Tommy Allan is involved with the North East EDL, NEI and NF.
See tommy give Monkey impressions to a Police Officer (05:25-05:30) at the Rotherham EDL demo which was held on the 14th September 2014:-
See Tommy use racist language (01:50 onwards) and go berserk in Rotherham rioting with other EDL members:-
See Tommy use further racist language (00:07 onwards) at the EDL demo in Rotherham:-
See Tommy have ago at one of his own EDL supporters:-
See Tommy go to Dover and use racist language alongside other NEI members:-
81) Tony Baker
06.10.2015 19:46
Tony Baker
Tony Baker with Swastika flag he can't even display the correct way around
close up of Tonys flag
Tony Baker
Tony Baker
Tony Baker
Tony Baker with NEI flag at far-right demo
Tony Baker
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 30/03/1986
Political Affiliation:- EDL/NF/NEI/National Socialism
From:- Peterlee
Lives:- Easington, Durham
Employment:- Works at Sunderland City Council
Education:- Studied woodwork at East Durham College, past:- Seaham School of Technology
AIM:- tony - cooky - baker (Yahoo! Messenger)
Political History:- Tony Baker supports various far-right groups such as the EDL and is connected with the NEI and NEI members. Tony believes in National Socialism and is pictured posing with a Kriegsmarine (War Navy) flag used in Nazi Germany.
82) 'Wendy Angel'
06.10.2015 22:24
'Wendy Angel'
'Wendy Angel'
'Wendy Angel'
'Wendy Angel'
'Wendy Angel'
'Wendy Angel'
'Wendy Angel' with Ronald Wodd
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL
09.10.2015 16:30
This will come in handy
13.10.2015 16:02
Mob handed
83) William Hancock
22.11.2015 21:33
William Hancock - North East EDL member and BNP supporter
William Hancock with EDL flag
William Hancock with NE EDL Darren Hurst, Chris Smith, Dominic Howe + others
William Hancock with Darren Hurst (2011) and with Neo Nazi Dominic Howe
William Hancock
William Hancock
William Hancock
William Hancock
William Hancock's racism
William Hancock's support for the BNP
William Hancock's street and photos from inside his house.
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 14/09/1990
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL/BNP
From:- Wallsend, Newcastle
Lives:- Howdon, Wallsend, Newcastle
Address:- 36 Derwent Gardens, Wallsend, NE28 OEX, Tyne and Wear
Political History:- William has been involved with the North East EDL photographed alongside other members such as Darren Hurst and Neo-Nazi Dominic Howe who’s been pictured giving Nazi Salutes.
William also supports the BNP / British National Party and makes racist comments such as stating 'How can it hurt someones feelings by calling them a 'fucking black cunt'. It's only words ffs.'
Other info:- William likes alcohol, fishing and snakes.
84) Gary 'Gazza' Anthony Doyle
01.12.2015 21:59
Gary Anthony Doyle
Gary Anthony Doyle - with North East EDL top
Gary Anthony Doyle - North East EDL
Nice disguise Gary
Gary Anthony Doyle at North East EDL Shotton Demonstration - November 2013
Gary Anthony Doyle - North East EDL
Gary Anthony Doyle - at North East EDL flash demo
Gary Anthony Doyle - North East EDL tattoo
Gary Anthony Doyle - Lone Wolf attempt - North East EDL
Gary Anthony Doyle with North East EDL
Gary Anthony Doyle with North East EDL at recent flash demo
Gary Anthony Doyle - North East EDL
Gary Anthony Doyle with North East EDL - Bradford 14/11/2015
Gary Anthony Doyle (right) - North East EDL
Gary Anthony Doyle getting arrested - North East EDL
Gary Anthony Doyle outside Butlers Bar - North East EDL
Gary Anthony Doyle with North East EDL target mosque site in Fenham
Gary Anthony Doyle with North East EDL (click to enlarge)
Gary Anthony Doyle racist threats and jokes - North East EDL
Gary Anthony Doyle street and address (Recently revamped since photo)
Gender:- Male
DOB:- 28/01/1969
Political Affiliation:- North East EDL
From:- South Shields
Lives:- South Shields
Address:- 47 Cobbett Crescent, South Shields, NE34 9HS
Political History:- Gary Anthony Doyle has shown support for the EDL as early as 2011 to this present day attending a number demos local and nationwide since. His most recent demo in attendance was to Bradford on the 14/11/15.
Gary Doyle since 2011 has regularly made racist jokes about ‘pakis’ even reckoning he’s ‘game as fook to go mental’ onto them.
It comes at no surprise that Gary has also been charged with a number of offences too including given a 6 month sentence for threatening behaviour:-
Other info:- Calls his home ‘The Doyle’s Arms’ and hates Sunderland AFC.
Photo's removed again?
01.12.2015 23:40
*this message appeared in internal commenmts - error with attachment: mir.session.SessionFailure: Media start_01 (application/octet-stream) not supported*
Which means we don't have them, because your browser didn't upload them with a supported image MIME type, this was probably because they were either not images or didn't end with an extension like .jpg or .png...