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Anti-fascist and anarchist from Russia needs help and solidarity

Oleg | 21.07.2015 20:25 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | Liverpool | London

Good afternoon. My name is Oleg. I am a member of the anarchist and anti-fascist movement in Russia. For a long time I was a member of Autonomous Action and coordinator of the local group Autonomous Action Izhevsk.

Now I was seriously ill because of the severe brain injury that caused me to neo-Nazis during the attack. I would be very happy if hlt someone helped me, because I am no longer 10 years has been an active fighter for freedom and justice.

I really need help to pay for the treatment of the effects of brain injury. Unfortunately, my income is not enough to fully treated, so I beg you to help me.

Good afternoon. My name is Oleg. I am a member of the anarchist and anti-fascist movement in Russia. For a long time I was a member of Autonomous Action and coordinator of the local group Autonomous Action Izhevsk.

Now I was seriously ill because of the severe brain injury that caused me to neo-Nazis during the attack. I would be very happy if hlt someone helped me, because I am no longer 10 years has been an active fighter for freedom and justice.

I really need help to pay for the treatment of the effects of brain injury. Unfortunately, my income is not enough to fully treated, so I beg you to help me.


Hello, my name is Oleg Serebrennikov. I'm 32 years old and I’ve been anti-fascist and socialist over the last 15 years, so I am one of the few people who was at the origin of the anti-fascist movement in Izhevsk.

During all that time, the Nazis and the police have been preventing me from leaving a normal life; there were many attacks, threats and acts of intimidation from the neo-Nazis. Apart of that, the local police was trying to initiate criminal proceedings etc.

On 23 February 2004 after a protest against the war in Chechnya, some Nazis attacked me and almost killed, there were about 20-25 people, for me it ended up in quite a sad way – I was taken to hospital and diagnosed a brain contusion with hemorrhage, craniocerebral injury and a number of other problems. Unfortunately, I have not received any adequate treatment at an early stage of the illness, so, a few years later my health condition started deteriorating dramatically.

In 10 years I started having a strong health deterioration, I almost can’t work because of constantly being treated. Twice a year I have to get treatment in various hospitals and clinics and, generally speaking, I feel myself much worse.

The treatment I need to get is very expensive (more than €2-3 thousand per year) and, due to my lack of funds, I can only pay a small part of the treatment. Sometimes I’ve received financial support from various anti-fascist initiatives and, of course, that was very important and helpful for me. Now I'm in need of assistance and that’s why I can’t provide myself with the essential treatment. I would be very grateful if you could help me somehow.

More details:

My name is Oleg Serebrennikov; I live in Russia, Izhevsk. I am an anti-fascist and human rights activist, also writing on social affairs. I need help because I have serious health problems because of having been engaged in human rights and anti-fascist work in my town.

I advised social activists and ordinary citizens on their rights and freedoms violated by the police, organized workshops telling how to behave themselves with the police offices.

I also organized various street antifascist activities (demonstrations, public protests, rallies), as well as cultural events: an anti-fascist film club, a socialist cinema club at the University of Izhevsk, also carried out different activities related to feminism, social and environmental issues.

As a journalist, I overviewed local right-wing organizations and groups, denouncing their crimes against the citizens, I also informed people about the illegal activities of such groups.

After having started my human rights activities, I faced a problematic situation with the representatives of Ministry of Internal Affairs and neo-Nazis groups.

On 23 February 2004 after a protest against the war in Chechnya, I was attacked by some 20 neo-Nazis armed with iron rods, canes and knives. I was severely beaten, received a serious head injury and spent several hours unconscious.

Then I spent more than 3 months in different hospitals, but the problems related to the brain injury didn’t disappear. Some neo-Nazis who participated in the attack came to “visit” me in a hospital several times, threatening that they would kill me if I didn’t fail to investigate the case.

In the hospital I was diagnosed a severe brain contusion - a brain hurt and a hemorrhage. One of the attackers was Jan Krasnovski – a grandson of the famous Soviet small arms designer Mikhail Kalashnikov (AK-47). His powerful relatives pressured the doctors and did everything they could to prevent me from receiving an appropriate treatment.

So, because of the poor quality of the initial treatment, my health problems became chronic. Over the past 10 years, I’ve been suffering terrible headaches, dizziness, disability of some brain functions (poor attention and memory, amnesia), weakness and fatigue. Such ordinary things like going shopping or walking now are tiresome and tedious for me. Due to the constant psychological pressure from the police and neo-Nazis (surveillance, telephone tapping, opening falsified criminal cases against me), I’ve got a severe depression.

For 10 years following the injury I’ve been treated 2-3 times a year in different hospitals and clinics of Izhevsk but my health is still seriously deteriorated. Due to the fact that I constantly have to be under treatment in hospitals and need medical care, I’m not able to have a permanent job and pay for the treatment.

In 2007 I investigated the assassination of anti-fascist activist Stanislav Korepanov committed by neo-Nazis in Izhevsk in the spring of 2007.

I collected data and photos of Nazi attackers and then, with the help of lawyers, I passed this information to the investigating authorities. Then, this data was used for arresting 2 people and prosecuting about 20 neo-Nazis. That was why the local neo-Nazis decided to call a group of their comrades from other cities to kill me. I was threatened over the phone and waited at my workplace. I reported the circumstances to the police but it refused to deal with that. Therefore, I had to leave the city for a few months.

After that, there were some more intents to attack me, but I somehow managed to defend myself.

In the last few years, there has been an increase in their activities: in 2010, a group of neo-Nazis tried to set fire to the apartment where my family and I live. They painted swastikas and the phrase "Oleg, you're dead" in the entrance hall of my apartment. They also shot the window of my apartment and threw some burning object to the balcony. It was by chance that no one was hurt during that attack: I could smell the fire and called the fire department.

After that, I submitted a complaint to the police and asked to institute proceedings against the Nazis that were trying to set fire to my apartment. The case was initiated, I recognized that the arsonists were neo-Nazis, but the police didn’t handle it properly and no one was imprisoned. The police officers gave me a hint that they were not especially interested in the investigation of that case.

In the summer of 2011 a group of neo-Nazis threw stones at the windows of my apartment, I definitely recognized a group of local neo-Nazis, but the police didn’t initiate any proceeding.

On 15 October 2012 - a group of neo-Nazis once again threw stones to my window, it was broken but the police only came in 2 hours, although I called them immediately. I told the police officers having seen a man who had thrown the stones, he was known as a neo-Nazi activist. However, the police again did nothing.

After that the threats from neo-Nazis continued.

Since 2004 - 2015 the local police has been trying to initiate fake criminal investigations against me. However, they were not sent to court and were closed for lack of evidence.

It was in 2013 – 2014 when the police initiated a criminal proceeding against me one more time, imputing to me having been the organizer and coordinator of the financial activities of the antifascist movement in Izhevsk. The matter is that anti-fascist movement by definition can’t be a criminal organization but the police did not care about that. Then, as usual, the criminal proceedings were stopped because of the lack of evidence and the required complainant’s testimonies.

Since the neo-Nazis attack in 2004, I have to be hospitalized 2 o 3 times a year. Unfortunately, my health is constantly deteriorating, so I’m almost not able to work.

The treatment I need to get is very expensive (more than €2-3 thousand per year) and, due to my lack of funds, I can only pay a small part of the treatment. Sometimes I’ve received financial support from various anti-fascist initiatives and, of course, that was very important and helpful for me. Now I'm in need of assistance and that’s why I can’t provide myself with the essential treatment. I would be very grateful if you could help me somehow.

If you want to ask any questions or anything to clarify, please write to e-mail

Best regards,

Oleg Serebrennikov

Bank account details:

Bank account holder: Oleg Serebrennikov

Address of the account holder: 21 - Apt.124, 10 Let Oktyabrya Str., Izhevsk, 426011, Russia.

Account number: 40817978608040002069 (Euro)

Bank name and address: Alfa-Bank, 27 Kalanchevskaya Str, Moscow, 107078, Russian Federation


Correspondent Bank of Benificiary's Bank:

COMMERZBANK AG, Franfurt am Main


Acc. With corresp / Bank № 400886894501EUR

List of the most important drugs without treatment in hospitals and consulting fees of doctors and research the state of the brain

1. Tserebralizin (for medicine droppers) - 1500 rubles per 1 pack of 1 drip, a course must be 15 droppers, 3 courses per year = 1500 * 15 * 3 = 67500rub (about 1,150 euros)

2. Aktovegin (for medicine droppers) - 600-700rub 1 a pack, a course need 3 packs of 3 courses per year = 650 * 3 * 3 = 5850rub (about 90 euros)

3. Cerepro (for shots) - 500 rubles per pack, a course pack of 3, 3 year and year = 500 * 3 * 3 = 4500rub (75 euros)

4. Magne B6 pills - Magne B6 - Sanofi-Aventis / France - 650 rubza pack, 4 packs per month, treatment 6 months = 650 * 4 * 6 = 15,600 rubles (about 250 euros)

5. Venlafaxine - 850 rubles per pack, one pack a month course of treatment 12 months = 850 * 12 = 10,200 rubles (170 euros)

6. Vazobral - 1150 rubles per pack, 1 pack per month, 3 months of treatment and 3 months per year * 6 = 1150 = 6900 rubles (110 euros)

7. Cortexin (shots) - 1 pack of 1 course of treatment must be 3 courses of treatment per year = 1200 * 3 = 3600 (EUR 60)

8. Mexidol (shots) - 1 pack per course of treatment, 3 courses of treatment per year = 1700 * 3 = 5100 rubles (85 euros)

9. Nootropil - 1 pack for 1 month, 6 months of treatment per year = 300 * 6 = 1800rub (30 euros)

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If genuine this shouldn't be here

25.07.2015 18:43

If genuine this shouldn't be here. It should be reaching lots of people through Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) and other prisoner support networks. Can someone explain why that isn't happening here?