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Counterfire vs Anarchism.

Pete | 06.07.2015 22:10

Ex SWP split off group Counterfire, and their attack on Anarchism.

Counterfire, the split off group from the SWP, has recently split itself, with some leaving and forming an Autonomist faction. Counterfire have since gone on the warpath, and declared Autonomism as their enemy. Counterfire presents itself at times as libertarian, but it has an agenda:

which states:

"… danger that some involved in such events may believe that traditional organisations of the left such as the trade unions and the Labour Party are now obsolete and should be bypassed."

There has been a criticism of this position:

"The danger then is that people will act in a way different from the strategy of Counterfire and organise in ways different from how Counterfire organises."

Most authoritarian socialists do not disguise their Leninist and hierarchical tendencies, but Counterfart try and appear as libertarian, but in reality it is another authoritarian cult, whose entire existence is based around making sure that ' trade unions and the Labour Party' remain relevant.

Counterfire or Counterfart?



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07.07.2015 20:35

counterfart are just a bunch of ex swappies; they blew it when their radical cafe closed down, and have been sinking since. i wouldn't take their criticism of autonomism that seriously.

swp=sinking ship
counterfart = sinking boat
RS21= sinking dinghy


counterfire leading the way

08.07.2015 17:43


Counterfire are an important part of the anti capitalist and anti war movement. They are allowed to criticize autonomsm, and you are allowed to criticize back. there is no point calling them 'counterfart'; we are all on the same side, for gods sake, and anarchism sectarianism is not so great either.


counterfart to the future

10.07.2015 22:06

counterfire/counterfart are doing nothing at all of any importance. they simply lead things back into the bosoms of the labour party. owen jones/jeremy corbyn that's their thing.

Fuck them and any other wannabe authoritarian politburo.

tony cliff