The origins of the Green Party – Eugenics and Euthanasia
Anonymous | 18.04.2015 00:31 | Globalisation | Health | History | London | World
The Green Party's origins lie with the document 'Blue Print for Survival'; signatory (amongst others) Julian Huxley, eugenicist (selective human breeding), member of the British Eugenics Society, Fellow of the Royal Society.
The origins of the Green Party – Eugenics and Euthanasia
The Green Party's origins lie with the document 'Blue Print for Survival'; signatory (amongst others) Julian Huxley, eugenicist (selective human breeding), member of the British Eugenics Society, Fellow of the Royal Society. [1]
The Blueprint was signed by over thirty of the leading scientists of the day—including Sir Julian Huxley, Sir Frank Fraser Darling, Sir Peter Medawar, and Sir Peter Scott [2]
The Green Party (from Wikipedia):
The Green Party was originally formed as PEOPLE, or the Ecology Party, in Coventry in1973, with the first edition of Manifesto for a Sustainable Society as the party's statement of philosophy and policies. This document was inspired by Blueprint for Survival, published by The Ecologist (then edited by Edward Goldsmith). The party changed its name to become the Green Party in the 1980s [3]
Julian Huxley and euthanasia:
….on this pro-euthanasia board was: Sidney Goldstein who sat on the American Birth Control League’s National Council and later was on Planned Parenthood’s Board of Directors. Another member was Frank H. Hankins who was a managing editor for Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger’s newsletter called the Birth Control Review. Hankins was also an American Eugenics Society member. Another more famous name who was sat on the advisory board of this pro-euthanasia panel, was Julian Huxley, who was a later recipient of a Planned Parenthood award. [4]
Aldous Huxley (who wrote ‘Brave New World’ [5] and brother of Julian Huxley) is linked to the 'teens and toddlers sustainability replication programme' (eugenics education programme) now in UK schools. [6] [7]
Julian Huxley and Prince Philip have both been with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) [8] launched at the Royal Society for the Arts (and hence of the John Adam St Gang [9], also known as the Committee of 300, or the Olympians). [10]
The Green Party and Euthanasia
The Green Party in Tasmania has twice tried to legislate for voluntary euthanasia.
Nick McKim is leader of the Tasmanian Greens Party, the world’s first Green party.....Nick was also the first member of any Australian parliament to introduce marriage equality legislation to Parliament, and has twice attempted to legislate for voluntary euthanasia. [11]
Greens Leader Bob Brown says he will again try to overturn a ban that prevents the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory passing laws allowing euthanasia. [12]
The Victorian Green Party is now looking for the law reform commission to legislate for euthanasia (April 2015)
A Greens bid to get Victoria’s Law Reform Commission to examine euthanasia has been delayed. Party leaders in the state’s upper house agreed to not vote on the motion after it looked like it would fail. But the Greens say a vote will be held in May on whether the commission should report on euthanasia laws. [13]
New Zealand Herald: Beware the policy of the dangerous Greens ‘the Green Party in Germany has similar policies’ (December 2011) [14]
The Green Party in Canada tables resolution on euthanasia, March 2009 [15]
Previous legislation in the Northern Territory regarding euthanasia laws:
The Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995 (NT) was a controversial law legalising euthanasia, passed by the Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory of Australia in 1995, but effectively nullified in 1997 by the Federal Parliament. Dr Philip Nitschke, the first doctor in the world to administer legal, voluntary euthanasia, founded Exit International in response to the overturning of the Act.
While voluntary euthanasia had previously been condoned officially in the Netherlands and the US state of Oregon, the act was the first time that a legislative assembly passed a law explicitly legalising euthanasia.[16]
Euthanasia – Australian Law in an International Context [17]
[1] Julian Huxley from wiki:
[2] The Blue Print for Survival (wikipedia), with Julian Huxley
[3] The Green Party (from wikipedia):
[5] Huxley’s Brave New World:
[6] Ark Schools, Academies and Eugenics:
[7] Eugenics in the schools :
[8] World Wildlife fund launched at the Royal Society for Arts:
[9] John Adam St Gang:,
[10] The Olympians:
[11] The Green Party in Tasmania and euthanasia:
The Green Party's origins lie with the document 'Blue Print for Survival'; signatory (amongst others) Julian Huxley, eugenicist (selective human breeding), member of the British Eugenics Society, Fellow of the Royal Society. [1]
The Blueprint was signed by over thirty of the leading scientists of the day—including Sir Julian Huxley, Sir Frank Fraser Darling, Sir Peter Medawar, and Sir Peter Scott [2]
The Green Party (from Wikipedia):
The Green Party was originally formed as PEOPLE, or the Ecology Party, in Coventry in1973, with the first edition of Manifesto for a Sustainable Society as the party's statement of philosophy and policies. This document was inspired by Blueprint for Survival, published by The Ecologist (then edited by Edward Goldsmith). The party changed its name to become the Green Party in the 1980s [3]
Julian Huxley and euthanasia:
….on this pro-euthanasia board was: Sidney Goldstein who sat on the American Birth Control League’s National Council and later was on Planned Parenthood’s Board of Directors. Another member was Frank H. Hankins who was a managing editor for Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger’s newsletter called the Birth Control Review. Hankins was also an American Eugenics Society member. Another more famous name who was sat on the advisory board of this pro-euthanasia panel, was Julian Huxley, who was a later recipient of a Planned Parenthood award. [4]
Aldous Huxley (who wrote ‘Brave New World’ [5] and brother of Julian Huxley) is linked to the 'teens and toddlers sustainability replication programme' (eugenics education programme) now in UK schools. [6] [7]
Julian Huxley and Prince Philip have both been with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) [8] launched at the Royal Society for the Arts (and hence of the John Adam St Gang [9], also known as the Committee of 300, or the Olympians). [10]
The Green Party and Euthanasia
The Green Party in Tasmania has twice tried to legislate for voluntary euthanasia.
Nick McKim is leader of the Tasmanian Greens Party, the world’s first Green party.....Nick was also the first member of any Australian parliament to introduce marriage equality legislation to Parliament, and has twice attempted to legislate for voluntary euthanasia. [11]
Greens Leader Bob Brown says he will again try to overturn a ban that prevents the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory passing laws allowing euthanasia. [12]
The Victorian Green Party is now looking for the law reform commission to legislate for euthanasia (April 2015)
A Greens bid to get Victoria’s Law Reform Commission to examine euthanasia has been delayed. Party leaders in the state’s upper house agreed to not vote on the motion after it looked like it would fail. But the Greens say a vote will be held in May on whether the commission should report on euthanasia laws. [13]
New Zealand Herald: Beware the policy of the dangerous Greens ‘the Green Party in Germany has similar policies’ (December 2011) [14]
The Green Party in Canada tables resolution on euthanasia, March 2009 [15]
Previous legislation in the Northern Territory regarding euthanasia laws:
The Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995 (NT) was a controversial law legalising euthanasia, passed by the Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory of Australia in 1995, but effectively nullified in 1997 by the Federal Parliament. Dr Philip Nitschke, the first doctor in the world to administer legal, voluntary euthanasia, founded Exit International in response to the overturning of the Act.
While voluntary euthanasia had previously been condoned officially in the Netherlands and the US state of Oregon, the act was the first time that a legislative assembly passed a law explicitly legalising euthanasia.[16]
Euthanasia – Australian Law in an International Context [17]
[1] Julian Huxley from wiki:

[2] The Blue Print for Survival (wikipedia), with Julian Huxley

[3] The Green Party (from wikipedia):


[5] Huxley’s Brave New World:

[6] Ark Schools, Academies and Eugenics:
[7] Eugenics in the schools :

[8] World Wildlife fund launched at the Royal Society for Arts:

[9] John Adam St Gang:,
[10] The Olympians:

[11] The Green Party in Tasmania and euthanasia:







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Canada legalises euthanasia
18.04.2015 22:52
Canada Legalizes Euthanasia, As High Court Passes Assisted Suicide Law
"To give the right to die to the patient, you must give a right to kill to the physician," he said. "A physician is there to support, to comfort, to treat, to heal. The minute you give him the right to kill, you have changed something in the patient-doctor relationship."
The Liverpool Care Pathway - the death path
19.04.2015 23:56
The Liverpool Care Patrhway - the death path
Green jesus
21.04.2015 21:03
the right to die, and the decision to let someone die, is a moral question. there are cases for infanticide in some cases. See the philosopher Peter Singer.
Eugenics - well, do you support marriage equality? How do two men get a baby. they need a surrogate mother, an egg donor, as well as sperm. the men choose online the features of the child, selecting egg donor and birth mother on genetic qualities. this is an aspect of eugenics. as is artificial insemination for lesbian couples.
Eugenics is part of modern medicine already, although it may not be called eugenics, but goes under a slightly different name. the scientific study of genetics, and then manipulation of genes to create different strands of cabbages, carrots or cannabis, GM foods etc. genetic manipulation is another type of eugenics.
these are scientific techniques- not political issues.
the problem with the Green party, also known as the white party, and having even less BME members than UKIP. the problem is they are a bunch of middle class tossers. the problem is that they are another manufactured establishment party pretending to challenge the system.
there is no problem in itself with eugenics or euthanasia as scientific and medical techniques.
I do think Carolyn Wallace spells this out really very clearly
22.04.2015 03:07
Interview with Carolyn Wallace on Euthanasia and Aged Care
Carolyn Wallace is the director of clinical services at Southern Cross Care, Tasmania’s leading aged care provider.
Q: Why is the aged care sector such a large stakeholder in end of life care?
People only ever come to residential aged care when there is no other option left for their care. Usually it’s the last place they live. At our ‘Rosary Gardens’ facility, for instance, in the last 12 months the average length of stay for a new resident is just under 60 days. So people really are coming at the end of their life for end of life care.
Q: Are there misconceptions about the dignity of living and dying in an aged care facility?
That’s partly because people know nothing about what aged care is, and so they assume, and a lot of the pro-euthanasia information, puts across the impression that death is undignified unless it’s very deliberate when actually that is not the case. Most Australian aged care facilities adopt what’s a philosophy called a palliative approach to care. It’s not palliative care. What most people think of as palliative care is actually end of life or terminal care. But a palliative approach to care embraces the W.H.O. definition of palliative care which affirm life, consider that death is normal and that the role of palliative care and the palliative approach is to neither hasten nor postpone death. So a palliative approach is built on that premise. It’s an evidence-based approach and its aim is to improve people’s quality of life through…and particular people with a life limiting illness…through early identification and assessment of any issues and concerns, be they physical, health related, medical, cultural, spiritual, all aspects and it also adopts a very open and positive attitude to death….The residents, even those with a significant cognitive impairment, know that this is their last home. People chose to work in aged care because they feel that the aged have a value and the experienced staff in aged care realize that one of their primary roles is to assist somebody to live the end of their life with some dignity and with some value. As I said before a palliative approach neither hastens nor postpones death but the staff pride themself that one of their main goals is to help people have a good death.
Q: Do the elderly have control over their end of life medical treatment?
Aged care is one of the areas of nursing where there is impeccable assessment over the whole gamut of the person’s needs, not just their physical needs. Any competent person in this state can decline any medical treatment option that may be offered to them, at any stage. That includes things that may be quite simple such as an investigation. Any competent person can decline to have that now, there’s no need to have anything special or any special legislation to make that happen, everyone has that right now. Any person, any adult, can also plan for what they would like to have happen, when they are no longer able to do that for themself. Anybody can make an advanced directive. In a person who is no longer competent, who hasn’t made an advanced directive, we and their treating GP would always speak to their families before embarking on a course of treatment such as something as simple as antibiotics for a chest infection. At any time people have the right to say ‘no, that’s enough’, or ‘no, I don’t want that’.
Q: If euthanasia or assisted suicide were introduced what type of pressure would the elderly experience in an aged care environment?
Residential aged care is community living, and so people live in a community with people they didn’t know before they came here and there is a sense of community amongst them. So if Mrs Brown in room 10 decides, she and her family decides, that she is going to euthanase herself, her family will talk to her friends, Jean and Shirley and Bill and the other people with whom she has lived for some time and their families and that will set people thinking about their self worth ….and residents will think, well should I not, should I do that, and it may be something they have never considered before. They may think that they’re a burden on their family; my daughter now has to travel 20 kilometers 3 times a week to visit me, that’s an imposition on her, so perhaps if I took the same path as Mrs Brown perhaps I could save my daughter that trouble. There are lots of financial implications for people, perhaps instead of having that short holiday on the gold coast my son and daughter-in-law could now have a nice overseas holiday if they could access my estate. A lot of these are unintended consequences of Mrs Brown euthanasing herself. However, they are very real consequences, and so you’ve got people who are happy and happy that their quality of life was what they would expect it to be at that stage of their life are now finding … they’re questioning that value and people are actually devaluing themselves and devaluing their contribution. I think the atmosphere…it’s a very cruel thing to do. It would be a very cruel atmosphere in the facility, it would very quickly become full of people who think I’m actually here, I probably shouldn’t be here, I probably should have had the courage to euthanase myself but I haven’t, therefore I am even less than those people who have chosen to do that.
Q: What type of pressure and abuse are the elderly already subject to?
There are two things that fall into the resident abuse category that you see every day in an aged care facility. One of those is what I would term petty or minor financial abuse, where relatives regularly ask the elderly resident for money. The other thing that you see regularly is people enforcing some social isolation on their family members by limiting who can visit, by not helping family members who were significant to the resident who can’t get themselves there independently by always having some excuse why they can’t come, and those people often only encourage visitors who will follow a particular line of thought that the family wants, so if you had a family member who was keen that mum went down the euthanasia path…those sorts of people…and sometimes they don’t realize that they’re doing it, would discourage very actively visitors who might give mum a different perspective or encourage mum to question this particular family member’s view. If you have that family member whose opinions inform the rest of the family’s and that person thought that mum should euthanase herself, very quickly that family member will influence others
Q: Is there a need to introduce euthanasia or assisted suicide in view of the standard of end of life care in Tasmania?
My personal view is I don’t think the legislation is necessary at all. Any individual has the right now to decline or refuse any treatment option that is offered to them. Palliative care services work very well in all but a very few extreme cases and you shouldn’t write legislation for the extreme cases, you should write it for the multitude as it were….
So does the history of the Liverpool Care Pathway
The Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP), Euthanasia and the Green Party
Considering that the Green Party in Victoria, Australia, are aiming to have the Law Reform Commission investigate legislation for ‘voluntary euthanasia’ (April 2015) the following history of the LCP (Liverpool Care Pathway), is pertinent. The LCP (Liverpool Care Pathway) was implemented in the United Kingdom, purportedly to make the lives of those who were terminally ill more comfortable. However, reports in the main stream media with respect to the numbers who were put on this, without terminal illnesses, were worrying (to say the least), and described as ‘horrifying’ in one Daily Mail article:
Daily Mail October 15, 2012: Care? No, this is a pathway to killing people that doctors deem worthless Horrifyingly, the LCP has become a self-fulfilling prophecy. When people are put on it, they are said to be dying. But they may not be dying at all — not, that is, until they are put on the ‘pathway’, whereupon they really do die as a result. [ 1 ]
Other mainstream media articles about the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) include:
Daily Mail 20 June 2012:NHS hospitals are using end-of-life care to help elderly patients to die because they are difficult to look after and take up valuable beds, a top doctor has warned. "Predicting death in a time frame of three to four days, or even at any other specific time, is not possible scientifically. This determination in the LCP leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy. Professor Pullicino said he believed the LCP was being used as an "assisted death pathway" with patients placed on the LCP without clear evidence. [ 2 ]
New American 20 June 2012: Doctors are supposed to identify a patient who is bound to die in the near future. The plan then can include withdrawal of treatment, including the provision of water and nourishment by tube. Patients are typically heavily sedated. [ 3 ]
The Telegraph: October 30 2012: NHS millions for controversial care pathway The majority of NHS hospitals in England are being given financial rewards for placing terminally-ill patients on a controversial ‘pathway’ to death, it can be disclosed. [ 4 ]
The Daily Mail: July 15 2013: Families were not told their loved ones were on the 'pathway' to death [ 5 ]
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in the United Kingdom (London) is responsible for guidelines regarding ‘end of life’ care. The NHS is legally obliged to provide funding for medicines and treatments recommended by NICE’s board. [ 6 ] The NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) Quality standard for end of life care for adults,NICE quality standard [QS13 ][ 7 ]
NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) also advises on and teaching sex in primary schools. In June 2010, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence produced draft guidance for schools recommending that children as young as five should be given sex and relationships education. [ 8 ]
The National Institute of Clinical Excellence was previously located at 11 Strand, London (hence of the John Adam St Gang, also known as the Committee of 300, or the Olympians). [ 9 ]
The LCP was scrapped [10] after investigated by Baroness Neuberger (House of Lords in the United Kingdom). However, Baroness Julia Neuberger is involved in mandating ‘behaviour change’ in the UK [11], often implemented via fines. Her brother-in-law David Neuberger is president of the Supreme Court in the United Kingdom. [12 ]
The Telegraph reported that the LCP program was merely rebranded: The discredited Liverpool Care Pathway is to be “rebranded” rather than abolished, senior doctors have said....doctors who led criticism of the pathway say new draft guidance, seen by the Daily Telegraph, outlining a replacement scheme will perpetuate many of its worst practices... [ 13 ]
Considering that the Green Party in Victoria, Australia, is now keen to have the Law Reform Commission consider legislation for euthanasia, (April 2015) such treatment as the Liverpool Care Pathway for the elderly (who are not ill) may not have gone very far away. A Greens bid to get Victoria's Law Reform Commission to examine euthanasia has been delayed. Party leaders in the state's upper house agreed to not to vote on the motion after it looked like it would fail. But the Greens say a vote will be held in May on whether the commission should report on euthanasia laws. [14]