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CIA-controlled Ukraine: Hunger, economic collapse and police state

birdseye | 18.03.2015 22:37

Nato-Nazi Ukraine builds up a totalitarian police state.

Destruction in Donetsk
Destruction in Donetsk

Eastern Ukraine has always had a Russian population, descending from settlers in the 17th century.

With the police controlled by the Nazis, and the intelligence service by the CIA,

hundreds of oppositionals have been rounded up or killed.

Members of the Party of Regions and Communist party get rounded up or killed.

Many opposition members have died under mysterious circumstances or "committed suicide" in the past two months.

Raids are carried out in Kharkov, Odessa and Mariupol.

In the East, mass graves have been found in all the cities from where the Ukrainian army has withdrawn.

US troops issued orders to kill civilians:

Torture by Ukrainian forces:

Second part in Russian:

War resisters ar facing long prison sentences.

Parliament member Viktoria Shilova is threatened with 8 years of imprisonment for war resistance:

A teacher in West Ukraine is threatened with 5 years of inprisonment

Tens of thousands have fled to Hungary, Slovakia or Russia to avoid the draft.

Swedish doctors for human rights

Background and development of the crisis:

News updates:
