The final treachery, [Removed] sell out detailed in today's Times
SHAC person | 13.02.2015 10:46
The article in the Times today detailing the extent to which [Removed] gave up people and papers of SHAC in return for a shorter jail term has hurt me.
[Removed] was a person I had worked with, stood side by side with on demos and on many occasions offered a spare crash space to. I thought of her as not only caring, kind and committed but also loyal, I was wrong. Being so wrong about her has hurt me physically this morning. I am in pain and I am crying as I write this.
She first started supplying information as far back as July 2012, and provided copies of emails from Natasha and Sven van (the emails from Sven were passed to the Dutch police as well). At that same time she spent three nights at my flat but she said nothing, she displayed not a hint of anguish or mixed feelings. She also later gave up the full SHAC supporter list (called the 'Golden Paper" by the cops) which had always been secured by a strong encryption package that they had been unable to break in the past. She passed on the laptop that Gavin had used to co-ordinate with French, Dutch and US groups, a computer that Greg had entrusted personally to her. She has put people in danger of arrest all over the world.
None of the above and the other things she has done really matter however compared to the betrayal of the actions. It is that betrayal, that disloyalty, that stab in the back that hurts the most because she did all this just to get a cut in her prison time when so many people have been prepared to stand up for the animals and serve their full prison time because they refused to sell out. I have sat here this morning and started to write over ten letters to her but I have destroyed them all, there is nothing I can say, no words can explain how I now feel. My trust in so many people is now in doubt, who can I look at the same way ?
SHAC was such a wonderful thing, we did so much, we bankrupted HLS and without the government they would be gone by now, I took some small delight in knowing we made a difference but the realisation that so many of us have been betrayed and used to save a few months of prison time for a person some of us loved and respected makes me sad beyond words.
I am off to walk now with my two beautiful animal companions, the two souls who I know I can always before true to and who will always be true to me while human animals continue to let me down. I do not know what I will do when I return, my heart is broken.
Goodbye and keep fighting for the animals.
She first started supplying information as far back as July 2012, and provided copies of emails from Natasha and Sven van (the emails from Sven were passed to the Dutch police as well). At that same time she spent three nights at my flat but she said nothing, she displayed not a hint of anguish or mixed feelings. She also later gave up the full SHAC supporter list (called the 'Golden Paper" by the cops) which had always been secured by a strong encryption package that they had been unable to break in the past. She passed on the laptop that Gavin had used to co-ordinate with French, Dutch and US groups, a computer that Greg had entrusted personally to her. She has put people in danger of arrest all over the world.
None of the above and the other things she has done really matter however compared to the betrayal of the actions. It is that betrayal, that disloyalty, that stab in the back that hurts the most because she did all this just to get a cut in her prison time when so many people have been prepared to stand up for the animals and serve their full prison time because they refused to sell out. I have sat here this morning and started to write over ten letters to her but I have destroyed them all, there is nothing I can say, no words can explain how I now feel. My trust in so many people is now in doubt, who can I look at the same way ?
SHAC was such a wonderful thing, we did so much, we bankrupted HLS and without the government they would be gone by now, I took some small delight in knowing we made a difference but the realisation that so many of us have been betrayed and used to save a few months of prison time for a person some of us loved and respected makes me sad beyond words.
I am off to walk now with my two beautiful animal companions, the two souls who I know I can always before true to and who will always be true to me while human animals continue to let me down. I do not know what I will do when I return, my heart is broken.
Goodbye and keep fighting for the animals.
SHAC person
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These anti-AR trolls are busy..
13.02.2015 11:17
SHAC person, Please call or email me
13.02.2015 11:17
Please take the time to call friends before doing anything, your two lovely greyhounds need you.
All my love
Link to story in Times.
13.02.2015 11:28
There is no article in the times today concerning [Removed]?
13.02.2015 11:30
Bullshit Detector
Not new news just the mainstream media playing catch up
13.02.2015 11:32
Vegan Sue
Re "There is no article in the times today concerning Debbie Vincent?"
13.02.2015 11:36
Mods already busy I see
13.02.2015 11:39
Ministry of Truth
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