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Far Right Exploiting Homeless Soldiers @poppylegion @edlnews @hopenothate

Against Hate | 29.01.2015 19:57 | Anti-racism | Indymedia | Social Struggles | London | Sheffield

Former grenadier Tim Arnold has returned to Britain from Thailand to set up two interlinked fascist organisations for ex-military personnel, the VFF (Veterans For Freedom) and the NLD (National League Democracy) offshoots for Liberty GB, for which Mr Arnold manages the Liberty Ex-Forces Group with assistance from ex-BNP culturalist Jack Buckby, the pair of them claiming to raise charity money from what they call Ultra Marathons.

VFF's Racist Rant
VFF's Racist Rant

Big Sleep Out
Big Sleep Out


Tim Arnold
Tim Arnold

The extreme racist VFF / NLD are planning a nationwide publicity event called the Big Sleep Out on the 2nd of May to highlight homelessness among former soldiers, using publicity gained to help their fledgling far right organisation grow into a serious political force. Arnold claims the Big Sleep Out will become bigger than the Ice Bucket Challenge. Piggybacking upon their exploited cause, the VFF is virulently Islamophobic and wants the teaching of Islam banned from schools, and Muslims removed from the United Kingdom.

If the Big Sleep Out becomes news, the VFF / NLD will grow, and so too will intolerance against Muslims. Unlike the BNP's Soldiers Off The Streets, the VFF or the NLD are not registered charities. They are cynical far right exploiters of human suffering for their own personal political goals.

Fuhrer-to-be Arnold is currently seeking publicity assistance from the Royal British Legion and homeless charities such as Shelter, who must be on their guard, or else they could end up endorsing this embryonic fascist group and unwittingly assisting it in its nefarious aims, encouraging racial hatred amongst ex-military personnel and their families.

JUST TO ADD.... Kate Hurst, the Pegida UK admin organising Pegida's visit to Newcastle, was a supporter of the EDL's Armed Forces Division. Now she is supporting the VFF / NLD, despite repeated denials of Pegida's overt fascist links.

Against Hate


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Get your facts right

20.02.2015 19:57

Recently I read your article on the vff , nld organisations and there founder Tim Arnold before you make statements about people you should check out the people your writing about firstly he is not a facist as you claimed the vff is about veterans for veterans read its mission statement you also stated he was political the nld is not a political party read there statement too as its obvious you haven't read either you also call this man a racist that the vff/ nld are racist organisations what rubbish you haven't even noticed he has an Asian child you call this man and the organisations racist because in truth your the racist ones you forget Islam is not a race Muslim is not a race as are communists Catholics or Christians they are all faiths the difference being that the main faiths don't declair that wife beating child molestation and murder be praised so be careful who you sling mud at it may come back to bury you

Wesley ridgway
mail e-mail:


22.02.2015 07:49

Please contact me for a meeting in May I like to sit down and chat to you regarding this post as many facts are wrong I have also I have sent this to my good friend who is a international lawyer so please contact me to explain this before i take it further.