Occupy Democracy Launched - Real Democracy Now!
Occupy Democracy | 29.01.2015 13:37
A new campaign has been launched to demand government by sortition.
Although in its infancy, it’s aim is to hold a series of actions to promote sortition and build a movement demanding the replacement of elections with sortition.
Kick all the politicians out! Real democracy now!
Although in its infancy, it’s aim is to hold a series of actions to promote sortition and build a movement demanding the replacement of elections with sortition.
Kick all the politicians out! Real democracy now!
To support or promote it, visit http://www.occupydemocracy.net, like it on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OccupyDemocracy or follow it on Twitter @SortitionNow
Occupy Democracy
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"Occupy Democracy"?
29.01.2015 16:20
0/10 for originality.
Sortition ... ?
29.01.2015 21:10
: the act of casting lots : determination or appointment by or as if by lot
: the act or an instance of casting lots
How do you envisage this being different to voting ?
Keith Harris
Homepage: www.thetruth.ie
Sortition - what is it?
03.02.2015 11:56
Basically, instead of voting for candidates, an assembly would be constituted by selecting people at random from the population, making sure there are half women, half men, both young and old, rich and poor, etc.
It happesn in modern Citizens' Juries ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens%27_jury) and Assembies.
Sortition Foundation
Homepage: http://www.sortitionfoundation.org/