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NO PASARAN! | 26.01.2015 13:56 | Anti-racism | Indymedia | Social Struggles | Liverpool | Sheffield

German neo-Nazis are invading Manchester and Newcastle at short notice to infect working class communities with hatred and fear. Pegida UK have set up facebook accounts infested with EDLers, NWIers, NFers, BNPers and also Shitain Firsters preparing to wreak havoc throughout the United Kingdom, inspired by the Dresden marches.

Like the EDL in its infancy, P.U.K. claim not to be racist, are strongly anti-immigrant and have started using EDL phrases "rape jihad" and "Muslim paedophiles" to appeal to EDL footsoldiers.

Newcastle is a regular target of the far right, Newcastle is targeted because it is mostly white, and Manchester because of the Rochdale child abuse cases the EDL deliberately racialised. Pegida claim to hate just Muslims, while at ground level, every non-white person or immigrant is at risk of serious harm or even murder. In Dresden, racial attacks have rocketed since the autumn, due to the fact they were not opposed strongly in its infancy.

Expect to see violent jailbirds Alan Spence in Newcastle and Diddyman in Manchester, regardless of any suggestions by the PUK leadership to stay away. The NWI got locked up from violently assaulting the staff in a socialist bookshop in Liverpool, while former BNP candidate Alan Spence served jail time for beating up Irishmen in a social club. The last time the NWI marched for Pegida, it ended in buckets of tears for Diddyman thanks to Polish antifascists the 161 crew.

The UAF will as usual be gathering, but ANTIFA, Irish Republicans and autonomous street defenders are advised to remain safely outside the UAF pens so they can take footsoldiers of the PUK by surprise and chase them away before they attack anyone.




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Fascist Friendly Pubs

26.01.2015 14:00

Pegida do not officially book pubs for fascists to meet, thus any pubs hosting nazi PUK thugs will be doing so off their own bat, so as to speak, either because of either they support racism and fascism, they are greedy bastards out to make a fast buck, or they just don't give a shit.

Ask venues politely not to host Pegida UK (AKA EDL / NF / Infidels). If they refuse, organise a boycott. One particular Newcastle venue needs to be boycotted for its regular EDL "meet-and-greet" far right support. We all know one such pub is located on Newcastle's Bigg Market.

Punk fan

Dover Arse-Soles

26.01.2015 14:02

Were absolutely humiliated by London ANTIFA.


Angry At The Bigots.

26.01.2015 14:22

I wish the bloody fash would stop targeting Newcastle. Every month some of these cretins lurk near the War Memorial handing out nazi leaflets. Enough is enough - the Northeast has to mobilise against these scum.

The Northeast does not have nay hate preachers, so there is absolutely no reason for PUK to gather here other than trying to strike discord and disharmony amongst working class people.

Alan Spence famously screamed out "Send the black cunts home" at an EDL rally, and he beat up Irishmen at a local social club.




Worth travelling to stop the nazi scum

26.01.2015 14:26

Live hundreds of miles away but will travel to help defend Manchester and Newcastle from the evil bastards.



26.01.2015 14:32

Wishing you all the best in the struggle UK Antifa.

Together we can stop the far right.

Mister Mister

Alan Spence Tries To Blind Antifascist Campaigners

26.01.2015 15:36

Racist / sectarian thug Alan Spence, who got jailed for beating up the staff in an Irish club, shouted "send the black cunts home" at an EDL rally, is known for squirting chemical substances into the eyes of anti-racists.

Face protection is advisable if opposing the fash in Newcastle.

Be careful!

No Pasaran!



26.01.2015 15:51

Fatmess is expected to attend Manchester, the fucking coward!

Soon to be serving time.


Irish Republicanism vs. Anti-Fascism

28.01.2015 00:37

If we counter the arguments - sometimes put forward - that protesting Fascists have some "right" to free speech (sic), by pointing out that a/ even if Fascists do have a right to protest, then we have a RIGHT to counter-protest, and b/ issues of free speech have to be balanced against the community's right to DEFEND ourselves against Fascist provocations and attacks, then communities are entitled to defend themselves against ANYONE who targets innocent civilians... like for instance the fucking IRA. Irrespective of what you think of their underlying politics, the IRA butchered innocent people in the Republic, in Northern Ireland, and in mainland Britain, hell they even butchered each other during the Irish Civil War (and during all sorts of internecine wanking-contests within modern Republicanism)

We hear an awful lot about IRA volunteers who fought Franco's Fascism in Spain, rather less about the fact that Ireland sent far more "volunteers" to fight FOR FRANCO than against him, and virtually nothing about the fact that these Irish Fascists (so-called "Blueshirts") were drawn from the ranks of Irish Republicanism!

Likewise the dumber elements within "militant" Anti-Fascism are remarkably quiet when it comes to IRA collaboration with the Nazis during WW2, and particularly about IRA "hero" Frank Ryan and his work IN GERMANY for SS COLONEL Edmund Veesenmayer.

If Irish people oppose Fascism that's fine, but leave the Republicanism out of it unless you want a political catastrophe on your hands