The Southern Poverty Law Center and Its Double Standard on Free Speech
William Wraithwrite | 18.01.2015 00:33 | Analysis | Social Struggles
There are no factual statements made at the Democracy Now form of opportunism to show that David Duke as actually engaged in advocating, say, violence or oppression against others. Rather what seems to upset Potok and his many supporters is that Duke and others are focused on excessive Jewish political and social influence on Americans, Europeans and Christians (in another words free speech as Duke is really about trying to use ideas to convince people to think differently—not advocating for slavery or Jim Crow or injustice to minorities). How does this compare with honoring the sleazy cartoons at Charlie Hebdo?
A brief essay in response to the DemocracyNow.Org interview with SPLC Mark Potok “David Duke Without the Baggage”
Will the Top GOPer Steve Scalise Resign for Speech to Racist Group” January 6, 2015, see:
The Southern Poverty Law Center and Its Double Standard on Free Speech
By William Wraithwrite
I, a goy, white, American male, would consider attending a conference hosted by David Duke; and I am not a so-called white supremist (and to what extent David Duke is, if at all, I do not know—although Zionist organizations like SPLC claims to know with the certitude of an all-knowing mind-reading deity).
The main reason I would consider attending such a conference is because David Duke addresses some important issues in his current life that few people are willing to openly discuss—namely a “Zionist supremacy” acted out in real life politics here in the United States and abroad, that has had, and continues to have, very huge and dire consequences for the entire world’s peoples (now it is more war in Syria and elsewhere), even if Zionists who do so do act in such ways do not articulate a doctrine of Zionist supremacy.
Israel’s and AIPAC’s and the NeoCons’ dominance of American foreign policy here in Washington D.C. is not only a huge disaster for most tax paying Americans (and for real national security), it is based on epic amounts of deceit and convoluted black operations (even the evil angels of the Bible would find hard to match) and there influence has been both criminal and treason.
For example, the very story of U.S. torture abroad is really a story of torture taking place because of Zionist foreign policy including our illegal invasion of Iraq at Israel’s behest. Few people are willing to make the connection between the criminal behavior of U.S. foreign policy and Israel/ Zionist control over our government and media—and yet this is another truth people readily attack as anti-Semitic so as to red herring away any king of evaluation to a deeper and more important truth.
Nevertheless I’m far from being a Republican. I know little about Steve Scalise but if he is a typical current day Republican I will not much agree with him. But I refuse to accept this amateur smear job from SPLC and DemocracyNow on David Duke that Mark Potok and his likes so readily conflate as Nazis and other evil racist Klansmen.
This very much seems to be motivated to destroy the messenger so as to hide the message—it is really a form of censorship which is apparently OK if any white, goy people start challenging white Jewish dominance of the conversation—which is already almost completely in control in the U.S. Senate, the House of Representatives, much of the White House cabinet and staff, and especially in the mainstream media that highly represented by Jewish executives and broadcasters.
How ironic? Zionists dominates not only our current governance and media but also the political propaganda machine taking the United States into more wars with Syria and Iran disguised as a new demonic evil called ISIS (because this is something Israel and Zionists mostly want as Syria has little affect on the American society at large). So again we have another terrorism propaganda campaign dealing with more emphasis on blaming (claiming) ISIS the so-called Islamic State is behind all this evil that conveniently arrives (when the actually truths are far more complex and devious than what the mainstream media projects).
Smirking Mark Potok, apparently to warrant an interview on DemocracyNow.Org (an organization that has uncovered some real serious journalist stories of high value and worthiness), complaisantly comes on to broad brush David Duke (along with the Democracy Now staff such as Jewish Aaron Mate—as DN doesn’t employ goyim white men in their news production if not completely accepting of the rainbowist interpretation of reality) as a KKK leader and America’s most notorious
white supremist.
Here we get a small picking of a few statements made on an amateur production about the convention, that really cannot be fairly contextualized, that is of a EURO, European Unity and Rights Organization conference that happened twelve years ago. This whole smear is really rather shallow because it assumes the chosen concepts to label Duke as a leader of KKK, a Nazi, and white supremist will be interpreted as someone in favor of hanging blacks, and the most evil hatred of minorities, even as written documents at SPLC (that few read and seem very biased as exemplifying what they claim is Duke’s nature—but they seem far from objective ) at least mentions Duke is a newer version of a more civilized version of angry white people (a gentler kinder version of an supremist).
There are no factual statements made at the Democracy Now form of opportunism to show that David Duke as actually engaged in advocating, say, violence or oppression against others. Rather what seems to upset Potok and his many supporters is that Duke and others are focused on excessive Jewish political and social influence on Americans, Europeans and Christians (in another words free speech as Duke is really about trying to use ideas to convince people to think differently—not advocating for slavery or Jim Crow or injustice to minorities). How does this compare with honoring the sleazy cartoons at Charlie Hebdo?
I am not an expert on who is and who is not David Duke (or was). However I have watched ‘some’ of his videos, such as those accessible from his website DavidDuke.Com, and I believe he has arguments worthy of attention and contemplation especially since his point of view is truly of a minority point of view (‘minority’ is the sense of being unique as opposed to the masses of people who readily adopt whatever they feel will be appropriate as to “go-along-to-get-along” and don’t challenge the status quo and just believe whatever hype the mainstream media spiels forth).
These groups of white people or white Christians seem to feel they do not get fair representation in the normal channels of communication, and somehow feel that Zionist influence is dangerous to what they think are American values or Christian values or both.
Personally I am not a Christian so I hardly stand in those camps of naïve speeches that appear on some websites that supposedly expose so-called hatred groups (that often enough depict less-educated and less-open-minded persons due to their stations, presumptions and upbringing). This essay is not about arguing how good or bad David Duke or Steve Scalise either actually are or how people want them to be thought to be. This is about the freedom to say what you want and freedom of speech and groups who try to outlaw speech they do not like (or try to smear the messenger so as to ruin any credibility they may have).
But what is truly interesting is how closely the stated values of this EURO group, from their website (if major search engines actually allow you to see the official website without all the critical websites popping up first) actually match conservative politics such as some libertarian ideas, and also the actual practices of the apartheid state of Israel—perhaps that is what most unconsciously offends the likes of Mark Potok and Amy Goodman?
There doesn’t seem to be too much from either David Duke or the EURO website that actually demands the dominate white supremacy of England and Joseph Rudyard Kipling’s justification for colonization abroad? It is as if you can simply label an organization blatantly racist and everyone should just take it as godsend? The title of this organization is about “rights” that apparently some feel the need to advocate for? Where are the blatant racist statements?
What really bothers some people is some peoples’ call for a re-evaluation of Nazi Germany. Amy Goodman is such a person who does not publicly allow for any re-evaluation of the history and interpretation of Nazi Germany (as in “revisionism”) instead joining the bandwagon to label all such skeptics as complete holocaust deniers. And yet Nazi Germany has been the great weapon and club Zionists use to guilt-trip the rest of the Western world to go along with anything they want—and what Israel now seems to want is complete control of the Middle East.
The smirking Potok and his terrier-like puppy face have pulled a fast one of trying to destroy a reputation as complete ad hominen attack, while many sanctimonious media outlets, readily side with the racist and low-life cartoons at Charlie Hebdo. Certainly Dukes website has more to get people thinking for themselves than those hate-filled anti-cleric cartoons? Instead Charlie Hebdo so-called artists used their abilities as propaganda, and as another form of hate expression via ridicule, humiliation, pornography and derision. We the sheeple of the USA are suppose to think they were in fact engaged in “noble” forms of free speech—when in reality they had little to nothing to add to the real issues of creating more understanding about anything.
Even Pat Buchanan called Congress an Occupied Territory (meaning supposedly our Congress is being dominated and bullied by AIPAC agendas). Now some one person of high rank in Congress, who is accused of attending a conference by David Duke (as if that fact alone is suppose to be assumed horrendous) some years ago, and he is automatically broad-brushed to be thought anathema, because he associated with a outspoken minority named David Duke is automatically suspect of evil—apparently a new Osama bin Ladin?
This is the kind of below the belt politics the likes of Mark Polak and the Southern Poverty Law Center Jewish cabal (along with Richard Cohen of the Washington Post) play smear—they do not in anyway go into the messages that David Duke actually raises—rather it is a game of smear his character and then hopefully no one will listen to his messages (acerbic at times they may be—but not any more bitter than reality can be itself).
Obviously it is OK for Zionist to demand for the killing of hundreds of thousands are violence but it is not OK for some small minority to speak speech that offends when Zionists happen to be the target?
One major problem is if you are a white and not Jewish, you cannot legitimately question the enormous and too often destructive role Israel and the NeoCons and AIPAC are continuing to have on our country. There is no legitimate voice—because even the FOX news hounds, who may be goyim men such as Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly, are really coolies for a more controlled game of deceit as Rup0ert Murdock is very much in the Zionist camp of letting the NeoCons decide our foreign policy.
What hypocrisy.
*****Lastly if think this essay is anti-Semitic I suggest you read Alexander Cockburn and Jeffery St. Clair’ The Politics of Anti-Semitism before you jump to too many conclusions*****.
Will the Top GOPer Steve Scalise Resign for Speech to Racist Group” January 6, 2015, see:

The Southern Poverty Law Center and Its Double Standard on Free Speech
By William Wraithwrite
I, a goy, white, American male, would consider attending a conference hosted by David Duke; and I am not a so-called white supremist (and to what extent David Duke is, if at all, I do not know—although Zionist organizations like SPLC claims to know with the certitude of an all-knowing mind-reading deity).
The main reason I would consider attending such a conference is because David Duke addresses some important issues in his current life that few people are willing to openly discuss—namely a “Zionist supremacy” acted out in real life politics here in the United States and abroad, that has had, and continues to have, very huge and dire consequences for the entire world’s peoples (now it is more war in Syria and elsewhere), even if Zionists who do so do act in such ways do not articulate a doctrine of Zionist supremacy.
Israel’s and AIPAC’s and the NeoCons’ dominance of American foreign policy here in Washington D.C. is not only a huge disaster for most tax paying Americans (and for real national security), it is based on epic amounts of deceit and convoluted black operations (even the evil angels of the Bible would find hard to match) and there influence has been both criminal and treason.
For example, the very story of U.S. torture abroad is really a story of torture taking place because of Zionist foreign policy including our illegal invasion of Iraq at Israel’s behest. Few people are willing to make the connection between the criminal behavior of U.S. foreign policy and Israel/ Zionist control over our government and media—and yet this is another truth people readily attack as anti-Semitic so as to red herring away any king of evaluation to a deeper and more important truth.
Nevertheless I’m far from being a Republican. I know little about Steve Scalise but if he is a typical current day Republican I will not much agree with him. But I refuse to accept this amateur smear job from SPLC and DemocracyNow on David Duke that Mark Potok and his likes so readily conflate as Nazis and other evil racist Klansmen.
This very much seems to be motivated to destroy the messenger so as to hide the message—it is really a form of censorship which is apparently OK if any white, goy people start challenging white Jewish dominance of the conversation—which is already almost completely in control in the U.S. Senate, the House of Representatives, much of the White House cabinet and staff, and especially in the mainstream media that highly represented by Jewish executives and broadcasters.
How ironic? Zionists dominates not only our current governance and media but also the political propaganda machine taking the United States into more wars with Syria and Iran disguised as a new demonic evil called ISIS (because this is something Israel and Zionists mostly want as Syria has little affect on the American society at large). So again we have another terrorism propaganda campaign dealing with more emphasis on blaming (claiming) ISIS the so-called Islamic State is behind all this evil that conveniently arrives (when the actually truths are far more complex and devious than what the mainstream media projects).
Smirking Mark Potok, apparently to warrant an interview on DemocracyNow.Org (an organization that has uncovered some real serious journalist stories of high value and worthiness), complaisantly comes on to broad brush David Duke (along with the Democracy Now staff such as Jewish Aaron Mate—as DN doesn’t employ goyim white men in their news production if not completely accepting of the rainbowist interpretation of reality) as a KKK leader and America’s most notorious
white supremist.
Here we get a small picking of a few statements made on an amateur production about the convention, that really cannot be fairly contextualized, that is of a EURO, European Unity and Rights Organization conference that happened twelve years ago. This whole smear is really rather shallow because it assumes the chosen concepts to label Duke as a leader of KKK, a Nazi, and white supremist will be interpreted as someone in favor of hanging blacks, and the most evil hatred of minorities, even as written documents at SPLC (that few read and seem very biased as exemplifying what they claim is Duke’s nature—but they seem far from objective ) at least mentions Duke is a newer version of a more civilized version of angry white people (a gentler kinder version of an supremist).
There are no factual statements made at the Democracy Now form of opportunism to show that David Duke as actually engaged in advocating, say, violence or oppression against others. Rather what seems to upset Potok and his many supporters is that Duke and others are focused on excessive Jewish political and social influence on Americans, Europeans and Christians (in another words free speech as Duke is really about trying to use ideas to convince people to think differently—not advocating for slavery or Jim Crow or injustice to minorities). How does this compare with honoring the sleazy cartoons at Charlie Hebdo?
I am not an expert on who is and who is not David Duke (or was). However I have watched ‘some’ of his videos, such as those accessible from his website DavidDuke.Com, and I believe he has arguments worthy of attention and contemplation especially since his point of view is truly of a minority point of view (‘minority’ is the sense of being unique as opposed to the masses of people who readily adopt whatever they feel will be appropriate as to “go-along-to-get-along” and don’t challenge the status quo and just believe whatever hype the mainstream media spiels forth).
These groups of white people or white Christians seem to feel they do not get fair representation in the normal channels of communication, and somehow feel that Zionist influence is dangerous to what they think are American values or Christian values or both.
Personally I am not a Christian so I hardly stand in those camps of naïve speeches that appear on some websites that supposedly expose so-called hatred groups (that often enough depict less-educated and less-open-minded persons due to their stations, presumptions and upbringing). This essay is not about arguing how good or bad David Duke or Steve Scalise either actually are or how people want them to be thought to be. This is about the freedom to say what you want and freedom of speech and groups who try to outlaw speech they do not like (or try to smear the messenger so as to ruin any credibility they may have).
But what is truly interesting is how closely the stated values of this EURO group, from their website (if major search engines actually allow you to see the official website without all the critical websites popping up first) actually match conservative politics such as some libertarian ideas, and also the actual practices of the apartheid state of Israel—perhaps that is what most unconsciously offends the likes of Mark Potok and Amy Goodman?
There doesn’t seem to be too much from either David Duke or the EURO website that actually demands the dominate white supremacy of England and Joseph Rudyard Kipling’s justification for colonization abroad? It is as if you can simply label an organization blatantly racist and everyone should just take it as godsend? The title of this organization is about “rights” that apparently some feel the need to advocate for? Where are the blatant racist statements?
What really bothers some people is some peoples’ call for a re-evaluation of Nazi Germany. Amy Goodman is such a person who does not publicly allow for any re-evaluation of the history and interpretation of Nazi Germany (as in “revisionism”) instead joining the bandwagon to label all such skeptics as complete holocaust deniers. And yet Nazi Germany has been the great weapon and club Zionists use to guilt-trip the rest of the Western world to go along with anything they want—and what Israel now seems to want is complete control of the Middle East.
The smirking Potok and his terrier-like puppy face have pulled a fast one of trying to destroy a reputation as complete ad hominen attack, while many sanctimonious media outlets, readily side with the racist and low-life cartoons at Charlie Hebdo. Certainly Dukes website has more to get people thinking for themselves than those hate-filled anti-cleric cartoons? Instead Charlie Hebdo so-called artists used their abilities as propaganda, and as another form of hate expression via ridicule, humiliation, pornography and derision. We the sheeple of the USA are suppose to think they were in fact engaged in “noble” forms of free speech—when in reality they had little to nothing to add to the real issues of creating more understanding about anything.
Even Pat Buchanan called Congress an Occupied Territory (meaning supposedly our Congress is being dominated and bullied by AIPAC agendas). Now some one person of high rank in Congress, who is accused of attending a conference by David Duke (as if that fact alone is suppose to be assumed horrendous) some years ago, and he is automatically broad-brushed to be thought anathema, because he associated with a outspoken minority named David Duke is automatically suspect of evil—apparently a new Osama bin Ladin?
This is the kind of below the belt politics the likes of Mark Polak and the Southern Poverty Law Center Jewish cabal (along with Richard Cohen of the Washington Post) play smear—they do not in anyway go into the messages that David Duke actually raises—rather it is a game of smear his character and then hopefully no one will listen to his messages (acerbic at times they may be—but not any more bitter than reality can be itself).
Obviously it is OK for Zionist to demand for the killing of hundreds of thousands are violence but it is not OK for some small minority to speak speech that offends when Zionists happen to be the target?
One major problem is if you are a white and not Jewish, you cannot legitimately question the enormous and too often destructive role Israel and the NeoCons and AIPAC are continuing to have on our country. There is no legitimate voice—because even the FOX news hounds, who may be goyim men such as Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly, are really coolies for a more controlled game of deceit as Rup0ert Murdock is very much in the Zionist camp of letting the NeoCons decide our foreign policy.
What hypocrisy.
*****Lastly if think this essay is anti-Semitic I suggest you read Alexander Cockburn and Jeffery St. Clair’ The Politics of Anti-Semitism before you jump to too many conclusions*****.
William Wraithwrite