Greens bigger than UKIP + on-course to overtake Lib-Dems
Lincolnshire | 15.01.2015 23:21 | Indymedia
• Green Party membership is now 43,829 - almost 2,000 ahead of UKIP
• Lib Dems are just 700 ahead of the Greens with a 44,576 members
The Green Party? Hierarchical - - - but nowhere near as hierarchical as Counterfire - - - and a fuck of alot more influential than the anarchist "movement"
• Lib Dems are just 700 ahead of the Greens with a 44,576 members
The Green Party? Hierarchical - - - but nowhere near as hierarchical as Counterfire - - - and a fuck of alot more influential than the anarchist "movement"
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