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Golden Dawn Flag At Manchester Nazi Pegida Gathering @edlnews @slatfascists

Antifa | 12.01.2015 02:39 | Anti-racism | Indymedia | Social Struggles | Liverpool | Sheffield

It was supposed to be a bunch of neo-nazis pretending not to be neo-nazis for the cameras, while gathering to hijack the France commemorations, but there were the usual lot of Hitler salutes reported, and guess what, somebody thought it was wise to fly the Golden Dawn flag.

What the fuck has Golden Dawn to do with Charlie Hebdo or Germany??????

Well done, braindead nazi scum, for such twattish behaviour!

Even Adolf Hitler would have given you totally and utterly gormless NWIers the slow handclap......



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12.01.2015 02:42

The nazi cockhead probably thought it was the FN flag, or something.

Talk about dumb!


NWI Freakshow

12.01.2015 02:46

Check out this link for more fash pictures, to put names to faces to take the absolute piss out of them. #antifa


NWI Nazis suck!

12.01.2015 19:50

Manchester City Council decided to remind the fascist scumbags they suck, by screening lessons on fellatio using cucumbers for the benefit of the NWI......

Diddyman paid close attention.

Meat & Two Veggiez

Nazi Cowards

12.01.2015 19:52

The NWI will be back for that fascist concent happening in Manchester in February, the one relocated from Cardiff.

Meanwhile, the Piss and Shit Squad are bragging they will persuade the cops to cancel the 161 Festival.
