France rises up
Je Suis Charlie | 08.01.2015 14:35
Nearly 24 hours after Islamist terrorists attacked free speech, liberty and freedom the people of France say "enough" !
Following on from the spontaneous demonstrations of support last night in Paris where nearly 30,000 people came out to show their support for the slain demonstrations are beginning in all parts of France as the French people look to defend the Republic from religious extremism and bigotry.
Here in Strasbourg people are gathering alongside the river to display signs reading "we are not afraid" and "I have a pen".
In Dijon people stood outside the local newspaper at lunchtime with placards that said " I am defending these journalists".
Lyon has seen one of the largest demonstrations in recent times with the local synagogue opening its doors to local Muslim youth as a place for coffee and cakes. The Grande Mosquée de Lyon has a sign in the window reading,
"Christian, Jew, Muslim - all French" alongside the Israeli and French flags.
This attack may have done more to bring together French people than ever before.
Here in Strasbourg people are gathering alongside the river to display signs reading "we are not afraid" and "I have a pen".
In Dijon people stood outside the local newspaper at lunchtime with placards that said " I am defending these journalists".
Lyon has seen one of the largest demonstrations in recent times with the local synagogue opening its doors to local Muslim youth as a place for coffee and cakes. The Grande Mosquée de Lyon has a sign in the window reading,
"Christian, Jew, Muslim - all French" alongside the Israeli and French flags.
This attack may have done more to bring together French people than ever before.
Je Suis Charlie
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08.01.2015 21:15
Paul O' Hanlon
Who benefits ?
09.01.2015 09:55
It is useful to look at any so called terrorist attack and ask "who benefits ?" In the case of the attack on the journalists of the Charlie Hebdo magazine this is very important. The mainstream media and governments are working hard to convince us it is their all to convenient 'enemy', Islamist extremists'. Two convenient patsies have been set up (ID card left in car !!!) and the excuse for the attack prepared.
Once however the facts are examined we begin to see the flaws in the official story and who benefits from this attack.
The Koachi brothers have no links to Islamism, a very minor link to criminality and are both conveniently orphans with no families to defend them. Both were building careers in the music industry and were known for drinking and visiting night clubs - not the profile of a devout Muslim.
Next we must look at the Charlie Hebdo magazine, although there has been a lot of focus on its publishing of the infamous offensive Danish cartoons the principle target of its criticism over the past ten years has been its highlighting of Israel crimes in Palestine and the Occupied Territories. Israel is well known for its attacks on those who are critical of it and using false flag attacks to do that.
The two sacrificial lambs are now holed up in a French warehouse (owned by a Jewish run printing company) and will likely be killed to ensure the story is not questioned.
The principle benefit of this attack was Israel.
Paul O' Hanlon
Israel and false flag attacks
09.01.2015 10:11
Numerous writers, scientists, investigators and even political figures have pointed out Israel’s involvement with 9/11. There is a huge pile of evidence that is being ignored, shoved under the carpet and being labeled as “urban legend” and "conspiracy theory" regarding Israel’s involvement in 9/11. We should know that Jews have a consistent history of fraudulent actions resulting in the loss of lives of millions of human beings to accomplish their purpose.
False flag operations are not new for Jews. As I will show in the list below, false flag operations -- the act of committing terrorist actions and having others blamed for them -- is a technique that they have employed in numerous situations for hundreds even thousands of years. Not only have they done false flag operations to blame Muslims, they have done these actions to have others blamed like, the Czarist government in Russia, other Jews, Germany, enemy organizations and states, etc. I also find it interesting that they have been caught red handed in numerous false flag operations. Not once, but several times. As regards today’s terrorists actions, it is interesting to note that Israelis have been caught in false flag operations attempting to have Muslims blamed, but yet there is not one false flag operation where Muslims were caught attempting to blame Jews. We should really think about this and ask the reasonable question of, “I wonder why that is?”
Here is a brief look at some past Jewish actions showing their treachery, deception and fraud in having innocents take the blame for their horrible actions. I have summarized this and provided links to most of the facts listed below. Doing a Google search on any of the facts presented will yield even more information:
According to many respected WW1 historians it was Jews who tricked Britain into agreeing to give them Palestine in exchange for getting the U.S. into WW1. Benjamin Freedman, a friend of some of the major leaders in our time and who is also a Jew, admitted this during a major speech given to patriots in 1961. The Neturei Karta, a devoutly Jewish religious group also admits the same. There are numerous scholars, historians and Jews who describe in detail how WW1 was started and fought with one of the main goals being securing Palestine for Jews. Here is a link to more information about that:
It was Jews who caused the pogroms of their own people in Russia around the 1890s, so that the world will hate the regime of the Czar and cause millions of Jews to flee to the U.S. for political gain. Under the orders of Jacob Schiff in New York and the Rothschilds, they massacred hundreds of fellow Jews to have Russians blamed for this act and cause the immigration of thousands of other Jews to the US. Among other things, this resulted in world opinion turned against the Czar and his government and set up the bloody overthrow of his regime by the Bolsheviks.
As admitted to by many historians and even by the ultra Israeli religious group, the Neturei Karta, WW2 was engineered by Jews and the leadership of the Jews made an alliance with Hitler causing thousands of German Jews to be killed so that others will flee en mass to Israel. They also forced the U.S. president Roosevelt to get into WW2 by embargoing Japanese oil causing them to attack the U.S. at Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt went along with this plan, all the while knowing ahead of time about the Japanese attack and the murder of thousands of Americans. See the following for more:
The Iraqi Jew Naeem Giladi wrote a book detailing how Israelis performed terrorist actions and caused the deaths of many Jewish Iraqis during the 1950s so that Arab Iraqis can be blamed for it. The purpose of these terrorist actions was to cause Jews to migrate to Israel from Iraq. All but 6,000 of the 125,000 Jews in Iraq fled to Israel.
. A few years after the end of World War II, the Zionist plan to establish the nation of Israel in Palestine was finally realized. But not before the British protectors of Palestine were chased out by acts of terror carried out by ungrateful Zionist terrorists. It was British troops who unwittingly sacrificed their lives in order to steal Palestine away from Arab control and allowed the Jews of Europe to immigrate there. But with Great Britain left weakened and in debt from World War II, the ungrateful Zionists saw their opportunity to now chase the British out of Palestine by committing acts of terrorism against them. The most notorious of the Zionist terror groups was the Irgun, whose leader Menachem Begin would one day go on to become the Prime Minister of Israel and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.
On the morning of July 22, 1946, a group of 15-20 Irgun terrorists dressed as Arabs entered the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. They unloaded 225 kilograms of explosives hidden in milk churns. The King David Hotel housed the Secretariat of the Government of Palestine and Headquarters of the British Forces in Palestine. When a British officer became suspicious, a shootout took place and the Irgun lit the fuses and fled. The explosion destroyed part of the hotel and killed 91 people. Most of the victims were British but 15 innocent Jews also died. Menachem Begin was not merely suspected of being behind these murderous deeds. Begin admitted that the Irgun committed these acts and that they were necessary for the establishment of a Jewish state.
In 1956, as reported by the Times Of London, during one of Israel's perpetual wars with its neighbors, the Israeli Mossad tried to trick the United States into siding with Israel against Egypt by blowing up a US facility in Cairo and blaming the Egyptians for it. The plot was wrecked when the operatives were caught and confessed, creating a huge scandal. This event was referred to as the Lavon Affair named after the Israeli Defense Minister, Pinhas Lavon, at that time.
According to Victor Ostrovski, a defector from the Israeli Mossad, the US was tricked into bombing Libya when the Israeli Mossad planted a radio transmitter in Tripoli which sent out fake orders to “terrorists” which the US could intercept. The faked orders caused Libya to be blamed for a German disco bombing. As a result of this fake transmission, Reagan used it as evidence to bomb Libya killing 30 innocent people including Qaddhafi’s baby daughter.
. On June 8, 1967 Israel used unmarked fighters and torpedo boats to launch an hour and one-half long attack on the American Navy ship the USS Liberty, costing 34 American sailors their lives and 171 wounded. The Israelis first attacked the Liberty's radio towers in an attempt to stop the Sixth Fleet from learning that the Israelis were the attackers. After unmarked Israeli fighters horrendously bombed and strafed the Liberty, Israel sent in torpedo boats to finish the job. They even machine gunned the deployed life rafts in an effort to ensure that there would be no survivors (witnesses) who could expose them. Just as in the Lavon Affair, Israel hoped to blame this act of war on their enemy, the Egyptians. This time, only the courage and resourcefulness of the Liberty's crew prevented a further compounding of the travesty.
. It was Israelis who were armed with 9mm pistols, nine grenades, explosives, three detonators and 58 bullets and caught in Mexico in an attempt to blow the Mexican Congress up on October 10, 2001, one month after 9/11. Curiously these Israelis were found not with Israeli passports in their possession but with Pakistani passports. The Israelis were booked for conspiracy to destroy a building by means of an explosive by the Mexican police. If they were successful in blowing up the Mexican Congress, then like 9/11, it would have been blamed on Muslim terrorists, especially if Pakistani passports were found at the scene of the crime. They got caught red-handed here and only God knows how many other incidents that innocent Muslims are being blamed for that was really done by Israelis. See the following link for more on this:
I could go on and on with more travesties committed by Jews. But I hope you are getting my point. The information above is all true about Jews and Israel. Yet we don’t learn from these lessons of the past when new terrorists’ actions are committed.
Curious George
Really ?
09.01.2015 15:14
How long before one of them is trying to sell us a video, CD, tape, T shirt etc ?
@ Shaz
09.01.2015 18:22
Look at the facts and think again
10.01.2015 10:44
It is useful to look at any so called terrorist attack and ask "who benefits ?" In the case of the attack on the journalists of the Charlie Hebdo magazine this is very important. The mainstream media and governments are working hard to convince us it is their all to convenient 'enemy', Islamist extremists'. Two convenient patsies have been set up (ID card left in car !!!) and the excuse for the attack prepared.
Once however the facts are examined we begin to see the flaws in the official story and who benefits from this attack.
The Koachi brothers have no links to Islamism, a very minor link to criminality and are both conveniently orphans with no families to defend them. Both were building careers in the music industry and were known for drinking and visiting night clubs - not the profile of a devout Muslim.
Next we must look at the Charlie Hebdo magazine, although there has been a lot of focus on its publishing of the infamous offensive Danish cartoons the principle target of its criticism over the past ten years has been its highlighting of Israel crimes in Palestine and the Occupied Territories. Israel is well known for its attacks on those who are critical of it and using false flag attacks to do that.
The two sacrificial lambs were holed up in a French warehouse (owned by a Jewish run printing company) and were executed by French commandoes to ensure the story is not questioned.
The principle benefit of this attack was Israel.
Paul O' Hanlon
10.01.2015 21:52
Keep Britain white
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