ASSPUK ,JISGE annd UK KFA | 05.01.2015 16:50 | Globalisation | Terror War
2 Statements calling for a boycott of the US racist , reactionary , war inciting film "The Interview "
London 29th of December Juche103(2014)
All progressive people should boycott the awful reactionary imperialist anti-DPRK hate film "The Interview " . It is an unprecedented psychological warfare and propaganda effort against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea , its Supreme leadership and the people -centred socialist system of the DPRK.
Make no mistake about it this film is a vile anti-DPRK hate exercise by two educationally sub-normal morons Seth Rogen and James Franco , who make Ant and Dec look like intellectual giants. Rogen is an open supporter of the murderous actions of Israel. Although the film is very much part and parcel of the reactionary culture of Hollywood , it goes far beyond the worst days of the Cold War as far as I know there were never any films made depicting the violent assassination of a leader of one of the socialist countries , e.g Stalin, Brezhnev, Castro , Mao , Honecker . It is not a rash or extreme statement to say that "The Interview " has gone far beyond the boundaries of what is acceptable or normal , but I guess that the US film industry does this all the time and has no respect for the peoples of other countries.
If another country made a film depicting the assassination of Obama there would be an outcry from the US. Indeed one would imagine that such a film would be illegal under anti-terrorist legalisation in many countries which prohibit the glorification of terrorism in films. The Americans would not like it if a third world country produced a comedy film about 9/11 ( maybe a "Carry On Up the Twin Towers ") such a thing would be considered taboo and beyond the pale by the Americans . The Korean people value their supreme leadership as it is the centre of unity so to them a film such as "The Interview " is completely and totally taboo and beyond the pale.
The production and release of the "The Interview " is basically an act of war against the DPRK and an attempt to bring down its socialist system of the DPRK.
As the Policy Department of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK stated " With no rhetoric can the U.S. justify the screening and distribution of the movie.
This is because "The Interview" is an illegal, dishonest and reactionary movie quite contrary to the UN Charter, which regards respect for sovereignty, non-interference in internal affairs and protection of human rights as a legal keynote, and international laws.
It is also because it is a new politically-motivated provocation made by the U.S., pursuant to its hostile policy toward the DPRK as it is a movie for agitating terrorism produced with high-ranking politicians of the U.S. administration involved."
It is a fact that the US government directly gave instructions to the film-makers. Leaked emails show that Robert King the so-called US special envoy for "North Korean Human Rights " was consulted on the film . One Bruce Bennett of the RAND corporation, a de facto US government institution stated "I also thought a bunch more about the ending. I have to admit that the only resolution I can see to the North Korean nuclear and other threats is for the North Korean regime to eventually go away.” This goes to prove the criminal culpability of the US government in making the film. It also shows how Hollywood is really controlled by the US government and ruling class. No one should have the illusion about US films that "they are just films " "they do no harm " etc . Hollywood is a deeply reactionary institution which is not just a capitalist moneymaking entity but is the centre for the reactionary imperialist ideology of the US . For years we have been drenched with the filthy ideological and cultural vomit of Hollywood !
The timing of the release of the film is by no means coincidental , it has been released at a time when the anti-DPRK " human rights campaign" of the US is at its height. In November and December reactionary anti DPRK resolutions were adopted by the UN by means of the US imperialists bribing and threatening other countries and mobilising their neo-colonies throughout the world to vote for it. In December the US imperialists even tried to bring the issue to the UN Security Council. The anti-DPRK "human rights " campaign is a battering ram to break down the socialist system of the DPRK. Ominously in the past noisy campaigns about "human rights " have been preludes to wars of aggression such as in Yugoslavia. Clearly "The Interview " has been released in order to pyschogically prepare audiences in the US and other imperialist countries for a war against the DPRK .
If you watch the film or do not oppose it release then you are condoning the demonisation of the DPRK and an actual physical war against the DPRK !
The Staffordshire Branch of the Korean Friendship Association (UK) calls upon all progressive people to halt the screening of the US made feature film "The Interview", in British cinemas and multiplexes. This "film" cannot be described as a form of entertainment or culture, but as an incarnation of chauvinism and terrorism. When the peoples of the world demand peace and understanding among nations, this film cultivates misanthropy and aggression. Every person who desires peace and independence, should demand the cancellation of this piece of unadulterated war propaganda from being shown here in the UK.
To advocate the murder of a head of state or a nation state's leadership constitutes a violation of national and international law, as this film does. The production and distribution of this film, constitutes an act of terrorism against a sovereign state. The Staffordshire KFA Branch is sure that if any other country had made a feature film depicting in graphic detail the assassination of the British Head of State or the Head of the Government, than the UK authorities would consider such a matter, as a breach of diplomatic relations and a promotion of terrorism. Under current UK legislation, the preparation and the glorification of acts of terrorism are regarded as serious crimes.
Under pressure from progressive opinion, the multi-national company behind this film, Sony Pictures, had the good sense to withdraw "The Interview" from its distribution network. It is was Barrack Obama, the Pentagon and the US Department who insisted that this movie be propagated far and wide within the United States itself, and in some other countries. This clearly demonstrates that this so-called feature film was produced by the US military-industrial-media complex as a instrument in its anti-People's Korea diatribe. The Hollywood movie "The Interview" shares a lot of characteristics with the racist epic "A Birth Of A Nation" and with such Nazi era films such as "The Eternal Jew" and "Jud Suss".
The United States of America is not so innocent a party, when engaging in acts of terror and war, both within the North American continent and on the world stage. In its very origin, the United States, expanded by means of terrorism and aggression. As a result of the colonization of the continent, 10 million native Americans were exterminated. The colonizers then kidnapped and trafficked 20 million Africans as slave labour. After 239 years, since the Declaration of Independence of the United States , the African Americans and other people of colour, still suffer discrimination, as seen in Ferguson. In the USA, a murder occurs every seven minutes and the annual growth rate of violent crime is 12.6 per cent. Wealth and power in the United States, has over the last thirty years, been placed in to the hands of the one per cent, the ruling elite. Aggression and terrorism have become a byword for US foreign policy, as seen with recent wars in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan.
This feature film "The Interview" is doubly insulting to the Korean People, as the United States has had a 70 year long history of aggression on the Korean peninsula. It is the United States that divided Korea into two halves, in September 1945 and today, the US perpetuates the division of Korea, with a occupation force of 40,000 troops and a thousand nuclear warheads, stationed in south Korea. On June 25th, 1950, the US imperialists committed an act of terrorism, by launching an attack on the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. During the Korean War, the US perpetrated atrocities in Sinchon County, with a toll of 35,383 civilians murdered by the war criminals. The United States was the wirepuller behind May 18th, 1980 massacre in Kwangju, south Korea, which had a death toll of 5,000 civilians. These days, the US continues to interfere into the affairs of the Korean People, for instance, by backing the banning of the Independent Progressive Party in south Korea. Now, on drunk on arrogance, the US Imperialists are attempting to impose further sanctions on the DPRK over the alleged Sony incident. The Korean People will firmly defend their gains of Korean style socialism, by upholding the supreme revolutionary leadership and smashing the terrorism of the imperialists.
The Staffordshire Branch of the UK KFA urges every peace campaigner, anti-imperialist activist, socialist and trade unionist to stop the showing of this racist war propaganda in Britain. We call upon progressive people everywhere to reject this nasty piece of chauvinism in the form of "The Interview" and instead embrace friendship and solidarity with the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea and with the Korean People who only want peace and independence.
All progressive people should boycott the awful reactionary imperialist anti-DPRK hate film "The Interview " . It is an unprecedented psychological warfare and propaganda effort against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea , its Supreme leadership and the people -centred socialist system of the DPRK.
Make no mistake about it this film is a vile anti-DPRK hate exercise by two educationally sub-normal morons Seth Rogen and James Franco , who make Ant and Dec look like intellectual giants. Rogen is an open supporter of the murderous actions of Israel. Although the film is very much part and parcel of the reactionary culture of Hollywood , it goes far beyond the worst days of the Cold War as far as I know there were never any films made depicting the violent assassination of a leader of one of the socialist countries , e.g Stalin, Brezhnev, Castro , Mao , Honecker . It is not a rash or extreme statement to say that "The Interview " has gone far beyond the boundaries of what is acceptable or normal , but I guess that the US film industry does this all the time and has no respect for the peoples of other countries.
If another country made a film depicting the assassination of Obama there would be an outcry from the US. Indeed one would imagine that such a film would be illegal under anti-terrorist legalisation in many countries which prohibit the glorification of terrorism in films. The Americans would not like it if a third world country produced a comedy film about 9/11 ( maybe a "Carry On Up the Twin Towers ") such a thing would be considered taboo and beyond the pale by the Americans . The Korean people value their supreme leadership as it is the centre of unity so to them a film such as "The Interview " is completely and totally taboo and beyond the pale.
The production and release of the "The Interview " is basically an act of war against the DPRK and an attempt to bring down its socialist system of the DPRK.
As the Policy Department of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK stated " With no rhetoric can the U.S. justify the screening and distribution of the movie.
This is because "The Interview" is an illegal, dishonest and reactionary movie quite contrary to the UN Charter, which regards respect for sovereignty, non-interference in internal affairs and protection of human rights as a legal keynote, and international laws.
It is also because it is a new politically-motivated provocation made by the U.S., pursuant to its hostile policy toward the DPRK as it is a movie for agitating terrorism produced with high-ranking politicians of the U.S. administration involved."
It is a fact that the US government directly gave instructions to the film-makers. Leaked emails show that Robert King the so-called US special envoy for "North Korean Human Rights " was consulted on the film . One Bruce Bennett of the RAND corporation, a de facto US government institution stated "I also thought a bunch more about the ending. I have to admit that the only resolution I can see to the North Korean nuclear and other threats is for the North Korean regime to eventually go away.” This goes to prove the criminal culpability of the US government in making the film. It also shows how Hollywood is really controlled by the US government and ruling class. No one should have the illusion about US films that "they are just films " "they do no harm " etc . Hollywood is a deeply reactionary institution which is not just a capitalist moneymaking entity but is the centre for the reactionary imperialist ideology of the US . For years we have been drenched with the filthy ideological and cultural vomit of Hollywood !
The timing of the release of the film is by no means coincidental , it has been released at a time when the anti-DPRK " human rights campaign" of the US is at its height. In November and December reactionary anti DPRK resolutions were adopted by the UN by means of the US imperialists bribing and threatening other countries and mobilising their neo-colonies throughout the world to vote for it. In December the US imperialists even tried to bring the issue to the UN Security Council. The anti-DPRK "human rights " campaign is a battering ram to break down the socialist system of the DPRK. Ominously in the past noisy campaigns about "human rights " have been preludes to wars of aggression such as in Yugoslavia. Clearly "The Interview " has been released in order to pyschogically prepare audiences in the US and other imperialist countries for a war against the DPRK .
If you watch the film or do not oppose it release then you are condoning the demonisation of the DPRK and an actual physical war against the DPRK !
The Staffordshire Branch of the Korean Friendship Association (UK) calls upon all progressive people to halt the screening of the US made feature film "The Interview", in British cinemas and multiplexes. This "film" cannot be described as a form of entertainment or culture, but as an incarnation of chauvinism and terrorism. When the peoples of the world demand peace and understanding among nations, this film cultivates misanthropy and aggression. Every person who desires peace and independence, should demand the cancellation of this piece of unadulterated war propaganda from being shown here in the UK.
To advocate the murder of a head of state or a nation state's leadership constitutes a violation of national and international law, as this film does. The production and distribution of this film, constitutes an act of terrorism against a sovereign state. The Staffordshire KFA Branch is sure that if any other country had made a feature film depicting in graphic detail the assassination of the British Head of State or the Head of the Government, than the UK authorities would consider such a matter, as a breach of diplomatic relations and a promotion of terrorism. Under current UK legislation, the preparation and the glorification of acts of terrorism are regarded as serious crimes.
Under pressure from progressive opinion, the multi-national company behind this film, Sony Pictures, had the good sense to withdraw "The Interview" from its distribution network. It is was Barrack Obama, the Pentagon and the US Department who insisted that this movie be propagated far and wide within the United States itself, and in some other countries. This clearly demonstrates that this so-called feature film was produced by the US military-industrial-media complex as a instrument in its anti-People's Korea diatribe. The Hollywood movie "The Interview" shares a lot of characteristics with the racist epic "A Birth Of A Nation" and with such Nazi era films such as "The Eternal Jew" and "Jud Suss".
The United States of America is not so innocent a party, when engaging in acts of terror and war, both within the North American continent and on the world stage. In its very origin, the United States, expanded by means of terrorism and aggression. As a result of the colonization of the continent, 10 million native Americans were exterminated. The colonizers then kidnapped and trafficked 20 million Africans as slave labour. After 239 years, since the Declaration of Independence of the United States , the African Americans and other people of colour, still suffer discrimination, as seen in Ferguson. In the USA, a murder occurs every seven minutes and the annual growth rate of violent crime is 12.6 per cent. Wealth and power in the United States, has over the last thirty years, been placed in to the hands of the one per cent, the ruling elite. Aggression and terrorism have become a byword for US foreign policy, as seen with recent wars in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan.
This feature film "The Interview" is doubly insulting to the Korean People, as the United States has had a 70 year long history of aggression on the Korean peninsula. It is the United States that divided Korea into two halves, in September 1945 and today, the US perpetuates the division of Korea, with a occupation force of 40,000 troops and a thousand nuclear warheads, stationed in south Korea. On June 25th, 1950, the US imperialists committed an act of terrorism, by launching an attack on the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. During the Korean War, the US perpetrated atrocities in Sinchon County, with a toll of 35,383 civilians murdered by the war criminals. The United States was the wirepuller behind May 18th, 1980 massacre in Kwangju, south Korea, which had a death toll of 5,000 civilians. These days, the US continues to interfere into the affairs of the Korean People, for instance, by backing the banning of the Independent Progressive Party in south Korea. Now, on drunk on arrogance, the US Imperialists are attempting to impose further sanctions on the DPRK over the alleged Sony incident. The Korean People will firmly defend their gains of Korean style socialism, by upholding the supreme revolutionary leadership and smashing the terrorism of the imperialists.
The Staffordshire Branch of the UK KFA urges every peace campaigner, anti-imperialist activist, socialist and trade unionist to stop the showing of this racist war propaganda in Britain. We call upon progressive people everywhere to reject this nasty piece of chauvinism in the form of "The Interview" and instead embrace friendship and solidarity with the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea and with the Korean People who only want peace and independence.