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Oppose Britain Fir still 15 November

IHTF | 09.11.2014 19:49 | Anti-racism | London | South Coast

Everyone's favourite comedy nazi's, Britain First are making their way back to Rochester to avenge the humiliation they received last time they were in our town. Please help us embarrass them a second time.

November 15th will see the return of those total arseholes Britain First to the streets of Rochester encouraged by the local success of the political wing of organised British fascism, UKIP. Having been blocked from marching to the town war memorial, mocked and ultimately sent packing two weeks ago by irate locals and antifascists despite strong police support, Britain Worst are keen to try their arm once again.

Can all antifascists and anti racists who are able to get their please go to Rochester 15th November to oppose the infandous green jacketed jackasses. Local opposition is meeting 12:30 at the train station.

A determined show of opposition barracked, antagonized and slowed Britain First's march from the train station eventually halting half way along the High Street before they could reach their goal of the war memorial and also surrounding them prohibiting them from handing out any of their crap leaflets that the royal Mail refuse to handle.

All this sound a bit serious? Please bear in mind that the tupenny happenny twats of BF are, and always will be, so long as their odious (bowel) movement exists, the perfect antidote to the winter blues. Watching these ill informed Poundland Mosleyites attempt to string together a coherent sentence is comedy gold in itself, their frustrations at being held up in the middle of the street even more comical. So do yourself a favour, Come to Rochester and spend an afternoon in the company of some damned fine comrades and have yourself a right good laugh at the biggest bunch of twats and losers ever to soil a small Kentish town with their god awful presence, amusing jeep, poor taste in music and repugnant existences. Let's laugh these loses back to whichever shit-strewn sewer they have had the audacity to raise their mangy heads from.



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10.11.2014 14:25

So you want us for a photo shoot at the station at 12.30 so the old Bill can get nice holiday snaps. F##k troll.

Troll Watch

Not a troll

10.11.2014 17:08

Wrong. Genuine antifascists. No one has told you to be at the station, merely letting you know where the locally organised opposition is gathering. You can go where you want. Unless you are a Britain First arsehole trying to discredit antifascists. Then you can go and fuck off, or, on the 15th you can go wherever we let you, with help from you mates the OB. Just like a couple of Saturdays ago.

Any genuine opposition to Britain First's attempts to march through Rochester appreciated.


Not a troll, unlike you

10.11.2014 17:14

No. This is a genuine call out. I am merely informing anyone interested in opposing the knuckle dragging scum of Britain Worst where the local opposition is gathering. Anyone intending to assist can meet up or go where they like. I was in no way telling people where to go, merely where we will be. Anyone genuinely interested in opposing the scum of Britain First in Rochester we will be at the train station 12:30 Saturday 15th November. All help sending these green jacketed buffoons packing grate fully received.


Farage's Taste For Slime

11.11.2014 00:16

Since Farage and UKIP friends have revelled in stitching-up a former UKIP member with Met harassment, the UKIP leader has developed a fond taste for the unpalatable.

Pete Hornett

Feel free

11.11.2014 00:17

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