ISIS Beheadings Work Well As Red Herring Hiding Away Israeli Summer War Crimes
William Wraithwrite | 05.11.2014 22:45 | Palestine | Terror War
It may very well be coincidence that just when Israel was starting to take some heat for its atrocious war crimes and policy in Gaza at the end of this summer of 2014 along comes a newly name-minted entity engaging in sensational beheadings for news-grabbing attention. Whether red herring cover just happens to be luck for Israel and the United States in regards to committing and tolerating war crimes or whether there was some conspiracy is not that relevant but what is relevant is that the people of the world cannot let other more recent events erase from memory what the world witnessed in Gaza.
ISIS Beheadings Work Well As Red Herring Hiding Away Israeli Summer War Crimes
William Wraithwrite
It may very well be coincidence that just when Israel was starting to take some heat for its atrocious war crimes and policy in Gaza at the end of this summer of 2014 along comes a newly name-minted entity engaging in sensational beheadings for news-grabbing attention.
Back in mid-June the Netanyahu government was leading a mis-information campaign (liar campaign) to identify Hamas agents as kidnapping and killing three Israelis so as to inflame citizens against them and Palestinians in general and lead to attacks on Gaza. This serious of attacks went for a full fifty days or so.
People were aghast at the blatant level of war crimes as form of terrorism. Even Netanyahu found need for reassurance (see “Netanyahu Asks US to Help Israel Avoid War Crimes” at: and
Report: Netanyahu Asks US Lawmakers To ‘Help Israel Avoid War Crimes Charges’”
Shortly thereafter alternative media was showing some prominent left-wing Jewish opinions. “US Leaders Aid and Abet Israeli War Crimes, Genocide & Crimes against Humanity” at:
Shortly thereafter in about a week we here of the horrific beheading of James Foley and two weeks later Steve Sotlott. From then on the media plays ISIS as the only real terrorist organization that matters more or less projecting that supposedly Muslims are crazy mad men in general and barbaric at best.
But it is also important to learn of dissident opinions like that of Eva Bartlett at Zero Anthropology. Read “Useful Atrocities” at:
Whether this red herring cover just happens to be luck for Israel and the United States in regards to committing and tolerating war crimes or whether there was some conspiracy is not that relevant but what is relevant is that the people of the world cannot let other more recent events erase from memory what the world witnessed in Gaza.
Neither the United States nor Israel is going to commit to any kind of real investigation and trial of their own crimes so it is up to the rest of the world to do so.
But it seems this is exactly why a person like Barack Obama was elected President of the U.S. by much coaching, money donations and support from supposedly liberal American Jews—that is to not challenge this kind of double standard of murder and crime if Israelis engage in the terrorist tactics they denounce in other opposing groups. Whereas Obama did little to really push any kind of progressive agenda—but he did maintain much status quo including the corrupted Democratic Party ties to Wall Street and the NeoCon Agenda.
Meanwhile the Rainbow Coalitions that may wince from time to time at his and the party’s hypocrisy—they do little to challenge it—and even little now in opposition to Hilary Clinton as another War Monger.
There should be demands for war crime tribunals not only against top Israelis but many in the United States Government as well.
When is this going to happen? The memory is already failing but we must never forget. We must face the truth about what Zionist is and means from past to present to future.
Republicans have taken control of the NeoCon minions of our Congress so this will not be an easy battle but it is a debate that needs very serious attention as opposed to fading in the past.
Other essays by William Wraithwrite:
Israeli Smack-Down of Christian Political Philosophy: A Deeper Analysis of the Latest Israeli Atrocities in Palestine
YOU CANNOT DIE IN HELL: Using Indefinite Detention for Political and Religious Purposes
The Demonization of Dissent in the United States
Also checked out a recent Scott Horton video with M.J. Rosenberg regarding AIPAC lock on our Congress at: ScottHorton.Org
William Wraithwrite
It may very well be coincidence that just when Israel was starting to take some heat for its atrocious war crimes and policy in Gaza at the end of this summer of 2014 along comes a newly name-minted entity engaging in sensational beheadings for news-grabbing attention.
Back in mid-June the Netanyahu government was leading a mis-information campaign (liar campaign) to identify Hamas agents as kidnapping and killing three Israelis so as to inflame citizens against them and Palestinians in general and lead to attacks on Gaza. This serious of attacks went for a full fifty days or so.
People were aghast at the blatant level of war crimes as form of terrorism. Even Netanyahu found need for reassurance (see “Netanyahu Asks US to Help Israel Avoid War Crimes” at:

Report: Netanyahu Asks US Lawmakers To ‘Help Israel Avoid War Crimes Charges’”

Shortly thereafter alternative media was showing some prominent left-wing Jewish opinions. “US Leaders Aid and Abet Israeli War Crimes, Genocide & Crimes against Humanity” at:


Shortly thereafter in about a week we here of the horrific beheading of James Foley and two weeks later Steve Sotlott. From then on the media plays ISIS as the only real terrorist organization that matters more or less projecting that supposedly Muslims are crazy mad men in general and barbaric at best.
But it is also important to learn of dissident opinions like that of Eva Bartlett at Zero Anthropology. Read “Useful Atrocities” at:

Whether this red herring cover just happens to be luck for Israel and the United States in regards to committing and tolerating war crimes or whether there was some conspiracy is not that relevant but what is relevant is that the people of the world cannot let other more recent events erase from memory what the world witnessed in Gaza.
Neither the United States nor Israel is going to commit to any kind of real investigation and trial of their own crimes so it is up to the rest of the world to do so.
But it seems this is exactly why a person like Barack Obama was elected President of the U.S. by much coaching, money donations and support from supposedly liberal American Jews—that is to not challenge this kind of double standard of murder and crime if Israelis engage in the terrorist tactics they denounce in other opposing groups. Whereas Obama did little to really push any kind of progressive agenda—but he did maintain much status quo including the corrupted Democratic Party ties to Wall Street and the NeoCon Agenda.
Meanwhile the Rainbow Coalitions that may wince from time to time at his and the party’s hypocrisy—they do little to challenge it—and even little now in opposition to Hilary Clinton as another War Monger.
There should be demands for war crime tribunals not only against top Israelis but many in the United States Government as well.
When is this going to happen? The memory is already failing but we must never forget. We must face the truth about what Zionist is and means from past to present to future.
Republicans have taken control of the NeoCon minions of our Congress so this will not be an easy battle but it is a debate that needs very serious attention as opposed to fading in the past.
Other essays by William Wraithwrite:
Israeli Smack-Down of Christian Political Philosophy: A Deeper Analysis of the Latest Israeli Atrocities in Palestine

YOU CANNOT DIE IN HELL: Using Indefinite Detention for Political and Religious Purposes

The Demonization of Dissent in the United States

Also checked out a recent Scott Horton video with M.J. Rosenberg regarding AIPAC lock on our Congress at: ScottHorton.Org

William Wraithwrite
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who picks the prez
08.11.2014 01:13
So Jews pick the President.
Just another day at Indymedia UK.
secret agent Chaim McGoldberg