Reforge the Fourth International!
Lyon | 02.11.2014 21:03 | Analysis
In the face of vicious attacks and setbacks for our class, and the ripening contradictions, the need of the hour is for revolution.
"All talk to the effect that historical conditions have not yet 'ripened' for socialism is the product of ignorance or conscious deception. The objective prerequisites for proletarian revolution have not only 'ripened,' they have begun to get somewhat rotten.... The historical crisis of mankind is reduced to the crisis of the revolutionary leadership."
– Leon Trotsky, The Transitional Program
Trotsky's words are even more true today than before. The crisis in the world today, the cuts, the war, etc is reducable to the fact that there is no revolutionary leadership. Anarchism, at least individualist anarchism, cannot do anything against the state due to the fact that it doesn't recognise the need for a leadership, while not realising that if the left don't or can't provide leadership, the right will have no qualms about taking leadership. Which is what they have now done, where all over Europe, right wing parties are flourishing and left wing ones nowhere.
We need a revolutionary leadership. To do this we need the most up to date theory that has been tested in the steel of revolutionary struggle. We need a science, a philosophy, a theory, and an understanding of history that shows the right way forward.
The Fourth International set up by Trotsky is still the best there is, and there is still a crisis in leadership. The Tony Cliff/IS tradition has split spectacularly, and are finished as a serious force. This is why we need to REFORGE THE FORTH INTERNATIONAL!
against stalinism
against fascism
against reformism
against nationalism
for international socialist revolution!
– Leon Trotsky, The Transitional Program
Trotsky's words are even more true today than before. The crisis in the world today, the cuts, the war, etc is reducable to the fact that there is no revolutionary leadership. Anarchism, at least individualist anarchism, cannot do anything against the state due to the fact that it doesn't recognise the need for a leadership, while not realising that if the left don't or can't provide leadership, the right will have no qualms about taking leadership. Which is what they have now done, where all over Europe, right wing parties are flourishing and left wing ones nowhere.
We need a revolutionary leadership. To do this we need the most up to date theory that has been tested in the steel of revolutionary struggle. We need a science, a philosophy, a theory, and an understanding of history that shows the right way forward.
The Fourth International set up by Trotsky is still the best there is, and there is still a crisis in leadership. The Tony Cliff/IS tradition has split spectacularly, and are finished as a serious force. This is why we need to REFORGE THE FORTH INTERNATIONAL!
against stalinism
against fascism
against reformism
against nationalism
for international socialist revolution!
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Dream on Sparty
03.11.2014 06:51
Reality Check
The "best"
03.11.2014 08:41
For the future of humankind I bloody well hope not !
Trotsky lives!
03.11.2014 16:06
as Trotsky said: "the task of the vanguard is above all not to let itself be carried along by the backward flow; it must swim against the current."