Implenting the eugenics (Nazi) 'Opening Minds' school curriculum globally
Caz | 24.10.2014 01:41 | Education | Globalisation | Technology | London | World
The RSA Academy implements ‘Opening Minds’ [link]
FRSA (Fellows of the Royal Society of Arts) implement ‘Opening Minds’:
Several RSA Fellows in Australia have devoted themselves to Transforming Education, including John Corrigan who opened our eyes at the 2011 AGM on the topic of listening to children .... And many Fellows have been inspired by the RSA’s work in this field such as Opening Minds and the RSA Academy. [link]
The Opening Minds curriculum and the International Baccalaureate (IB): From the RSA website, on the RSA Academy School project:
The new ICT courses also count towards the three weekly hours of community service that students must complete as part of the International Baccalaureate (IB). The IB Diploma is an internationally recognised qualification that has more breadth than A Levels and includes a ‘Theory of Knowledge’ component. This requires students to show an awareness of themselves as learners, apply their knowledge and demonstrate critical analysis skills. Our Opening Minds curriculum helps students to develop these skills, making the IB an ideal qualification for them [link]
RSA Academy Opening Minds and International Baccalaureate
The RSA Academy continues to lead the way in developing the RSA's innovative curriculum framework 'Opening Minds' in which young people are encouraged to develop life skills or 'competences' alongside traditional curriculum content. Its 1100 students develop the skills of working with others, managing complex and challenging situations as well as learning more about themselves and their environment. Students at the Academy have two lessons per day, each lasting for three hours, and twice each week they have 'Enrichment' – when they can choose from a wide range of activities, including 'Grow your own' (on the Academy's allotments), Chinese for Beginners, Digital Photography, cycling proficiency, as well as a wide range of sports. Post-16 students study for the International Baccalaureate (IB). [link]
The International Baccalaureate, in Africa, Europe and the Middle East:
The IB is a not-for-profit educational foundation. The IB maintains its Foundation Office in Geneva, Switzerland. The Assessment Centre is located in Cardiff, Wales and the curriculum centre moved in 2011 to The Hague, Netherlands. Three Global Centres have been opened: Bethesda Maryland, United States, Singapore and The Hague, Netherlands.
The organisation is divided into three regional centres: IB Africa, Europe and Middle East (IBAEM), administered from The Hague; IB Americas (IBA), administered from Bethesda and Buenos Aires, Argentina; and IB Asia-Pacific (IBAP), administered from Singapore.[19] [link]
RSA: ‘An Education for the 21st Century’
A conference on 11 October 2003, jointly organized by BRLSI, the Royal Society of Arts (Wales and Western Region) and Clifton Scientific Trust.....
Roy Pryke, FRSA, Director of the Virtual Staff College, University of Exeter, introduced the conference theme. ....
Dr Patrick Hazlewood, FRSA, Head of St.John’s School, Marlborough.....He sketched the stages by which he had become involved with the ‘Opening Minds’ project, from the paper in 1997 by Valerie Bayliss for the R.S.A....through to the country-wide debates arranged by the R.S.A. over 1999 and 2000, which culminated in the proposition by Valerie Bayliss of the five ‘competences’ which young people would need to be effective learners in the 21st century and to be effective at work. For him, education is for the individual – it is what they ‘deserve’ as human beings. [link]
From the Booklet: RSA Opening Minds Update:
RSA Opening Minds Development:
The concept of a competence-led school curriculum was suggested by the RSA
in Redefining Work (RSA, 1998) and further defined and expanded on in
Opening minds: education for the 21st century (RSA, 1999). [link]
FRSA Kay Hill Film Examiner for the International Baccalaureate [link]
The RSA at the OCR exam board:
OCR (Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations[1]) is an examination board
that sets examinations and awards qualifications (including GCSEs and Alevels).
It is one of England, Wales and Northern Ireland's five main examination
boards. [link]
FRSA (Fellows of the Royal Society of Arts) implement ‘Opening Minds’:
Several RSA Fellows in Australia have devoted themselves to Transforming Education, including John Corrigan who opened our eyes at the 2011 AGM on the topic of listening to children .... And many Fellows have been inspired by the RSA’s work in this field such as Opening Minds and the RSA Academy. [link]
The Opening Minds curriculum and the International Baccalaureate (IB): From the RSA website, on the RSA Academy School project:
The new ICT courses also count towards the three weekly hours of community service that students must complete as part of the International Baccalaureate (IB). The IB Diploma is an internationally recognised qualification that has more breadth than A Levels and includes a ‘Theory of Knowledge’ component. This requires students to show an awareness of themselves as learners, apply their knowledge and demonstrate critical analysis skills. Our Opening Minds curriculum helps students to develop these skills, making the IB an ideal qualification for them [link]
RSA Academy Opening Minds and International Baccalaureate
The RSA Academy continues to lead the way in developing the RSA's innovative curriculum framework 'Opening Minds' in which young people are encouraged to develop life skills or 'competences' alongside traditional curriculum content. Its 1100 students develop the skills of working with others, managing complex and challenging situations as well as learning more about themselves and their environment. Students at the Academy have two lessons per day, each lasting for three hours, and twice each week they have 'Enrichment' – when they can choose from a wide range of activities, including 'Grow your own' (on the Academy's allotments), Chinese for Beginners, Digital Photography, cycling proficiency, as well as a wide range of sports. Post-16 students study for the International Baccalaureate (IB). [link]
The International Baccalaureate, in Africa, Europe and the Middle East:
The IB is a not-for-profit educational foundation. The IB maintains its Foundation Office in Geneva, Switzerland. The Assessment Centre is located in Cardiff, Wales and the curriculum centre moved in 2011 to The Hague, Netherlands. Three Global Centres have been opened: Bethesda Maryland, United States, Singapore and The Hague, Netherlands.
The organisation is divided into three regional centres: IB Africa, Europe and Middle East (IBAEM), administered from The Hague; IB Americas (IBA), administered from Bethesda and Buenos Aires, Argentina; and IB Asia-Pacific (IBAP), administered from Singapore.[19] [link]
RSA: ‘An Education for the 21st Century’
A conference on 11 October 2003, jointly organized by BRLSI, the Royal Society of Arts (Wales and Western Region) and Clifton Scientific Trust.....
Roy Pryke, FRSA, Director of the Virtual Staff College, University of Exeter, introduced the conference theme. ....
Dr Patrick Hazlewood, FRSA, Head of St.John’s School, Marlborough.....He sketched the stages by which he had become involved with the ‘Opening Minds’ project, from the paper in 1997 by Valerie Bayliss for the R.S.A....through to the country-wide debates arranged by the R.S.A. over 1999 and 2000, which culminated in the proposition by Valerie Bayliss of the five ‘competences’ which young people would need to be effective learners in the 21st century and to be effective at work. For him, education is for the individual – it is what they ‘deserve’ as human beings. [link]
From the Booklet: RSA Opening Minds Update:
RSA Opening Minds Development:
The concept of a competence-led school curriculum was suggested by the RSA
in Redefining Work (RSA, 1998) and further defined and expanded on in
Opening minds: education for the 21st century (RSA, 1999). [link]
FRSA Kay Hill Film Examiner for the International Baccalaureate [link]
The RSA at the OCR exam board:
OCR (Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations[1]) is an examination board
that sets examinations and awards qualifications (including GCSEs and Alevels).
It is one of England, Wales and Northern Ireland's five main examination
boards. [link]

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