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War against ISIS/Daesh: Turkish embassy cars burned in Berlin by Commando Beriva

Anonymous | 06.10.2014 12:10 | Repression | Social Struggles | Terror War

People of Kobane, hear us. In this bitter hour of the inhuman threat, we see you freedom lovers in the world and we call to you: take courage. The city of Kobane is surrounded by the ISIS-murderers. On three sides ISIS confronts the city. If they take the city. it will inevitably lead to a massacre of the remaining Kurdish people on site.

Kurdish Martyred Resistance Fighter Berivan Sason
Kurdish Martyred Resistance Fighter Berivan Sason

They have no way to flee to the north, because there already waiting are the Turkish army …

Turkey will decide at the present day on the extension of the ‘anti-terrorist’ struggle. This will mainly affect Kurdish people in Syria, which they as well as the PKK (Kurdish Peoples Party) stand on the Turkish terror list. Turkey’s fear of the Kurdish people is greater than of the ISIS-fighters. For example, Turkey supports the ISIS-fighters to their best of their will, for example, at border crossings to Syria or arms shipments that were observed by Kurdish people, or the medical care of injured ISIS-fighters in Turkish territory. On the Turkish side of the border, the Turkish army is using force of arms against all those Kurdish people trying to come to Kobane to oppose the corruption. Clashes occur daily there between Turkish security forces and Kurdish people who come from all over Turkey to help the trapped fighters of YPG in Kobane.

Tonight we have attacked the Turkish State in the NATO hinterland to brand it as an inhuman actor in this conflict. Two vehicles of the Turkish State – representatives of the Embassy are burned … At the same time, we appeal to everyone, not to stand idly by, ignite the solidarity for our brothers and sisters.

We tremble with the combatants, but their determination is our courage. We will not abandon the ideals and freedom. Maximum global solidarity!

Long live freedom!

In Memory of Berivan Sason, fallen but never dead!

Commando Berivan Sason



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An even better idea

06.10.2014 12:16

Why don't you fly out to Turkey and fight ISIS yourself? Plenty of cheap flights available from Berlin.



06.10.2014 12:32

whatsamatter you hey little pig? bit pissed off that ya can't track us? hahaha! keep trying, we love watching you dopey pricks make complete cunts out of yourselves time and time again. how's that new firing range going btw? POW!


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@ Copwatch

06.10.2014 14:14

As was shown in the recent Bristol raid the police concentrated on finding the real perpetrators of the attacks not keyboard warriors - - - like you.


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