USAF Croughton - march and rally Saturday 4th October
Nigel | 10.09.2014 12:33 | Anti-Nuclear | Anti-militarism | Terror War | Oxford
A march and rally to mark 'Keep Space for Peace' and 'Drones Action' week. USAF Croughton is a U.S.diplomatic, military, intelligence and drone warfare communications base
USAF Croughton - Saturday 4th October - March and rally 12.00 - 3.00pm.
Lindis Percy - Campaign for the Accontability of American Bases.
Chris Coles - Drone Wars U.K.
Paul Mobbs - Croughtonwatch
The U.S. will be spending £200m to turn U.S. Croughton on the Oxfordshire / Northamptonshire border and co-base Barford St. John near Bloxham into one of it's largest international intelligence bases. This major U.S. communication and intelligence base supports many U.S. military sites in Europe and is involved in world wide war operations. These include space communications, data links, military drone information, bomber guidance, missile defence, diplomatic communications, and command and control war fighting functions.
USAF Croughton main gate is on the B4031, off the A43, 2 miles North of M40 junction 10, just South of Brackley, Northamptonshire.
Full Spectrum Resistance to Full Spectrum Dominance.
Speakers. peace cabaret, food, toilet.
Minibus leaves St.Giles, Oxford, 10.45am. Returns approx 4.30pm.
Tickes £8.00 - pre book - 01865 248357 -
Lindis Percy - Campaign for the Accontability of American Bases.
Chris Coles - Drone Wars U.K.
Paul Mobbs - Croughtonwatch
The U.S. will be spending £200m to turn U.S. Croughton on the Oxfordshire / Northamptonshire border and co-base Barford St. John near Bloxham into one of it's largest international intelligence bases. This major U.S. communication and intelligence base supports many U.S. military sites in Europe and is involved in world wide war operations. These include space communications, data links, military drone information, bomber guidance, missile defence, diplomatic communications, and command and control war fighting functions.
USAF Croughton main gate is on the B4031, off the A43, 2 miles North of M40 junction 10, just South of Brackley, Northamptonshire.
Full Spectrum Resistance to Full Spectrum Dominance.
Speakers. peace cabaret, food, toilet.
Minibus leaves St.Giles, Oxford, 10.45am. Returns approx 4.30pm.
Tickes £8.00 - pre book - 01865 248357 -