Keith Vaz will not probe RotherHamlets on Tuesday at the Home Affairs Committee
TheRotherHamletsDispatch | 08.09.2014 22:25 | Anti-racism | Indymedia | Social Struggles | London | World
How to stop another Rotherham: by telling the truth about Tower Hamlets
Asian Gangsters mass rape, pimp and abuse 1400 girls in Rotherham! Is that true? How true is it that the Asian Gangers were not seen when they grew into gangsters monsters? Were their neighbourhoods asleep? Were their parents, neighbours asleep? Or were the gangsters given criminal licence by the authorities TO BECOME the nightmare criminals that they did become?
How to stop another Rotherham: by telling the truth about Tower Hamlets
Asian Gangsters mass rape, pimp and abuse 1400 girls in Rotherham! Is that true? How true is it that the Asian Gangers were not seen when they grew into gangsters monsters? Were their neighbourhoods asleep? Were their parents, neighbours asleep? Or were the gangsters given criminal licence by the authorities TO BECOME the nightmare criminals that they did become?
How to stop another Rotherham: by telling the truth about Tower Hamlets
Asian Gangsters mass rape, pimp and abuse 1400 girls in Rotherham! Is that true? How true is it that the Asian Gangers were not seen when they grew into gangsters monsters? Were their neighbourhoods asleep? Were their parents, neighbours asleep? Or were the gangsters given criminal licence by the authorities TO BECOME the nightmare criminals that they did become?
These and other questions arise from the reports by Alexis Jay on Rotherham.
However, that Report does not tell the truth about how other gangs, in this context in the Asian parts of the populations, can be stopped.
Perhaps there is a bigger factor at play than the headline-grabbing
“fear of being accused of racism” tag has indicated.
Perhaps someone quite high up in the State WANTS Asian males or a quota of Asian males, born and bred in England, to BECOME criminal.
Why could such a hypothesis arise?
Because the attitude of the so-called authorities towards non-offending Asian male adults shows a policy of disrespect on the part of the authorities.
That can only put down to the classic racist prejudice.
As compared to Asian adults considered “originally from Pakistan” or from the counterpart Bangladesh (religion, general faith-related ‘culture’ concerning faith and religious rituals, customs about marriage etc), the English-born Asian males are treated with noticeable indulgence.
If it is English born girls then that indulgence goes even further.
All in all, English-born and bred Asian males and females are encouraged to behave in the English ways.
To the authorities, showing two fingers to basic manners, good manners that Pakistani and Bangladeshi adults value is considered a victory for the strategy that says “integrate with us”.
In the process, the Asian youngsters found to be committing offence against other Asian, mainly older Asians, are rewarded with the tolerance that clearly amounts to aiding and abetting.
That is on the grounds.
When the Asian families are even reported to have ‘"abused” an Asian child, the authorities really treat them with heavy manners.
Not so when the Asian children, born and bred in England, are found to have abused Asian adults.
This extends to schools.
Local Council social Services.
The Police.
One of the tabloid Press and TV catch-phrases following Alexis Jay’s Rotherham Report has been the “fear of being accused of racism” as a key “explanation” of the failures of the Council, the Police to do their job against the criminals.
Yet the death at the Morton Hall Immigrants Detention Centre in Lincolnshire in the East of England on Friday night of 26 year old Bangladeshi immigrant detainee (who was days away from being reunited with his family in Bangladesh) due to being neglected for hours by detention centre staff illustrates all too clearly the racist purpose behind that line that English “authorities are afraid of being accused of racism”!
The detainee Rubel Ahmed who died of heart illness had cried for hours complaining of chest pain and begging for help.
Other detainees in nearby cells had heard of his anguished cries for help.
It was because of that fact that when Rubel Ahmed was eventually found to have died, other inmates staged a protest.
Which is why the incidents came to be reported by the Media in the first place.
And to compare the “fear of being accused of racism” line by the “authorities”, the “authorities” in Morton Hall quickly declared that Rubel Ahmed had “killed himself”!
How on earth could he have killed himself when he was the one who had been crying for hours begging for medical help?
So that line - “fear of being accused of racism”- is a doubly racist lie.
Just to make a link with Ferguson, Missouri, USA in the past month, the fact that the Ferguson Police shot dead not one but two black men showed that those authorities were not only not fearing any accusation of racism but they were brazenly basting of being an essentially racist Force!
That the Ferguson Police also released propaganda footage as part of their war on public upon depicting the first victim of the shooting as a criminal shoplifter and such like, showed the pro-active strategy and nature of the racism assault.
All of that puts paid to the Rotherham line and exposes it as a product of racist abuse of reason and evidence.
Just so that there is no doubt at all about what the Police and Prosecution Authorities actually did about Rotherham during the years when the crimes were still going on, here are two most topical updates:
Shaun Wright, who knows much more about what the Police actually did than he has so far let on, is still defiant on Monday that he is not minded to quit his current post as the Police Commissioner for the area that includes Rotherham.
The latest entry on him on Wikipedia includes this:
"Before becoming the PCC, Wright was a councillor on Rotherham Council and in charge of children's services for five years from 2005;[2][3] he also sat on the Police Authority of South Yorkshire Police."
He is not bothered at all that so many children's lives were ruined while he sat as a "Councillor in charge of children's services for five years".
Not the attitude that has any sign whatsoever of it being based on his "fear of being accused" of anything!
He has been accused of more criminal things than perhaps there is time to prosecute him through the Crown Courts system.
But the solidity so far of his defiance shows that the man would not have been one who would "fear" any Asian charge that he was acting with a racist motive.
Which means that the "fear of being accused of racism" itself is a sophisticated racist excuse to blame a community to cover up and to deny the industrial scales of negligence and corruption by the "authorities" who let those girls and children suffer so much horrendous violence and violations.
The truth is that “authorities” like Shaun Wright have allowed their local Councils and “partners” (a term of artistic fakery that craftily includes the Police more as a decorations rather than as a rigorous enforcer of the standards of criminal investigation and detection) to turn a permanent blind eye to the thousands of crimes being committed on their watches.
The Asian parts of the populations have been fragmented into sub-groups where the older Asians are allowed to be intimidated, harassed, pushed out of the streets which are then allowed to be occupied by Asian gangs.
This is true in Bethnal Green, Poplar and other parts of Tower Hamlets this evening as it must be in many areas across South Yorkshire, the north-east and in other parts of London.
No crime that involves young Asian males attacking older Asian is treated as a crime to be prosecuted at all.
There thus exists a virtual, an effective state of licence for young Asians to feel they are allowed to treat older Asians with criminal contempt.
How would such “Asian” males see a woman who may appear on their own or in some way vulnerable?
With the most powerful deterrent - the moral authority of the elders in the context of criminal misdemeanours and antisocial misconduct - taken away from the Asian older, the young Asian males, who for an extension of racist apartheid in the "wider" Society congregate mostly on residential estates and neighbourhood estate corners.
There they create and maintain a no-go zone preventing residents from all freedom of movements outside of their own homes.
This is the real fear!
This fear been imposed by proxy and has been enforced by the racist authorties who have brainwashed and programmed Asian youths to terrorise older Asians in their “own Communities” across England’s boughs!
How to stop another Rotherham: by telling the truth about Tower Hamlets
Asian Gangsters mass rape, pimp and abuse 1400 girls in Rotherham! Is that true? How true is it that the Asian Gangers were not seen when they grew into gangsters monsters? Were their neighbourhoods asleep? Were their parents, neighbours asleep? Or were the gangsters given criminal licence by the authorities TO BECOME the nightmare criminals that they did become?
These and other questions arise from the reports by Alexis Jay on Rotherham.
However, that Report does not tell the truth about how other gangs, in this context in the Asian parts of the populations, can be stopped.
Perhaps there is a bigger factor at play than the headline-grabbing
“fear of being accused of racism” tag has indicated.
Perhaps someone quite high up in the State WANTS Asian males or a quota of Asian males, born and bred in England, to BECOME criminal.
Why could such a hypothesis arise?
Because the attitude of the so-called authorities towards non-offending Asian male adults shows a policy of disrespect on the part of the authorities.
That can only put down to the classic racist prejudice.
As compared to Asian adults considered “originally from Pakistan” or from the counterpart Bangladesh (religion, general faith-related ‘culture’ concerning faith and religious rituals, customs about marriage etc), the English-born Asian males are treated with noticeable indulgence.
If it is English born girls then that indulgence goes even further.
All in all, English-born and bred Asian males and females are encouraged to behave in the English ways.
To the authorities, showing two fingers to basic manners, good manners that Pakistani and Bangladeshi adults value is considered a victory for the strategy that says “integrate with us”.
In the process, the Asian youngsters found to be committing offence against other Asian, mainly older Asians, are rewarded with the tolerance that clearly amounts to aiding and abetting.
That is on the grounds.
When the Asian families are even reported to have ‘"abused” an Asian child, the authorities really treat them with heavy manners.
Not so when the Asian children, born and bred in England, are found to have abused Asian adults.
This extends to schools.
Local Council social Services.
The Police.
One of the tabloid Press and TV catch-phrases following Alexis Jay’s Rotherham Report has been the “fear of being accused of racism” as a key “explanation” of the failures of the Council, the Police to do their job against the criminals.
Yet the death at the Morton Hall Immigrants Detention Centre in Lincolnshire in the East of England on Friday night of 26 year old Bangladeshi immigrant detainee (who was days away from being reunited with his family in Bangladesh) due to being neglected for hours by detention centre staff illustrates all too clearly the racist purpose behind that line that English “authorities are afraid of being accused of racism”!
The detainee Rubel Ahmed who died of heart illness had cried for hours complaining of chest pain and begging for help.
Other detainees in nearby cells had heard of his anguished cries for help.
It was because of that fact that when Rubel Ahmed was eventually found to have died, other inmates staged a protest.
Which is why the incidents came to be reported by the Media in the first place.
And to compare the “fear of being accused of racism” line by the “authorities”, the “authorities” in Morton Hall quickly declared that Rubel Ahmed had “killed himself”!
How on earth could he have killed himself when he was the one who had been crying for hours begging for medical help?
So that line - “fear of being accused of racism”- is a doubly racist lie.
Just to make a link with Ferguson, Missouri, USA in the past month, the fact that the Ferguson Police shot dead not one but two black men showed that those authorities were not only not fearing any accusation of racism but they were brazenly basting of being an essentially racist Force!
That the Ferguson Police also released propaganda footage as part of their war on public upon depicting the first victim of the shooting as a criminal shoplifter and such like, showed the pro-active strategy and nature of the racism assault.
All of that puts paid to the Rotherham line and exposes it as a product of racist abuse of reason and evidence.
Just so that there is no doubt at all about what the Police and Prosecution Authorities actually did about Rotherham during the years when the crimes were still going on, here are two most topical updates:
Shaun Wright, who knows much more about what the Police actually did than he has so far let on, is still defiant on Monday that he is not minded to quit his current post as the Police Commissioner for the area that includes Rotherham.
The latest entry on him on Wikipedia includes this:
"Before becoming the PCC, Wright was a councillor on Rotherham Council and in charge of children's services for five years from 2005;[2][3] he also sat on the Police Authority of South Yorkshire Police."
He is not bothered at all that so many children's lives were ruined while he sat as a "Councillor in charge of children's services for five years".
Not the attitude that has any sign whatsoever of it being based on his "fear of being accused" of anything!
He has been accused of more criminal things than perhaps there is time to prosecute him through the Crown Courts system.
But the solidity so far of his defiance shows that the man would not have been one who would "fear" any Asian charge that he was acting with a racist motive.
Which means that the "fear of being accused of racism" itself is a sophisticated racist excuse to blame a community to cover up and to deny the industrial scales of negligence and corruption by the "authorities" who let those girls and children suffer so much horrendous violence and violations.
The truth is that “authorities” like Shaun Wright have allowed their local Councils and “partners” (a term of artistic fakery that craftily includes the Police more as a decorations rather than as a rigorous enforcer of the standards of criminal investigation and detection) to turn a permanent blind eye to the thousands of crimes being committed on their watches.
The Asian parts of the populations have been fragmented into sub-groups where the older Asians are allowed to be intimidated, harassed, pushed out of the streets which are then allowed to be occupied by Asian gangs.
This is true in Bethnal Green, Poplar and other parts of Tower Hamlets this evening as it must be in many areas across South Yorkshire, the north-east and in other parts of London.
No crime that involves young Asian males attacking older Asian is treated as a crime to be prosecuted at all.
There thus exists a virtual, an effective state of licence for young Asians to feel they are allowed to treat older Asians with criminal contempt.
How would such “Asian” males see a woman who may appear on their own or in some way vulnerable?
With the most powerful deterrent - the moral authority of the elders in the context of criminal misdemeanours and antisocial misconduct - taken away from the Asian older, the young Asian males, who for an extension of racist apartheid in the "wider" Society congregate mostly on residential estates and neighbourhood estate corners.
There they create and maintain a no-go zone preventing residents from all freedom of movements outside of their own homes.
This is the real fear!
This fear been imposed by proxy and has been enforced by the racist authorties who have brainwashed and programmed Asian youths to terrorise older Asians in their “own Communities” across England’s boughs!
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