A very modern slavery
Mike | 01.09.2014 11:54
You would have thought slavery was a thing of the past in an American board-room, but think again, racism is as alive as it was a hundred years ago at PCC Precision Castparts Corp.
“Don’t touch that you’re leaving black marks,” said a senior Executive at Precision Castparts Corp to Bill Donaghue, a long-time employee of 22 years.
This is the story that Guerrilla Democracy News is proud to come out of retirement to report and champion this ‘man of a million’ to win the respect, dignity and compensation Bill Donaghue deserves.
“All I’ve ever wanted is the same as the next man.”
Having been brought up in care homes all his life, Bill Donaghue was as brainwashed as much as anyone to get a job, work hard, keep your head down to progress, get on with life, to ultimately retire with a big fat pension to live out your days tendering to the flowers in the garden.
Having joined Precision Castparts Corp, (a worldwide, diversified manufacturer of complex metal components and products) in 1992, Bill hoped to work hard, progress and retire with a big fat pension to do with as he pleased.
Year after year after year Bill Donaghue pleaded with his employers to give him the training that was promised when he joined.
Year after year after year nothing happened and Bill got shitted on more and more.
As PCC’s own website proudly boasts:
Why build your career with us?
• We firmly believe that our strength lies in our people, so we hire exceptional people and invest in their growth. Employees are given unparalleled opportunities to build their careers and capabilities.
• We offer employees challenging careers and rewarding opportunities.
• We reward success and encourage employees to use their education and experience to take the company and their careers to new heights.
• We are dedicated to assisting employees to reach their professional goals through internal promotion and transfer opportunities.
• Your career growth at PCC is directly linked to your ability to drive the company to new levels of performance.
• At PCC there is no single career development path. The path you choose is based on your education, experience and passion.
What complete and utter tosh, or rather translated into English for our racist American friends, “What complete and utter bullshit!”
• We firmly believe that our strength lies in our people, so we hire exceptional people and invest in their growth. Employees are given unparalleled opportunities to build their careers and capabilities.
If this was the case Bill Donaghue will be a senior engineer by now. The claim they “firmly believe that our strength lies in our people,” while when no one is looking do everything in their power to break the strength of Bill Donaghue a black employee who dares to ask for more.
PCC are right to boast to hire “exceptional people,” Bill Donaghue is an exceptional person who organizes very succesfull festival charity events which raise hundreds of thousands of £££’s to local and national charities including Help4Heroes and Soldiers of the Streets.
But to claim they “invest in their growth,” is a proven lie. Nothing has been invested in Bill Donaghue’s growth in all the 22 years he worked at PCC.
• We offer employees challenging careers and rewarding opportunities.
The most challenging job Bill Donaghue got to do in his 22 years of employment is to hammer things and scan things.
• We reward success and encourage employees to use their education and experience to take the company and their careers to new heights.
Bullshit again of the highest order. Bill Donaghue was penalized for his diabetic’s condition and forced to work day shifts which saw a fall in his take home pay of £80 a week.
Bill started on £27,000 a year and finished 22 years later on £16,000 a year. If ever there was a case of modern day slavery this is it.
• We are dedicated to assisting employees to reach their professional goals through internal promotion and transfer opportunities.
Again, insidious bullshit from PCC. As I mentioned Bill Donaghue is a success Festival promoter for Charity events of which Cosbybiglove Music in the meadow was his most recent.
PCC claims to be dedicated “to assisting employees to reach their professional goals,” again this is disproved to correct because not only did they do nothing for 22 years to help Bill reach any “professional goals,” they even attempted to sabotage his out-of-work goals by demanding to see all Bill’s books on all the charitable festivals he organizes, in relation to an on-going tribunal hearing scheduled for January 2015 between PCC and Bill Donaghue.
• Your career growth at PCC is directly linked to your ability to drive the company to new levels of performance.
Let’s get one thing about Bill Donaghue straight, he’s worth a million average men. As Bill admits himself, “I used to work 300% compared to other workers.”
Bill was doing other people’s work, of which the other worker was getting paid and which Bill wasn’t.
“They’ve impacted on my life,” is an understatement of the century.
• At PCC there is no single career development path. The path you choose is based on your education, experience and passion.
Bill Donaghue put in eight Grievances to his bosses over the 22 years he was there. While many grievances were up-held nothing changed.
Bill was not:
• Given training over 22 years.
• Given a role on the daily schedule board.
• Given any respect for his education, experience and passion.
• Given a payrise.
• Given a promotion.
• Given any dignity.
• Given any recourse to air his complaints.
Bill Donaghue was treated no better than a slave and the PCC board of directors knew all about it.
Following a racist incident in which Bill was told by Tim Gutridge not to touch company property because “you’re leaving black marks,” Bill recalls, “He was told off about it in the boardroom. They talked about niggers in the boardroom.”
This is the story that Guerrilla Democracy News is proud to come out of retirement to report and champion this ‘man of a million’ to win the respect, dignity and compensation Bill Donaghue deserves.
“All I’ve ever wanted is the same as the next man.”
Having been brought up in care homes all his life, Bill Donaghue was as brainwashed as much as anyone to get a job, work hard, keep your head down to progress, get on with life, to ultimately retire with a big fat pension to live out your days tendering to the flowers in the garden.
Having joined Precision Castparts Corp, (a worldwide, diversified manufacturer of complex metal components and products) in 1992, Bill hoped to work hard, progress and retire with a big fat pension to do with as he pleased.
Year after year after year Bill Donaghue pleaded with his employers to give him the training that was promised when he joined.
Year after year after year nothing happened and Bill got shitted on more and more.
As PCC’s own website proudly boasts:
Why build your career with us?
• We firmly believe that our strength lies in our people, so we hire exceptional people and invest in their growth. Employees are given unparalleled opportunities to build their careers and capabilities.
• We offer employees challenging careers and rewarding opportunities.
• We reward success and encourage employees to use their education and experience to take the company and their careers to new heights.
• We are dedicated to assisting employees to reach their professional goals through internal promotion and transfer opportunities.
• Your career growth at PCC is directly linked to your ability to drive the company to new levels of performance.
• At PCC there is no single career development path. The path you choose is based on your education, experience and passion.
What complete and utter tosh, or rather translated into English for our racist American friends, “What complete and utter bullshit!”
• We firmly believe that our strength lies in our people, so we hire exceptional people and invest in their growth. Employees are given unparalleled opportunities to build their careers and capabilities.
If this was the case Bill Donaghue will be a senior engineer by now. The claim they “firmly believe that our strength lies in our people,” while when no one is looking do everything in their power to break the strength of Bill Donaghue a black employee who dares to ask for more.
PCC are right to boast to hire “exceptional people,” Bill Donaghue is an exceptional person who organizes very succesfull festival charity events which raise hundreds of thousands of £££’s to local and national charities including Help4Heroes and Soldiers of the Streets.
But to claim they “invest in their growth,” is a proven lie. Nothing has been invested in Bill Donaghue’s growth in all the 22 years he worked at PCC.
• We offer employees challenging careers and rewarding opportunities.
The most challenging job Bill Donaghue got to do in his 22 years of employment is to hammer things and scan things.
• We reward success and encourage employees to use their education and experience to take the company and their careers to new heights.
Bullshit again of the highest order. Bill Donaghue was penalized for his diabetic’s condition and forced to work day shifts which saw a fall in his take home pay of £80 a week.
Bill started on £27,000 a year and finished 22 years later on £16,000 a year. If ever there was a case of modern day slavery this is it.
• We are dedicated to assisting employees to reach their professional goals through internal promotion and transfer opportunities.
Again, insidious bullshit from PCC. As I mentioned Bill Donaghue is a success Festival promoter for Charity events of which Cosbybiglove Music in the meadow was his most recent.
PCC claims to be dedicated “to assisting employees to reach their professional goals,” again this is disproved to correct because not only did they do nothing for 22 years to help Bill reach any “professional goals,” they even attempted to sabotage his out-of-work goals by demanding to see all Bill’s books on all the charitable festivals he organizes, in relation to an on-going tribunal hearing scheduled for January 2015 between PCC and Bill Donaghue.
• Your career growth at PCC is directly linked to your ability to drive the company to new levels of performance.
Let’s get one thing about Bill Donaghue straight, he’s worth a million average men. As Bill admits himself, “I used to work 300% compared to other workers.”
Bill was doing other people’s work, of which the other worker was getting paid and which Bill wasn’t.
“They’ve impacted on my life,” is an understatement of the century.
• At PCC there is no single career development path. The path you choose is based on your education, experience and passion.
Bill Donaghue put in eight Grievances to his bosses over the 22 years he was there. While many grievances were up-held nothing changed.
Bill was not:
• Given training over 22 years.
• Given a role on the daily schedule board.
• Given any respect for his education, experience and passion.
• Given a payrise.
• Given a promotion.
• Given any dignity.
• Given any recourse to air his complaints.
Bill Donaghue was treated no better than a slave and the PCC board of directors knew all about it.
Following a racist incident in which Bill was told by Tim Gutridge not to touch company property because “you’re leaving black marks,” Bill recalls, “He was told off about it in the boardroom. They talked about niggers in the boardroom.”
