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Tory government attacking human rights again

Defender of all, judge of none. | 25.08.2014 06:11

Home Secretary Teresa May announces that people who go to fight for groups in the Middle East will have their UK passports cancelled.

Once again the Tory government is attempting to ignore sovereign human rights by cancelling the passports of those who feel drawn by their faith to fight for peace in the Middle East. On Saturday May announced that the government was considering a new law that would allow the indiscriminate cancelling of passports without a court case or review.

These are the bastards responsible

The Rt Hon
Theresa May MP
Secretary of State for the Home Department

The Rt Hon
Norman Baker MP
Minister of State for Crime Prevention

James Brokenshire MP
Minister for Security and Immigration

The Rt Hon
Mike Penning MP
Minister of State for Policing, Criminal Justice and Victims

Karen Bradley MP
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Modern Slavery and Organised Crime)

Lord Bates
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Criminal Information

Defender of all, judge of none.


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no supporter of that shower of #@#@#, but

25.08.2014 07:56

its hardly 'indiscriminate' cancelling of passports is it?


Both religion and patriotism

25.08.2014 12:15

are crippling, debilitating diseases that we need to eradicate for the sake of our own progress as human beings.

Father Time