Radical Anthropology talks in London
Hedgehog | 18.08.2014 14:45 | London
Symbolic culture emerged in Africa over 100,000 years ago, in a revolution whose echoes can still be heard in myths and rituals around the world. These talks are a general introduction to anthropology, including the latest findings from genetics, biology, primatology, cave painting research and archaeology. There is plenty of time for questions, discussion and socialising.
Radical Anthropology
An Introduction to Anthropology
Autumn 2014
1. Anthropology Taster Day
Saturday Sep 6 ‘Myths, rituals and human origins’ (11am – 5pm) Camilla Power, Chris Knight
2. Talks on Tuesday evenings (6.30 – 9pm)
Sep 23 What does it mean to be human? An introduction to anthropology Chris Knight
Sep 30 Claude Lévi-Strauss: The science of myths and fairy tales Chris Knight
Oct 7 Africa, hunger and big business: How ‘development’ aids the corporate takeover of food Chris Walker
Oct 14 Did women once rule the world? A new look at the myth of matriarchy Chris Knight
Oct 21 The stars and the stones: An introduction to archaeoastronomy Fabio Silva
Oct 28 Out of Africa or Multiregional Evolution for modern humans – why is there still a debate? Chris Stringer
Nov 4 The problem of economics. Homo economicus and human science William Dixon
Nov 11 The Golden Bough: Yesterday and today Robert Fraser
Nov 18 British Pakistani women and the menopause Mwenza Blell
Nov 25 ‘Woman’s Biggest Husband Is the Moon’: How hunter-gatherers maintain social equality Jerome Lewis
Dec 2 How language evolved from singing Jerome Lewis
Dec 9 Spirits of the Forest: a workshop on African polyphonic singing Ingrid Lewis
Dec 16 A Christmas fairy tale: ‘The shoes that were danced to pieces’ Chris Knight
All events held at the Cock Tavern, 23 Phoenix Rd., NW1 1HB (Euston). Talks are free but small donations welcome.
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