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BBC in Cardiff graffiti attack

Supporter | 08.08.2014 18:57 | Palestine | Repression | Social Struggles

BBC's Cardiff building visited by Palestinian supporters.

Video BBC staff comfirm/deny - video/mp4 8.0M

BBC graffiti attack
BBC graffiti attack

Where did it go!!
Where did it go!!

A 7.30 this morning the BBC's building in cargo st suffered a graffiti attack by supporters of the Palestinian people. unfortunatley they were interupted by heavy handed security, one of whom was shouting about terrorist.
On arrival of police one the graffiti artists got away, unfortunatley the other was arrested has now on bail charged with criminal damage, harsh bail terms were given this includes not entering cardiff. Could this be due to upcoming NATO summit. They are due to appear at magistrates court cardiff on 27th August.

The BBC have shown which side they are on when reporting on the Palestinian issue. They do not even have the balls to comfirm that a graffiti happened this morning.

Support for Palestine will continue in many ways, direct action is just one of them.



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Warning to Cardiff police drop all charges against them or else it is war!

09.08.2014 11:40

This is a warning to Cardiff police either you drop all charges against those caught carrying out the graffiti or it will be war and you will lose! This js a war from Hamas, we can and will strike in Britain very soon!

Hamas, we can strike in Britain too!

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09.08.2014 13:38

Quite true, can have attacks against Britain. But "you will lose"?

That is an insane judgement about relative military power. Can't win a shooting war with a small neighbor so take on a more powerful military power too?

Are you counting on Britain not being willing to shoot back? OK, Britain isn't the relative power it was 100 years ago, but I suggest you talk to the Argentinians about their experience.

The point is that Britain (now) isn't giving much active support to the Israelis and lots of Brits don't care much for the "Zionists". But if you start attacking them, that could change.


Wrong St

22.08.2014 14:51

It was in Roath Lock not the street stated in the Indy article.


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