End The Slaughter in Gaza - TESCO stop the sale of Israeli goods
Solidarity Collective | 28.07.2014 17:22 | Flotilla to Gaza | Anti-militarism | Palestine | Terror War | London
On Sunday the 27th of July, activists from the Solidarity Collective attended a Tesco’s in South East London and witnessed the continued sale of products from the West Bank. These products included among other things dates. We feel that in the light of continued slaughter of civilians in Palestine and the ongoing blockade that it is unacceptable that this produce should be openly on sale in the high streets of London.
On Friday the 1st of August a protest has been called by the Palestine Solidarity Committee outside the Israeli Embassy in London from 5.30pm until 7.30pm. In the run up to this protest the Solidarity Collective will be holding a demonstration outside the Tesco Store in Kensington High Street to highlight the continued sale of product from Occupied Palestine.
We are calling on comrades throughout the UK to demonstrate against the sale of these products in whatever way they feel appropriate.
Tesco Metro
146-158 High Street
Greater London
W8 6SU
4:30pm-5:30pm Tesco’s demo
We are calling on comrades throughout the UK to demonstrate against the sale of these products in whatever way they feel appropriate.
Tesco Metro
146-158 High Street
Greater London
W8 6SU
4:30pm-5:30pm Tesco’s demo
Solidarity Collective
We are winning
01.08.2014 10:41
Twenty more terrorist tunnels destroyed yesterday
Six major Hamas leaders killed
Three rocket factories uncovered and blown up
Meanwhile you parade outside of a supermarket
Ha Ha Ha Ha
Who knew winning would be this easy
Six major Hamas leaders killed
Three rocket factories uncovered and blown up
Meanwhile you parade outside of a supermarket
Ha Ha Ha Ha
Who knew winning would be this easy
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Tesco's Flyer
28.07.2014 22:52
Solidarity Collective
GAZA - current numbers of dead and injured
30.07.2014 04:17
#Israel is criminal state.
Solidarity Collective
Wide population
30.07.2014 15:32
re: Wide Population
30.07.2014 18:26
30.07.2014 18:59
How embarrassing for you
Embarrassing for who?
30.07.2014 21:05
lies, lies and more hasbara...
30.07.2014 22:31
Nice1,great2see boycott for illegal occupied territories.
31.07.2014 11:23
Combined with being surrounded by states who generally want Israel destroyed, the situation isn't so black&white. My relatives who escaped the Nazis& survived Siberian slave farms, always taught me that by being understanding, without grovelling was very beneficial.
Is that the best you can do
01.08.2014 10:44
What a bunch of losers
Same old, same old
01.08.2014 12:45
Why Tesco ?
01.08.2014 13:25
I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact it is owned by Jews did it ?
Stone the crows
02.08.2014 08:23
Obedient Zionists
Dollars to Shekels
Fruits of the occupied
Free Palestine
An actual link to an actual survey
02.08.2014 10:55
Below is an actual link to a real survey by YouGov. A survey that will actually appear via a Google search rather than via the fantasy of a right wing twat! A link that does not transfer the user to 14 pages of irrelevant US surveys (with no UK section).
The survey shows that as of March of 2014, the majority of UK respondents either 'don't know' or sympathise with 'neither', Palestine or Israel; hardly surprising given the appalling state of UK mainstream media reporting.
However of those that do have an opinion a clear majority sympathise with the Palestinians, remarkable given the role of the BBC and right wing press.
As the YouGov site summarises:
"Where do British public sympathies lie on this politically charged issue?
Overall 16% say their sympathies lie with Israelis, 22% with Palestinians, 41% with neither and 22% don't know. Among those who do have allegiances, however, there are clear political divides."
Now I'm sure that, in the fantasy worlds of the right wing zionists, the Israeli shelling of schools, hospitals and UN shelters and the indiscrimiate slaughter of civilians that Israel has engaged in once again will have resulted in huge swathes of the UK public changing their minds and that UK public opinion will have swerved behind the Israeli occupation in numbers that are rivalled only by the Jewish Israel public itself (the remnants of the largely expelled arab population still comprising about 20% of Israel's populace) however these fantasies are about as credible as their other assertions.
martin f
04.08.2014 08:12
What a bunch of tossers
Public opinion
04.08.2014 10:45
In hard terms the British public don't much care, they have had now two generations of fighting in the region and no real change, as a consequence they are indifferent to both sides who they view with equal contempt and disinterest.
BBC journalist
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