Gaza – Vivisection of a Death Cult
Internationalist Observer | 20.07.2014 17:37 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Palestine | World
It is internal Israeli issues, intimidations integrated into its ill intentions, or other omissions of originality, which use to be rendered as the explanation regarding Palestinian suffering under Israeli militarism. This is true as to the aspect that it defines a stringent edge against the reactionary propaganda the militarist terror was a plausible interaction with Palestinian patterns of behaviour. The steep ridge marking the line beyond which the imperialist war narrative unwinds into self-contradiction and emptiness, that in the subconscious panic of the occupier probably provided the inspiration for the distraction campaign of a militarism-driven expedition of terror, is indeed the most conspicuous element of what appears to be an attempt of collective suicide of an artificial satellite state. It is at that point where an international agreement failure turns into an occurrence of moronic lemmings, as symbolised by the Israeli war against Gaza, which Karl Marx, had he lived to experience it, might have described as a farcical reproduction of the German World War, with a mosquito of a street crime inflated to the proportions of an elephant of an international crisis. Of course this also makes every minor lack of transparency in the militarist narrative a huge affair, as already the Kaiser noticed once his war plan came to fail.
In the Netanyahu case, this mystical Achilles heel which has the potential to unwind the entire war propaganda is the demise of his predecessor Sharon. On the surface, the iconic theatrics of this war remind of the pompous bullying of earlier wars, up to the point that Iraq might again compensate the targets of senseless destructions for their material losses. But at a deeper level the psychology of Israeli collective tantrums has significantly changed after the man who had himself dubbed a proverbial bulldozer was terminally hurt in battle not with the Palestinians but with the Americans. Before that, Israeli aggression towards the Palestinians had been balanced by a certain degree of independence against the Americans, such as expressed in the 1967 USS Liberty attack where they had been humiliated just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now with Sharon fallen and gone, every tiny change of mood in the artificial satellite state is being micromanaged by the archipelago of moronic death cults rivalling over the American military-industrial complex, resulting in a perpetual irritation of the Israeli psyche in which it can never reach peace until the Washingtonian Captivity is being broken from the outside.
Despite other instances of American corruption, such as in Egypt, making their differences to the regional constellation, the loss of Israeli cultural independence is the most significant element in the poisonous mix that fuels the current war. And it is war in the most perfidious sense of the word: Not as a struggle over sovereignty, but as a campaign of systematic destruction and prolonged destructivity. It is not a Clausewitzian war resp. any form of rational conflict taking irrational means, but a terror war, i.e. the entire war is a terrorist attack, or more precisely any such attack can be a work of art painting the big picture in small dimensions. The regional arms race has its obnoxious implications: With missile defence systems factored in, the strategic meaning of rocket fire changes from the equivalent of throwing stones at an unprotected person to that of throwing small coins at a cop. Now it is a gesture rather than an assault. Analysts have been warning for years that such as historical infantry fortifications entirely lost any military value with the advent of artillery, the implementation of missile defence before nuclear disarmament rather than the other way around might make reappear the aggressive expeditions from the infantry-only era. This is now obviously the case, and with a certain irony of contradiction that colonial legacy reappeared in the form of the most advanced weapons technology.
Yet the oppression from under the so-called shield is merely the appendix of American imperialism and its expressions of mental immaturity. Incapable to imagine the scenario of America leaving the region and Israel coming out of its Washingtonian Captivity with an ambition for peaceful neighbourhood, the Palestinians and other Arabs cleaning up the traitor regimes in their back, plus a significant weakening of American imperialism in neighbouring regions, the astray lobbyists and perpetrators of a disintegrating regime have come to an infantile scapegoating of Gaza in order to affirm their captivity as much as they can whip up each other. So on top of the Israeli aggression, which like a forest fire in the North American environment flares up once in a while to die down out of itself, there is now the American rendering of its own fears of the law of cause and consequence in the region into a proxy expression. This kind of forest fire can only die down when the wind is turning. To achieve that, it is necessary to transcend the dialectics of power and weakness as expressed in this conflict. While the Israeli aggression, in the face of Palestinian vulnerability, may perceive itself as a form of strength and often does, as a proxy of American mischief with reality it is in fact a significant weakness. It is as grotesque as it is, because the demonstration of Israeli military superiority is in fact one of American spiritual inferiority, clinging to the last straw of a pretext for destructive meddling, that apparently has exceeded anyone´s patience. The Americans are escalating their totally inappropriate frenzy against the Hamas organisation because they perceive their own expulsion from the region as imminent, with even their collaboration with Arab regimes shattered by the impact of the truth.
As sad as this is, and from the perspective of expendable Palestinian suffering necessarily must be until the disproportionate aggression stops, it as also an indication that radical change is at a proximity realistic to grasp for, and as the illusions unwind the situation can be projected towards the achievement of that goal. Once Israeli militarism can neither be sustained materially nor mentally, due to American imperialism being rolled back, the region is to define out of itself how to settle the legacy of imperialism and justly undo its injustices, which puts the challenge for the Israelis to argue their connection to the land they share with their close neighbours without supremacist ideologies that smell like the dull assertions of European puppet states or American death cults. In order to become able to convince anyone in the further neighbourhood from East Africa to West Asia, which is going to be the absolutely necessary precondition for any continuation of the 1948 experiment of the artificial satellite state established out of diplomatic consent (see Dec 6, 2013 and Mar 21, 2014), the Israelis must openly address their economic occupation by the Americans, and prepare to cut ties least they do not go down with the sinking empire. Then a fresh focus on the diplomatic thread that brought about 1948 and especially on its other loose ends is possible in principle. And that is already a fact, only when fully independent from America, Israel can exist in the place it does, otherwise it is expected to be abused as a gateway of intrusion and deception, and once that is so all its legitimation is null and void.
Currently, the Israelis find themselves in the situation that they had the symbolism of their national flag explained to themselves by external leaders they see themselves up against, and the legitimation of the so-called terrorism as a means of resistance and survival pointed out in their foundational books, so the ongoing war of aggression can be read as the vexed reaction to that subtle humiliation. The fundamentally flawed attempt to take the Palestinian affairs out of the Palestinian hands by inflating the initial incident to an existential dimension it so obviously has not also indicates that this ignition spark in form of the abduction and killing of the first victims of the regional conflict might not have been as isolated an event as it seems. Not only that the Israeli communication with the Palestinians reveals that information was not passed on completely as far as the suspicions and inquiries are concerned. It appears that the significance of the incident was only created by the fact that it responded to a major shift in the international threat constellation around it, such as a murder committed by one of the external spying entities involved in the meddling. What did these perpetrators know about the background machinations in the apparatuses of American and other imperialist spies?
The killing of a monarch in his carriage in 1914 was the cause of a major war, because it proved that the allegedly stable equilibrium of ruthless rivals created out of nothing but totalitarian lies was so vulnerable that one smoking gun could trigger a conflagration of illusions which suddenly left all the ill intentions covered in them to naked competition. Whichever important witness of insider crimes the imperialist might have assassinated at that point, the initial spark of the Gaza war that followed it was so effective in terms of propagation not because it would have been a totally unanticipated surprise to Israelis, but because it apparently points to a much bigger crime that neither of the involved sides explicitly mentioned although most of them seem to know.
It has happened before that the Israelis sent death squads to a hotel room to assassinate someone from Hamas. Similar tactics are usual in America, Britain, Germany and any other place suffering the presence of an economically relevant military-industrial complex. If there is such a prelude, and the hitherto involvement of these regimes into related affairs suggests that there might be, yet the Israeli military does not make it transparent, then that puts the entire battle on the wrong side of history. If the triple killing would have been an isolated event not born out of any contextual morbidity, the reaction was only ruthless and unscrupulous, such as a grumpy dog deliberately allowed to bite the next passer-by, but if it had been a response towards an assassination of a bearer of insider knowledge of international machinations revolving around the issue, then the reaction to it is to be evaluated as the visible continuation of an invisible effort. That means that the Israeli attack is not only an American tantrum in the sense of technical penetration but also of causal relation. Without the external meddling and its lethal reverberations, the initial incident would simply not have happened, and neither would everything that followed it. And if it had, for the mere completeness of assumptions, then it would not have had the potential to produce so much of a shock that it reduces entire cultures to the level of raging infants, like the Israelis and Americans have become, smashing the houses of everyone who does not like to play with them in their terminal fury.
In the past it was large news when a passenger airplane was shot down and the full capacity of people died a nasty last minute death, but now it is merely a side-note in a war that, as it seems from its day to day indifference, can only end with a major war crime tribunal against the entire military-industrial complex with all its ideological fragmentations, or a series of mass extinction events that leave its representatives with an – as far as humans are concerned – permanently wrecked planet. After hundreds of people have been murdered in targeted expeditions of 19th-century-knit militarism, and any outrage has fallen victim to the distorted ideological concept of self-destructive defence, the loss of the plane passengers cannot stir up strong emotions. It is the sort of thing expected to happen in a totalitarian environment of deception and denial, which is self-destructive in a double sense, not only against its perpetrators and their declared intentions, but also against the personality and existence of anyone who happens to be drawn in by it. As an historical addition, a passenger plane was thrown into the grave of the casualties of a massacre, such as less advanced items were in earlier stages of human history.
The death cult that has chosen to inflict its misery upon the Palestinians and the Israelis in form of the destructions and the entanglements is the same that is characterised by its obsession with the military-industrial complex (see Jun 26, 2014). The Mormons, which claim to be a branch of Christianity but are neither anti-imperialist nor indigenous but more like a business scam failing to let rip the illusion of phoney divinity, are the hell-bent devil sitting in the neck of Israel, or more profanely said, the psychic cause of its pathological behaviour. Zionism is a tragic desert of an ideology only vaguely reminding of what once seems to have been blossoming in its place, and the Jews are just another satellite state in the imperialist entity. If they were honestly facing the perspective of a phoney travesty of Christianity forced upon them they might be as outraged as their Ariel Sharon. But on the side of Hamas, there is no such menace – the Saudis have exceeded their dark janissary rhetoric and at this point are quaking in fear of the spirits they called upon Iraq. For the three sides of the Abraham-rooted tradition, it is like with the Hindu ceremonies in unclean rivers: Before the contamination is entirely gone, it would be an empty promise to invite anyone to join in. If human religion is like an old growth tree somewhere in a forest, then militarist Mormonism and its “dhimmis” are a bunch of plastic gallows taking the heritage of indigenous religion as a rope – yet for the trees they are none of us, says the writing in the bark.
* * *
See also:
- Why is the Nonproliferation Treaty Failing? (9.1.) -
- The Death of the Inclusion Policy in the East Asian Shelf Waters (16.1.) -
- Triple Treason in the Caucasus (23.1.) -
- NATO. Obituary to a Nukepool (27.1.) -
- Obey or Die - The Pathology of Organised Treason in Europe (21.2.) -
- The Suicide Attack Against indymedia and its Cause (28.2.) -
- What does the Invasion of Yalta Mean for the European Peninsula? (8.3.) -
- Why is Poland a Nazi Client State? (15.3.) -
- Palestine, the United Nations and the Refugees (21.3.) -
- The External Cost of Spying (28.3.) -
- How Deep Is the Atlantic Divide Really? (8.4.) -
- Boko Haram – An Image From The Future (4.5.) -
- The Pacific Fata Morgana and its Imperialist Origins (12.5.) -
- The German Sustainability Scam and its Fascist Purpose (21.5.) -
- Hindu Supremacism – A Spent Force of Casino Capitalism (30.5.) -
- Birth of an Independent Hope – the Revolution in West Asia (26.6.) -
- Macropolitical Side-Effects of the Imperialist Occupation of the Philippines (4.7.) -
Despite other instances of American corruption, such as in Egypt, making their differences to the regional constellation, the loss of Israeli cultural independence is the most significant element in the poisonous mix that fuels the current war. And it is war in the most perfidious sense of the word: Not as a struggle over sovereignty, but as a campaign of systematic destruction and prolonged destructivity. It is not a Clausewitzian war resp. any form of rational conflict taking irrational means, but a terror war, i.e. the entire war is a terrorist attack, or more precisely any such attack can be a work of art painting the big picture in small dimensions. The regional arms race has its obnoxious implications: With missile defence systems factored in, the strategic meaning of rocket fire changes from the equivalent of throwing stones at an unprotected person to that of throwing small coins at a cop. Now it is a gesture rather than an assault. Analysts have been warning for years that such as historical infantry fortifications entirely lost any military value with the advent of artillery, the implementation of missile defence before nuclear disarmament rather than the other way around might make reappear the aggressive expeditions from the infantry-only era. This is now obviously the case, and with a certain irony of contradiction that colonial legacy reappeared in the form of the most advanced weapons technology.
Yet the oppression from under the so-called shield is merely the appendix of American imperialism and its expressions of mental immaturity. Incapable to imagine the scenario of America leaving the region and Israel coming out of its Washingtonian Captivity with an ambition for peaceful neighbourhood, the Palestinians and other Arabs cleaning up the traitor regimes in their back, plus a significant weakening of American imperialism in neighbouring regions, the astray lobbyists and perpetrators of a disintegrating regime have come to an infantile scapegoating of Gaza in order to affirm their captivity as much as they can whip up each other. So on top of the Israeli aggression, which like a forest fire in the North American environment flares up once in a while to die down out of itself, there is now the American rendering of its own fears of the law of cause and consequence in the region into a proxy expression. This kind of forest fire can only die down when the wind is turning. To achieve that, it is necessary to transcend the dialectics of power and weakness as expressed in this conflict. While the Israeli aggression, in the face of Palestinian vulnerability, may perceive itself as a form of strength and often does, as a proxy of American mischief with reality it is in fact a significant weakness. It is as grotesque as it is, because the demonstration of Israeli military superiority is in fact one of American spiritual inferiority, clinging to the last straw of a pretext for destructive meddling, that apparently has exceeded anyone´s patience. The Americans are escalating their totally inappropriate frenzy against the Hamas organisation because they perceive their own expulsion from the region as imminent, with even their collaboration with Arab regimes shattered by the impact of the truth.
As sad as this is, and from the perspective of expendable Palestinian suffering necessarily must be until the disproportionate aggression stops, it as also an indication that radical change is at a proximity realistic to grasp for, and as the illusions unwind the situation can be projected towards the achievement of that goal. Once Israeli militarism can neither be sustained materially nor mentally, due to American imperialism being rolled back, the region is to define out of itself how to settle the legacy of imperialism and justly undo its injustices, which puts the challenge for the Israelis to argue their connection to the land they share with their close neighbours without supremacist ideologies that smell like the dull assertions of European puppet states or American death cults. In order to become able to convince anyone in the further neighbourhood from East Africa to West Asia, which is going to be the absolutely necessary precondition for any continuation of the 1948 experiment of the artificial satellite state established out of diplomatic consent (see Dec 6, 2013 and Mar 21, 2014), the Israelis must openly address their economic occupation by the Americans, and prepare to cut ties least they do not go down with the sinking empire. Then a fresh focus on the diplomatic thread that brought about 1948 and especially on its other loose ends is possible in principle. And that is already a fact, only when fully independent from America, Israel can exist in the place it does, otherwise it is expected to be abused as a gateway of intrusion and deception, and once that is so all its legitimation is null and void.
Currently, the Israelis find themselves in the situation that they had the symbolism of their national flag explained to themselves by external leaders they see themselves up against, and the legitimation of the so-called terrorism as a means of resistance and survival pointed out in their foundational books, so the ongoing war of aggression can be read as the vexed reaction to that subtle humiliation. The fundamentally flawed attempt to take the Palestinian affairs out of the Palestinian hands by inflating the initial incident to an existential dimension it so obviously has not also indicates that this ignition spark in form of the abduction and killing of the first victims of the regional conflict might not have been as isolated an event as it seems. Not only that the Israeli communication with the Palestinians reveals that information was not passed on completely as far as the suspicions and inquiries are concerned. It appears that the significance of the incident was only created by the fact that it responded to a major shift in the international threat constellation around it, such as a murder committed by one of the external spying entities involved in the meddling. What did these perpetrators know about the background machinations in the apparatuses of American and other imperialist spies?
The killing of a monarch in his carriage in 1914 was the cause of a major war, because it proved that the allegedly stable equilibrium of ruthless rivals created out of nothing but totalitarian lies was so vulnerable that one smoking gun could trigger a conflagration of illusions which suddenly left all the ill intentions covered in them to naked competition. Whichever important witness of insider crimes the imperialist might have assassinated at that point, the initial spark of the Gaza war that followed it was so effective in terms of propagation not because it would have been a totally unanticipated surprise to Israelis, but because it apparently points to a much bigger crime that neither of the involved sides explicitly mentioned although most of them seem to know.
It has happened before that the Israelis sent death squads to a hotel room to assassinate someone from Hamas. Similar tactics are usual in America, Britain, Germany and any other place suffering the presence of an economically relevant military-industrial complex. If there is such a prelude, and the hitherto involvement of these regimes into related affairs suggests that there might be, yet the Israeli military does not make it transparent, then that puts the entire battle on the wrong side of history. If the triple killing would have been an isolated event not born out of any contextual morbidity, the reaction was only ruthless and unscrupulous, such as a grumpy dog deliberately allowed to bite the next passer-by, but if it had been a response towards an assassination of a bearer of insider knowledge of international machinations revolving around the issue, then the reaction to it is to be evaluated as the visible continuation of an invisible effort. That means that the Israeli attack is not only an American tantrum in the sense of technical penetration but also of causal relation. Without the external meddling and its lethal reverberations, the initial incident would simply not have happened, and neither would everything that followed it. And if it had, for the mere completeness of assumptions, then it would not have had the potential to produce so much of a shock that it reduces entire cultures to the level of raging infants, like the Israelis and Americans have become, smashing the houses of everyone who does not like to play with them in their terminal fury.
In the past it was large news when a passenger airplane was shot down and the full capacity of people died a nasty last minute death, but now it is merely a side-note in a war that, as it seems from its day to day indifference, can only end with a major war crime tribunal against the entire military-industrial complex with all its ideological fragmentations, or a series of mass extinction events that leave its representatives with an – as far as humans are concerned – permanently wrecked planet. After hundreds of people have been murdered in targeted expeditions of 19th-century-knit militarism, and any outrage has fallen victim to the distorted ideological concept of self-destructive defence, the loss of the plane passengers cannot stir up strong emotions. It is the sort of thing expected to happen in a totalitarian environment of deception and denial, which is self-destructive in a double sense, not only against its perpetrators and their declared intentions, but also against the personality and existence of anyone who happens to be drawn in by it. As an historical addition, a passenger plane was thrown into the grave of the casualties of a massacre, such as less advanced items were in earlier stages of human history.
The death cult that has chosen to inflict its misery upon the Palestinians and the Israelis in form of the destructions and the entanglements is the same that is characterised by its obsession with the military-industrial complex (see Jun 26, 2014). The Mormons, which claim to be a branch of Christianity but are neither anti-imperialist nor indigenous but more like a business scam failing to let rip the illusion of phoney divinity, are the hell-bent devil sitting in the neck of Israel, or more profanely said, the psychic cause of its pathological behaviour. Zionism is a tragic desert of an ideology only vaguely reminding of what once seems to have been blossoming in its place, and the Jews are just another satellite state in the imperialist entity. If they were honestly facing the perspective of a phoney travesty of Christianity forced upon them they might be as outraged as their Ariel Sharon. But on the side of Hamas, there is no such menace – the Saudis have exceeded their dark janissary rhetoric and at this point are quaking in fear of the spirits they called upon Iraq. For the three sides of the Abraham-rooted tradition, it is like with the Hindu ceremonies in unclean rivers: Before the contamination is entirely gone, it would be an empty promise to invite anyone to join in. If human religion is like an old growth tree somewhere in a forest, then militarist Mormonism and its “dhimmis” are a bunch of plastic gallows taking the heritage of indigenous religion as a rope – yet for the trees they are none of us, says the writing in the bark.
* * *
See also:
- Why is the Nonproliferation Treaty Failing? (9.1.) -

- The Death of the Inclusion Policy in the East Asian Shelf Waters (16.1.) -

- Triple Treason in the Caucasus (23.1.) -

- NATO. Obituary to a Nukepool (27.1.) -

- Obey or Die - The Pathology of Organised Treason in Europe (21.2.) -

- The Suicide Attack Against indymedia and its Cause (28.2.) -

- What does the Invasion of Yalta Mean for the European Peninsula? (8.3.) -

- Why is Poland a Nazi Client State? (15.3.) -

- Palestine, the United Nations and the Refugees (21.3.) -

- The External Cost of Spying (28.3.) -

- How Deep Is the Atlantic Divide Really? (8.4.) -

- Boko Haram – An Image From The Future (4.5.) -

- The Pacific Fata Morgana and its Imperialist Origins (12.5.) -

- The German Sustainability Scam and its Fascist Purpose (21.5.) -

- Hindu Supremacism – A Spent Force of Casino Capitalism (30.5.) -

- Birth of an Independent Hope – the Revolution in West Asia (26.6.) -

- Macropolitical Side-Effects of the Imperialist Occupation of the Philippines (4.7.) -

Internationalist Observer