DWP unravelling - UK Neo Cons breaking laws, suppressing due process
BulletinonUKGovtbreakinglaws | 13.05.2014 11:04 | Indymedia | Public sector cuts | Social Struggles | London | World
The UK DWP is unravelling - the UK Neo Cons CONDEM regime has been breaking laws, suppressing due process daily. Following Denis Skinner drawing attention at a 2013 PMQs to the Cameron-fronted regime driving the vulnerable and the seriously ill to their deaths, a momentary state of shock prevailed. That appears to have been ‘sedated’ by the ferocious PR by Fleet Street tabloids reinforcing their attacks on the low income, the no-income groups and of course ton the sick, the very sick.....
The Bulletin of the UK Govt dismantling due process
The UK DWP is unravelling - the UK Neo Cons CONDEM regime has been breaking laws, suppressing due process daily. Following Denis Skinner drawing attention at a 2013 PMQs to the Cameron-fronted regime driving the vulnerable and the seriously ill to their deaths, a momentary state of shock prevailed. That appears to have been ‘sedated’ by the ferocious PR by Fleet Street tabloids reinforcing their attacks on the low income, the no-income groups and of course ton the sick, the very sick and more
So what has been happening at the frontline where more and more people are being attacked, their lives ruined by not just IDS via the DWP and its various agencies that are engaged in the war for poverty creation?
No UK-wide Media is reporting on the day to day.
Neither the BBC nor the Guardian is doing so.
To fill that gap, a campaign blog is being launched today and links to it will be posted here later.
Daily Bulletin updates will include
Looking at the “advice” agencies like the CAB
Are they doing what they should be doing or are the targets of the Neo Cons’ attacks being left to suffer without help?
How caring are the ‘caring’ bodies?
And much more!
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A useful link would be to a site on what the law tells you can do
14.05.2014 16:27
A Guardian (PRESS ASSOCIATION) 'admission' by DWP Minister Harper
18.09.2014 04:37
The GUARDIAN/PRESS ASSOCIATION report below has been commented online on the Guardian.
Delays to welfare payments for disabled people 'unacceptable', admits minister
Just under 40% of cases registered for Personal Independence Payment have been cleared in 16 months, says Mark Harper
Now this IS a surprise!
Where had this humble (NOT) minister for the disabled been all this time?
What about the rest of the Deception Want and Poverty creation (DWP) factory?
The truth is that the Neo Contempt are smelling some sort of an election in the air, in a matter of months and a bit of humility
albeit totally faked, cannot do them any harm at all.
The truth is also that the Deception Want and Poverty creation has been allowed to perpetrate the deception and want and the Poverty creation because the two so-called scrutiny outfits in Parliament have failed/neglected/been-too-incompetent- to do the job.
As well as the Public Accounts Committee and the DWP Committee both significantly chaired by “Labour” MPs (Hodge and Begg), the mainstream Media too has allowed the hundreds of thousands of wilful violations of lawful rights of claimants.
Finally, the courts system has colluded with the Neo-Contempt Collusion as well.
There has not been one single ruling either by a High Court or by the Court of Appeal or by the so-called Supreme Court that has
shed any light on the depth of depravity that has been the DWP.
With the small exception of one stunning performance by D Skinner (Bolsover) during one PMQs, MPs have, on the whole, failed to speak up against the DWP depravity even though many MPs have been in receipt of countless items of pleas, calls and desperate messages containing startling and truthful information about the depth of illegality by the DWP.
The licensed law traders beneficially hyperactive professional ficus has been on the cuts to Legal Aid, not at all on the cuts to the idea of
universal rights, on the entitlement to due process and to Constitutionality and or legality.
The DWP has been operating as a jungle that easily beats anything witnessed in the worst regimes of the former Iron Curtain states in the 1980s even up to the very last months before they ‘crumbled’!
The DWP is not so much a Government Department as it is an apparatus of denial, oppression and persecution.
There is no due process in anything it does.
And as briefly stated before, there is no legal, Parliamentary or mainstream Political pressure on it to behave in accordance with due process.
Claimants are condemned by all the parts and organs of the State to
be denied, deprived and demonised.
The Contempt Collusion has led the way with Fleet Street tabloid and the BBC following suit. De facto.
Benefit Street has not been manufactured by C4 as an accidental prank.
Long and elaborate subliminal and overt brainwashing aims had been worked out; and coercive plans to legitimise systematic deprivation denial and stigmatisation of the most needy had been done beforehand.
The three long hearings that were staged before the PAC (Chaired by Hodge) did only confirm the facts that the DWP is a lying bureaucracy paying £Billions to Big Corporations under a variety of IT scams.
This is in contrast to the persecution and obstruction of the very groups of people whose needs the DWP was apparently put in place to serve!
That has been put asunder!
The DWP is an arm of Big Corporations that are smoothly fleecing the UK Public while also accusing the very people whose lawful rights they are robbing, looting & sabotaging.
There has been no outrage by the PAC or by any other MPs Committee at the mass starvation and denial that have formed the key planks of the DWP Project for years.
Industrial Scale and Rotherham may just begin to indicate the depth and the sheer atrocity that the DWP has been allowed to inflict on decent, legal, law abiding people with absolutely unquestionable needs.
The DWP has become the modern day steamroller operated under the claim that it is about “welfare”.
That word is the most sick-making perversion of what the DWP does.
It persecutes claimants and is allowed to do so.