Self-censorship of journalism and mass manipulation by using media
AJT | 18.03.2014 23:19 | Analysis | Education | Technology | London | World
Practising self-censorship can be compared to castrating an ox; once it is
done, the ox looks like an ox, feels like an ox, may even occasionally
have fun with the cows, but is totally incapable to produce descendants.
Self-censorship has got the same kind of an effect to people, who become
slowly brain washed by the idea of some ideal world without anything
negative existing. People not questioning the case start thinking one
sided and doubting those claiming something verifiable opposite. For any
research, this would mean twisted and one sides research results ending
either into a chaos, or making humankind simple and dumb.
done, the ox looks like an ox, feels like an ox, may even occasionally
have fun with the cows, but is totally incapable to produce descendants.
Self-censorship has got the same kind of an effect to people, who become
slowly brain washed by the idea of some ideal world without anything
negative existing. People not questioning the case start thinking one
sided and doubting those claiming something verifiable opposite. For any
research, this would mean twisted and one sides research results ending
either into a chaos, or making humankind simple and dumb.
Self-censorship of Finnish journalism and mass manipulation by using media
Warning: This article is published under The Freedom of expression has
been guaranteed in paragraph 12 in The Constitution of Finland, 10th
Article of The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and
First paragraph of the 11. article of The Charter of Fundamental Rights of
the European Union. Article may contain strong language or even sometimes
language necessary to express one's point of view strong enough to
encourage avoid making mistakes under academic responsibilities. This
article can be read only by readers own risk of possible mental, physical,
or other direct or indirect damage caused. This article is copyrighted as
you may read under paragraph 'Copyrights'. Anyone considering made
observations important is recommended to print this article as Finnish
authorities have taken any domestic effort in preventing publishing
information about Finnish government and to respect what is says at
paragraph 'Copyrights'. This article is prohibited to be published in
Finland as some are never able to follow the Code and always tries to
close user account to prevent people knowing the truth. Under such
circumstances the one in charge web-page and account administration should
write down personal data of the person, his/her address, contact
information and claimed authorization to place such a page or an account
close request. As this removal request violates both domestic and
international laws mentioned, it is recommended and encouraged to send
this removal request with the identification information related to the
person requesting this removal necessary to the author via e-mail in order
placing a possible summons against the person/authority having made the
removal request and to collect the problem causer network (if any). Author
of this article does not represent any political trend, he shall not be
mixed in any right or left wing political ideology, and he shall not be
mixed to any extreme religion or such trend.
CopyrightsSelf-censorship of Finnish journalism and mass manipulation by using media
Writing negatively about Russia is forbidden in Finland. This has been
agreed among journalists and the practise is called self-censorship.
Unfortunately writing about the negative things may be a way to improve
things. Negative things should, however, be written in such a manner that
it does not insult anyone or causes as little harm as possible. Finding
our mistakes in the only way to improve ourselves. It is always much
easier to find out about someone else's mistakes, and in some cases it may
be a matter of taste, but quite a few things can be based on facts. These
'fact based things' should be spoken out and written clearly to benefit
all humankind. This is not a problem between Russia and Finland as I think
I am able to prove.
Practising self-censorship can be compared to castrating an ox; once it is
done, the ox looks like an ox, feels like an ox, may even occasionally
have fun with the cows, but is totally incapable to produce descendants.
Self-censorship has got the same kind of an effect to people, who become
slowly brain washed by the idea of some ideal world without anything
negative existing. People not questioning the case start thinking one
sided and doubting those claiming something verifiable opposite. For any
research, this would mean twisted and one sides research results ending
either into a chaos, or making humankind simple and dumb. Thus an
underlying danger exists in the technique used by the Finnish Journalism
and Journalist; they may produce living goofs. These days less however,
thanks to Internet and foreign media channels. I give a practical example
of a real life, were such or a bit similar technique has been used: * Few
years ago, I was shocked to read some news story of a child in Russia
who's mother raised him behind a locked door having only some Budgerigars
to communicate with. As the child was only offered food but lacked all
other communication, he was only able to chirp by whistling like the birds
he had lived when the child was found. Obvious this somehow mentally
insane mother succeeded to cause a life time trauma to her child and the
psychologists were pondering if Russian the teen age child could still
learn to speak. Finnish self-censorship and self-censorship generally
speaking is aiming for the same result. I leave proofing this claim to
psychiatrist and psychologist, as I am not 'a qualified expert' in this
* Based on a news story, but the reference has not been found or verified.
Other kind of a problem is mass manipulation by using media. Finland does
not allow certain kind of news or comments to be published, but is at the
same time using its mass media to manipulate masses. This topic should be
inspected at practice level by international journalists and universities
by using a collection set of articles to see how many different variety
and style media publishes. On a personal level I did notice I was not able
to publish any news against Finnish (or international) Police or Legal
Machinery, even with some hard academic evidence (f.x. 16 days probe on
1500 news sources with screened topics of crimes committed by government
officials with case evidence and court judgements etc.). The only way to
publish the results was to use open media like Independent Media Center
and several newsgroups, which did not reach the target audience, but one
the other hand secured the findings to be public. My personal viewpoint
formed on the publishing attempts is the fact of Finnish Journalists being
a bit vulgar, dumb and easy story pickers. Also I noticed time after time
systematic procedure, were negative news explaining about the problems
caused by the police and legal machinery were removed shortly while after
being published. All domestic media owners rejected negative articles
describing the bad things caused by Finnish Socialists and Communists. I
was able too keep written summons on a Finnish newsgroup by calling a
professor in charge and by explaining to him there is a legal fraud
committed by the police and legal reps. The only Finnish Independent Media
Center was publishing only socialistic news and rejected all other news
items. I did not find a single open free access news platform funded by a
capitalist (via platform advertisements for instance). There may been or
is a social order for those running their small businesses to write about
their points of view and businesses to an open media in stead of
publishing their news via few giants, as most of these giants' readers may
not even have heard about these small businesses or are not even
interested in.
As Finnish right wing politicians, police and legal reps. noticed few
people's writing attempts of their own articles and publishing them, they
wrote a new law saying each 'newspaper' must have an editor in chief in
charge of everything published on a platform. This ended the time of
newsgroups and open media platforms since the story telling is based on
individuals who contribute on voluntary bases without a fee and who are in
charge themselves of their own writings, not the editor-in-chief (an idea
too complex for a Finnish legal rep.). A person running an open publishing
platform or newsgroup system administrator can not earn his living by
reading articles written by others as these systems are usually run by
hobbyists to guarantee the freedom of a speech and written word.
One may read the draft copy (needs proofreading, styling and editing)
from by
logging in Facebook.
Copyright © 2013-2014 by Åke Tyvi
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case
of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests,
write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at
the address below.
Warning: This article is published under The Freedom of expression has
been guaranteed in paragraph 12 in The Constitution of Finland, 10th
Article of The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and
First paragraph of the 11. article of The Charter of Fundamental Rights of
the European Union. Article may contain strong language or even sometimes
language necessary to express one's point of view strong enough to
encourage avoid making mistakes under academic responsibilities. This
article can be read only by readers own risk of possible mental, physical,
or other direct or indirect damage caused. This article is copyrighted as
you may read under paragraph 'Copyrights'. Anyone considering made
observations important is recommended to print this article as Finnish
authorities have taken any domestic effort in preventing publishing
information about Finnish government and to respect what is says at
paragraph 'Copyrights'. This article is prohibited to be published in
Finland as some are never able to follow the Code and always tries to
close user account to prevent people knowing the truth. Under such
circumstances the one in charge web-page and account administration should
write down personal data of the person, his/her address, contact
information and claimed authorization to place such a page or an account
close request. As this removal request violates both domestic and
international laws mentioned, it is recommended and encouraged to send
this removal request with the identification information related to the
person requesting this removal necessary to the author via e-mail in order
placing a possible summons against the person/authority having made the
removal request and to collect the problem causer network (if any). Author
of this article does not represent any political trend, he shall not be
mixed in any right or left wing political ideology, and he shall not be
mixed to any extreme religion or such trend.
CopyrightsSelf-censorship of Finnish journalism and mass manipulation by using media
Writing negatively about Russia is forbidden in Finland. This has been
agreed among journalists and the practise is called self-censorship.
Unfortunately writing about the negative things may be a way to improve
things. Negative things should, however, be written in such a manner that
it does not insult anyone or causes as little harm as possible. Finding
our mistakes in the only way to improve ourselves. It is always much
easier to find out about someone else's mistakes, and in some cases it may
be a matter of taste, but quite a few things can be based on facts. These
'fact based things' should be spoken out and written clearly to benefit
all humankind. This is not a problem between Russia and Finland as I think
I am able to prove.
Practising self-censorship can be compared to castrating an ox; once it is
done, the ox looks like an ox, feels like an ox, may even occasionally
have fun with the cows, but is totally incapable to produce descendants.
Self-censorship has got the same kind of an effect to people, who become
slowly brain washed by the idea of some ideal world without anything
negative existing. People not questioning the case start thinking one
sided and doubting those claiming something verifiable opposite. For any
research, this would mean twisted and one sides research results ending
either into a chaos, or making humankind simple and dumb. Thus an
underlying danger exists in the technique used by the Finnish Journalism
and Journalist; they may produce living goofs. These days less however,
thanks to Internet and foreign media channels. I give a practical example
of a real life, were such or a bit similar technique has been used: * Few
years ago, I was shocked to read some news story of a child in Russia
who's mother raised him behind a locked door having only some Budgerigars
to communicate with. As the child was only offered food but lacked all
other communication, he was only able to chirp by whistling like the birds
he had lived when the child was found. Obvious this somehow mentally
insane mother succeeded to cause a life time trauma to her child and the
psychologists were pondering if Russian the teen age child could still
learn to speak. Finnish self-censorship and self-censorship generally
speaking is aiming for the same result. I leave proofing this claim to
psychiatrist and psychologist, as I am not 'a qualified expert' in this
* Based on a news story, but the reference has not been found or verified.
Other kind of a problem is mass manipulation by using media. Finland does
not allow certain kind of news or comments to be published, but is at the
same time using its mass media to manipulate masses. This topic should be
inspected at practice level by international journalists and universities
by using a collection set of articles to see how many different variety
and style media publishes. On a personal level I did notice I was not able
to publish any news against Finnish (or international) Police or Legal
Machinery, even with some hard academic evidence (f.x. 16 days probe on
1500 news sources with screened topics of crimes committed by government
officials with case evidence and court judgements etc.). The only way to
publish the results was to use open media like Independent Media Center
and several newsgroups, which did not reach the target audience, but one
the other hand secured the findings to be public. My personal viewpoint
formed on the publishing attempts is the fact of Finnish Journalists being
a bit vulgar, dumb and easy story pickers. Also I noticed time after time
systematic procedure, were negative news explaining about the problems
caused by the police and legal machinery were removed shortly while after
being published. All domestic media owners rejected negative articles
describing the bad things caused by Finnish Socialists and Communists. I
was able too keep written summons on a Finnish newsgroup by calling a
professor in charge and by explaining to him there is a legal fraud
committed by the police and legal reps. The only Finnish Independent Media
Center was publishing only socialistic news and rejected all other news
items. I did not find a single open free access news platform funded by a
capitalist (via platform advertisements for instance). There may been or
is a social order for those running their small businesses to write about
their points of view and businesses to an open media in stead of
publishing their news via few giants, as most of these giants' readers may
not even have heard about these small businesses or are not even
interested in.
As Finnish right wing politicians, police and legal reps. noticed few
people's writing attempts of their own articles and publishing them, they
wrote a new law saying each 'newspaper' must have an editor in chief in
charge of everything published on a platform. This ended the time of
newsgroups and open media platforms since the story telling is based on
individuals who contribute on voluntary bases without a fee and who are in
charge themselves of their own writings, not the editor-in-chief (an idea
too complex for a Finnish legal rep.). A person running an open publishing
platform or newsgroup system administrator can not earn his living by
reading articles written by others as these systems are usually run by
hobbyists to guarantee the freedom of a speech and written word.
One may read the draft copy (needs proofreading, styling and editing)

logging in Facebook.
Copyright © 2013-2014 by Åke Tyvi
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case
of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests,
write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at
the address below.