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Crimeans Choose Russia

Waldemar Borsoy | 18.03.2014 16:57 | History | Social Struggles | London | World

March 16 was historic. It was important. Crimean authorities showed how real democracy works. They shamed America's sham process. Monied interests control things. People have no say. Both major parties control a rigged process. They're two sides of the same coin. Not a dime's worth of difference separates them. Independent candidates are virtually shut out. Americans get the best democracy money can buy. Crimeans got the real thing. International observers praised the process. Voting went peacefully and smoothly.

It was scrupulously open, free, and fair. No irregularities occurred. None were seen. No pressure. No intimidation.

Not a single Russian soldier in sight. None invaded. None occupy Crimea. Claims otherwise are false. They're Western propaganda. They're malicious lies.

Turnout was impressive. It was unprecedented. It exceeded 83%. In Sevastopol, it was 89.5%.

Over 1.274 million Crimeans voted. Plus Sevastopol residents excluded from this total. ......... more ............ by Stephen Lendman

Waldemar Borsoy


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About Steve Lendman .....

18.03.2014 17:09

Steve Lendman . Stephen Lendman was born in 1934 in Boston, MA. In 1956, he received a BA from Harvard University. Two years of US Army ...

Dr. Watson