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human relational affinity group (Robert Manners) | 17.03.2014 22:55

Putting out a proposition for a social affinity group I'm hoping to set up, for residents of Nottingham City.



My name is Rob and im a senior trainee person centred psychotherapist and counsellor.  Many of you will no doubt be aware of the recent research conducted suggesting that lonliness can be just as dangerous to our health as other, more medically and politically focused, physical health conditions. You will also no doubt be aware of the rise in isolation, economic strain and homelessness that seems absurd in 21st century Britain.


With this in mind,  im hoping to set up a small group by hiring a room in a central location in Nottingham.  The groups function will be its lack of structure in a sense; I want to promote a social environment,  free from judgement and hierarchy,  in which individuals can come together,  perhaps once a fortnight, and merly take part in the group dynamic.  You may bring artwork,  music, poetry, dance or simply the weeks events, and share your self with the group in a non judgemental,  empathic and respectful setting. I will utilise my qualities to facilitate the group, but in no way intend to have any power over it; this will be very much about power with eachother. I will also ask that we contract and agree upon respecting eachother as individuals.


The aim is to bring human community together,  in the face of a seemingly declining and increasingly challenging society outside for many if us.


As of yet, the plan is still currently in development,  but im hoping to gather a focus of interest; if you have any questions, suggestions or are merely just interested,  please do contact me! It would be a pleasure to hear from you, and hopefully I can gather up an idea of the number of people who may attend.


Thank you


Warm regards


Rob Manners (Robert Manners)