56 Oil Billionaires
solarity | 13.03.2014 22:39 | Animal Liberation | Ecology | Social Struggles | London | World
Oil belongs to a country, not to privateers. Petroplutocrats have destroyed the environment, have pricegouged the poor and all, have caused coups in socialist countries like Iran in 1953, have assassinated people, have caused runaway inflation, have conspired since the early 1900's to destroy train systems and electric car industries.
Petroplutocrat pricegougers, polluters and purloiners of people power:
King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud 66.8 billion Saudi Arabia
Sheik Khalifa Bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan 50.1 billion Abu Dhabi
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum 41.7 billion UAE
Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah 40.1 billion Brunei
Charles Koch 34 billion US
David Koch 34 billion US
Len Blavatnik 18.7 billion Ukraine
Mukesh Ambani 18.6 billion India
Mikhail Fridman 17.6 billion *
King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands 16.7 billion Royal Dutch Shell and other holdings Netherlands
Sheikh Sabah IV bin Ahmad Al-Sabah 15 billion Kuwait
Mohammed Al Amoudi 15.3 billion Saudi Arabia
John Paulson 13.5 billion US hedge fund invested in oil etc.
Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani 11.7 billion Qatar
Harold Hamm fracker 11.3 billion US
Eike Batista of Brazil 10.6 billion
Sultan Qaboos Bin Said As-Said 10.2 billion Oman
George Kaiser 10 billion US
Phil Anschutz 10 billion US
Kinder Morgan 9.8 billion US
Dannine Duncan Avara 6.3 billion US
Scott Duncan 6.3 billion US
Randa Duncan Williams 6.3 billion US
Milane Duncan Frantz 6.3 billion US
Ray Lee Hunt 5.6 billion US *
King Hamad ibn Isa Al Khalifa 5.7 Bahrain
Jeffrey Hildebrand 5.5 billion US
Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahayan 4.9 billion UAE
Robert Rowling 4.9 billion US
Trevor Rees-Jones 4.5 billion US
George Bishop 3.5 billion US
Lynn Schusterman 3.5 billion US
Robert Holding 3.2 billion US
John Arnold 2.8 billion US
Kelcy Warren 2.7 billion US
Robert Bass 2.7 billion
Rod Lewis 2.6 billion US
Tim Headington 2.5 billion US
N Murray Edwards 2.2 billion Canada *
Ed Bass 2 billion US
Lee Bass 2 billion US
George Mitchel 2 billion US
Ayman Asfari 1.85 billion UK
Sid Bass 1.8 billion US
David Einhorn 1.6 billion US
Ray Davis 1.6 billion US
Fawzi Al-Kharafi 1.25 billion Kuwait *
Jassem Al-Kharafi 1.25 billion Kuwait
Mohannad Al-Kharafi 1.25 billion Kuwait
Bassam Alghanim 1.2 billion Kuwait
Kutayba Alghanim 1.2 billion Kuwait
T Boone Pickens 1.2 billion US
William Macaulay 1.1 billion US runs First Reserve, hedge fund focused on oil
Daniel Harrison III 1.1 billion US
Paul Foster 1.1 billion US
John Watson CEO of Chevron, a company which helped begin the Afghan war.
Besides the oil and gas billionaires are their pawns in the governors' chairs and
senate and representative seats of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana etc. Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz of Texas,
Coburn and Inhofe of Oklahoma, Mary Landrieu and David Vitter of Louisiana, Governor Rick Perry of Texas,
Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana are some.
330 224 3121 to speak to the staff of the pawns of the oil prostitutes on Capitol Hill
Republican David Jolly, former lobbyist for the offshore drilling industry, has been in a special election
sent to Washington. Untold secret dollars flowed to him from those who wouldn't
mind another BP disaster in the Gulf, Shell disaster in the Niger Delta, or Exxon disaster in the waters off
of Alaska.
Ray Lee Hunt of Hunt Oil is on the list. One of his relatives once said "Deals under 100 mil are for shoe clerks'"
Mikhail Fridman is one of the oligarchs who stole from the Russian people during the
G H W Bush-CIA-Harvard economist arranged privatization of Russia in 1991.
N Murray Edwards and Harold Hamm are promoting the attempt to put a pipeline from Canada and
Northern US to New Orleans, a plan rejected by Canadian voters.
Kuwait was formed in the 20th Century when Anglo Iranian Oil, soon to be BP, with the help of their oil
engineers, carved the richest oil province from Iraq and installed a puppet on a newly created throne.
Agatha Christie objected to this in her books. G H W Bush was involved in slant drilling from Kuwait into
Iraq in order to provoke Saddam Hussein into invading Kuwait.
Dan Duncan has 4 billionaire children. He was arrested in Russia for airplane hunting of endangered species.
George Mitchell is unique among oil billionaires in stating the government should step up regulation of fracking.
Einhorn has invested his hedge fund in oil among other things.
Many of the Texas billionaires on the list spend money electing the Texecution governors.
Want to know who's ripping you off?
TransCanada tries to seize US land under eminent domain to force a pipeline on the US, one which Canadian citizens
have rejected.
William Macaulay 1.1 billion US runs First Reserve, hedge fund focused on oil
Queen Elizabeth II 100.2 billion some of it in British Petroleum UK but she does not directly control this.
King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud 66.8 billion Saudi Arabia
Sheik Khalifa Bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan 50.1 billion Abu Dhabi
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum 41.7 billion UAE
Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah 40.1 billion Brunei
Charles Koch 34 billion US
David Koch 34 billion US
Len Blavatnik 18.7 billion Ukraine
Mukesh Ambani 18.6 billion India
Mikhail Fridman 17.6 billion *
King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands 16.7 billion Royal Dutch Shell and other holdings Netherlands
Sheikh Sabah IV bin Ahmad Al-Sabah 15 billion Kuwait
Mohammed Al Amoudi 15.3 billion Saudi Arabia
John Paulson 13.5 billion US hedge fund invested in oil etc.
Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani 11.7 billion Qatar
Harold Hamm fracker 11.3 billion US
Eike Batista of Brazil 10.6 billion
Sultan Qaboos Bin Said As-Said 10.2 billion Oman
George Kaiser 10 billion US
Phil Anschutz 10 billion US
Kinder Morgan 9.8 billion US
Dannine Duncan Avara 6.3 billion US
Scott Duncan 6.3 billion US
Randa Duncan Williams 6.3 billion US
Milane Duncan Frantz 6.3 billion US
Ray Lee Hunt 5.6 billion US *
King Hamad ibn Isa Al Khalifa 5.7 Bahrain
Jeffrey Hildebrand 5.5 billion US
Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahayan 4.9 billion UAE
Robert Rowling 4.9 billion US
Trevor Rees-Jones 4.5 billion US
George Bishop 3.5 billion US
Lynn Schusterman 3.5 billion US
Robert Holding 3.2 billion US
John Arnold 2.8 billion US
Kelcy Warren 2.7 billion US
Robert Bass 2.7 billion
Rod Lewis 2.6 billion US
Tim Headington 2.5 billion US
N Murray Edwards 2.2 billion Canada *
Ed Bass 2 billion US
Lee Bass 2 billion US
George Mitchel 2 billion US
Ayman Asfari 1.85 billion UK
Sid Bass 1.8 billion US
David Einhorn 1.6 billion US
Ray Davis 1.6 billion US
Fawzi Al-Kharafi 1.25 billion Kuwait *
Jassem Al-Kharafi 1.25 billion Kuwait
Mohannad Al-Kharafi 1.25 billion Kuwait
Bassam Alghanim 1.2 billion Kuwait
Kutayba Alghanim 1.2 billion Kuwait
T Boone Pickens 1.2 billion US
William Macaulay 1.1 billion US runs First Reserve, hedge fund focused on oil
Daniel Harrison III 1.1 billion US
Paul Foster 1.1 billion US
John Watson CEO of Chevron, a company which helped begin the Afghan war.
Besides the oil and gas billionaires are their pawns in the governors' chairs and
senate and representative seats of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana etc. Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz of Texas,
Coburn and Inhofe of Oklahoma, Mary Landrieu and David Vitter of Louisiana, Governor Rick Perry of Texas,
Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana are some.
330 224 3121 to speak to the staff of the pawns of the oil prostitutes on Capitol Hill
Republican David Jolly, former lobbyist for the offshore drilling industry, has been in a special election
sent to Washington. Untold secret dollars flowed to him from those who wouldn't
mind another BP disaster in the Gulf, Shell disaster in the Niger Delta, or Exxon disaster in the waters off
of Alaska.
Ray Lee Hunt of Hunt Oil is on the list. One of his relatives once said "Deals under 100 mil are for shoe clerks'"
Mikhail Fridman is one of the oligarchs who stole from the Russian people during the
G H W Bush-CIA-Harvard economist arranged privatization of Russia in 1991.
N Murray Edwards and Harold Hamm are promoting the attempt to put a pipeline from Canada and
Northern US to New Orleans, a plan rejected by Canadian voters.
Kuwait was formed in the 20th Century when Anglo Iranian Oil, soon to be BP, with the help of their oil
engineers, carved the richest oil province from Iraq and installed a puppet on a newly created throne.
Agatha Christie objected to this in her books. G H W Bush was involved in slant drilling from Kuwait into
Iraq in order to provoke Saddam Hussein into invading Kuwait.
Dan Duncan has 4 billionaire children. He was arrested in Russia for airplane hunting of endangered species.
George Mitchell is unique among oil billionaires in stating the government should step up regulation of fracking.
Einhorn has invested his hedge fund in oil among other things.
Many of the Texas billionaires on the list spend money electing the Texecution governors.
Want to know who's ripping you off?

TransCanada tries to seize US land under eminent domain to force a pipeline on the US, one which Canadian citizens
have rejected.

William Macaulay 1.1 billion US runs First Reserve, hedge fund focused on oil
Queen Elizabeth II 100.2 billion some of it in British Petroleum UK but she does not directly control this.