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The Search is on for Mystery Diners in Sheffield

Natalie Wagstaff | 13.03.2014 13:52 | Sheffield

Leading UK hospitality business, The Mystery Dining Company, is recruiting for mystery diners in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. Mystery Diners are volunteers who offer their time to visit a range of restaurants and complete a report about their experience. The reports are then paid for by the hospitality operators who find them invaluable in understanding the experience from a customer's perspective

Mystery Dining in Sheffield
Mystery Dining in Sheffield

Leading UK hospitality business, The Mystery Dining Company, is recruiting for mystery diners in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. The company has been working with leading hospitality businesses for over a decade and has recently had a high demand for students under the age of 30 years in Sheffield to dine at a variety of restaurants on campus.

Mystery Diners are volunteers who offer their time to visit a range of restaurants and complete a report about their experience. The reports are then paid for by the hospitality operators who find them invaluable in understanding the experience from a customer's perspective. They are used to improve standards in the hospitality industry and reward well-performing staff.

The Mystery Dining Company was founded in Bath, England, in 2003 and they continue to support thousands of restaurants, pubs, hotels and caterers in over 20 countries. Businesses know them as HospitalityGEM as they provide a range of Guest Experience Management services in addition to mystery dining.

Mystery dining allows people to save money and eat out more often than usual. Many diners say it encourages them to eat out regularly with their friends and family who often enjoy the “secret assignment” nature of the meal.

Mystery Dining is the ideal role for anyone who enjoys good food and appreciates good customer service. Applicants should have a good command of written English with good observation skills and the ability to write accurate, detailed reports. They should also have a genuine passion for eating out.

To become a mystery diner for Sheffield, apply directly by visiting their website. Keep up to date with The Mystery Dining Company on Facebook and Twitter.

Natalie Wagstaff
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