Gordon Brown to the rescue
huggis | 12.03.2014 13:13 | London | World
The failed unelected former-prime minister Gordon Brown has stepped into the Scottish independence debate. Armed with a new constitution that he welds like a big sword, he hopes to kill off the aspirations of the independence movement with one big swing. His new constitution has done the independence movement a massive service, because this constitution basically states that Scotland and England should share power. And this begs the question, why should Scotland and England share power? He thinks that in some areas like defence, taxes, housing, employment, and unemployment there should be power sharing. But why bother with power sharing? Why do Scotland and England need to hold hands over issues like housing and employment, or transport or economic regeneration? Is he suggesting that on every issue there should be some kind of cross-border committee to discuss how each nation should administer their own affairs? Sounds like a constitutional nightmare. His ideas on defence are interesting, for example Scotland and England to share resources, but does this also mean that Scotland will have a say on where the nuclear weapons are based and stored? Will Scotland have an opt out in the case of another illegal war? Will Westminster still expect naval bombardments at Cape Wrath, or depleted uranium testing at Dundrennan? Will MoD have to tell the Scottish government whenever there is a radiation leak, or will they just keep quiet and hope nobody notices? This constitution basically states that the Labour party are desperate.