Jews and mixed marriage
Markus Wolfe | 13.02.2014 18:05
It is remarkable how the Jewish part of a mixed marriage inevitably dominates over the gentile part of the family. You obviously can’t be born with those feelings so it has to be indoctrination, or choose another word if you like. There are so many examples. Hans Bethe was one of the key people that developed the atomic bomb. He was a German born to a German father and a Jewish mother (or the other way around, I forgot). He came to America and worked with the few key others that built a bomb to drop on Germans. He didn’t have to work on his project, but he chose to. About 15 years ago I read a book by the former East German spy chief. He was born to a Jewish father and a German mother. They left Germany and moved to the Soviet Union in the 30′s. His father was a committed communist as were both his sons. He barely mentions his German mother in the entire book and it’s obvious his father was the primary influence on his life. He says he has brothers and sisters that he’s never met on several continents because his father was a philanderer, but he mentions it almost with pride. Maybe not quite, but it didn’t bother him in the least. In a coffee shop I met a Croatian acquaintance and we talked several times. One of his parents was Jewish and the other Croatian (during WW II Croatians generally sided with the Germans). Again, I forget which side was Jewish. He told me his entire family was “wiped out” (I think that’s the term he used) by the Germans. He was referring to the Jewish side of his family. I wanted to ask him if the relatives of his other parent weren’t part of his family too. They might have been wiped out too, but that would have been by communists, but there was no mention of this.
It is my understanding that In Germany under the NAZIS there were several things that would exempt a Jew from the discriminatory laws. If a Jew served in the army in WW I he was exempt from any discrimination and if someone was 1/4 Jewish he could continue his life without threat of being thrown in a camp or losing his career. Gustav Hertz was a German Nobel Prize winning scientist. He was 1/4 Jewish. He maintained his career during the war and worked for Siemens. After WW II he went to the Soviet Union to help them build the atom bomb. I don’t know under what circumstances he became a part of the project, but it’s interesting he ended up working for Germany’s ideological enemy.
Markus Wolfe