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Crash on Demand - Holmgren and Foss

Alex Smith | 02.02.2014 18:53 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Energy Crisis

Do we need to break the system to save the climate? Permaculture co-founder David Holmgren says "yes", in rare radio interview. Then Nicole Foss replies. Plus Alex's climate music.

Good break point at 26:35 for those who need it.

Last week on Radio Ecoshock we looked at a growing group of activists, authors and scientists who say only a serious economic crash could save us from climate doom.

Now we'll talk with the man who started this flurry, the co-founder of the permaculture movement, Australian David Holmgren, in a rare radio interview.

I'll follow that up with reaction from Canadian finance and alternatives expert Nicole Foss from

If you care about the future, this is radio you won't want to miss.

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Don't bother

03.02.2014 00:38

An economic crash now too little too late to prevent an ecological crash. And the ecological crash will cause an economic one.

It might be useless to point this out but (messengers bringing unacceptable messages may be shot and in any case the messages unheeded).

1) There are NO possible sustainable models that would support Britain's current population on Britain's ecological base.
2) There is insufficient time remaining for the population to reduce gradually and relatively painlessly.

Of course, you are in company in this regard as the same problem exists for most places on this planet. There are no GOOD answers to the fix we are in; only ones that might be less bad than doing nothing.