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Darko Mathers- into the nihilist black

Marius Jacob | 29.01.2014 21:44 | Cambridge | South Coast

Our friend, co-d and staunch comrade Darko Mathers has gone too far , too soon yet again. Only this time there is no return.....

From 325 magazine--

January 29th, 2014

I will wander the world alone carrying my hatred and scorn everywhere.
Alone in struggle.
Alone in victory and in defeat.
Bruno Filippi

Our friend Darko Mathers, one of the brightest minds of his generation, nihilist-anarchist and comrade of Dark Matter Publications and the website is dead.

Darko was the one of the few; intelligent, articulate, original and brave. His thinking had ranged from anarchist-syndicalism to insurrectional nihilist-anarchy. He also liked Class War (the newspaper), because it was close to many ordinary peoples thinking, as he saw it.

The last time we spoke to each other was in December of 2013. Darko had really developed his ideas, and our exchanges were on a new level. He spoke very eloquently about his interest in chaos, the art and writing of Austin Osman Spare and the anti-civilisation critique, but he seemed to be a little bit lost, and struggling against the pull of a much greater self-destruction. I tried to warn him but to no avail, and to my regret. We were due to meet again soon, but now I will conserve my words for the limitless sky.

I remember one time we were sitting around the first year I met him, 2011, trying to figure out who each other was, and he related to me that reading Max Stirner whilst taking Psilocybin at an early age of 14 had propelled him towards what he was. I didn’t doubt it. He was a reckless genius.

Darko was in his early twenties. He died too soon, like many of the best.

Into the void, my friend, we’ll meet again in the stars.



Souls who are grieving for this world, this is why I call you to gather together.
The flag is already waving.
It is black; it stands for mourning. Forward then, wild Promethei. The cry of vengeance is music sweet and dear.
Today it is necessary to kill, to destroy … tomorrow we will be daisies …
Forward, Federation of Sorrow!
Bruno Filippi

The last time I saw Darko Mathers, we spent a wonderful three days together, sharing writing, thoughts, conspiracies and finally putting together the pamphlet critiquing Civil Anarchism which was a term that he had coined. As usual, I found myself astounded by the coherence, breadth and eloquence of Darko’s political analysis. He was a wild, thoughtful, enquiring, compassionate, and brilliant man, slightly lost amongst a generation in whom he could find few equals. I am proud to have known him and I will miss his company, his sensitivity and affection. I hope he knew how greatly I admired him.

Nothing delicate can survive here.
Nothing fine.
Only the brutal.
Seagulls brash as boys.
The rest sit thin-skinned as frogs,
trying to throw themselves like the sun into the formidable sea.

So, farewell for now, my friend, until the next round of magic and mayhem against civilisation.



Marius Jacob


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You "wander the world ALONE carrying (your) hatred and scorn"

29.01.2014 23:32

No surprise that 325 / "nostate" (sic) pillock/s, ketamine users and agent-provocatuers, were into an occultist idiot like Austin Osman Spare (involved as Spare was with the racist Aleister Crowley)

"Alone in struggle. Alone in victory and in defeat"? Except for you there was no "victory", only DEFEAT

You understood NOTHING about Class War, and will indeed "wander the world ALONE carrying (your) hatred and scorn everywhere". Stay the fuck out of radical politics, we don't need nutters like you

Your pomposity, your relentless vanity, your shit poetry, your moronic political agent-provocateurism


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Since you mentioned Cambridge

29.01.2014 23:45

Since you mentioned Cambridge, I'm guessing maybe this guy want the CUNT that tried to pretend a fire-bomb attack on a car-dealership (which even the police admitted had nothing to do with activism) had to do with 325 "favourites" the Conspiracy Cells of Undercover Cops


east sheen

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think about it

30.01.2014 10:35

to the posters of the comments above:
however you disagree with his politics tossing insults at someone's dead friend and comrade on the internet is just about as low as you can go
if you're not cops or fascists then, for your own good, take a minute to think a bit about what's making you act like that


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30.01.2014 10:56

Indymedia is a fucking sewer.

Fuck you

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IMC UK is an interactive site offering inclusive participation. All postings to the open publishing newswire are the responsibility of the individual authors and not of IMC UK. Although IMC UK volunteers attempt to ensure accuracy of the newswire, they take no responsibility legal or otherwise for the contents of the open publishing site. Mention of external web sites or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.

κούφα σοι χθὼν ἐπάνωθε πέσοι

30.01.2014 12:18

Sit tibi terra levis. May the earth lie lightly on you.

Re. "Indymedia is a sewer".
Agreed. The comments on this post are despicable. Open newswire and comments is an ideal that needs an active community to keep it alive. UK indymedia these days seems no more than a sewer of trolls, cops, fascists, conspiracy theorists, authoritarians, lunatics, with a very few optimists trying to keep believing. And the few real action posts are now getting taken down, whether out of fear or ideology or confusion or who knows. There seems little hope of re-making a community that will take care of the site and moderate it effectively. Time to move on.


Darko Mather / Maver

31.01.2014 00:59

Wasn't Darko Mather / Maver a Luther Blissett hoax way back in 1999 - 2000.. I seem to remember a fake artist iin a Balkan State ex Yugoslavia .. In any case is there anything in this article vaguely related to news ?

Are they related ??

Over the course of 1998 and 1999, Luther Blissett fed the art world with stories about a controversial Serbian sculptor and performance artist, Darko Maver, who makes life-sized pieces looking like brutalized, bloody corpses, which seemingly led the state to censor his art and imprison him for anti-social conduct. His work was displayed in Bologna and Rome and prestigious art magazines published a solidarity appeal, while some respected critics claimed to personally know the artist, who eventually died in confinement during a NATO bombing following pictures of the body to appear on the internet. The truth was uncovered only after the seppuku-end of the Luther Blissett Project in 1999. The alleged work of Darko Maver were pictures of actual corpses, and his supposed dead body was simply a photo of a Sicilian member of the Luther Blissett Project.

Once upon a Turd

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