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BNP receive donation of £280,000. Why won't they say who from?

Antic | 27.01.2014 14:38

The BNP in its latest submission to the Electoral Commission has shown a donation of £280,000 but no information as to who it is from.

The amount is shown as "a loan with no repay date" this is often used to hide the identity of donors but any organisation with such close links to Fascism does not deserve the same rules as legitimate political parties.

We are calling on the Electoral Commission to force the BNP to reveal the name of this Nazi supporter.



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Did you REALLY mean to say that?

27.01.2014 15:18

"...... but any organisation with such close links to Fascism does not deserve the same rules as legitimate political parties."

Do you not understand the implications of that? Just because fascism or one party socialism or whatever would claim to define the right of other political opinions to be legitimate or not does not mean that anybody claiming to be democratic can do so. Sorry, but the *ssholes and idiots have the right to their awful political opinions and to organize political parties to support those views. With democracy, the wrongheaded get just as much right to vote as we right thinking folk.

I understand that you might not agree with that BUT in that case you should not be so quick to call OTHER people fascist!


Some rights for not for all people

27.01.2014 15:28

Never thought I would see a defender of the BNP on IMC !

If you seriously can't see why there should be different rules for the Far Right I can't help you.


Possible donor

27.01.2014 16:31

This could well be via the Northern Irish registered "Knights of Albion" organisation that made the UKIP donation in the summer. The circumstances and amounts are very similar.

The BNP has also been receiving funds from Italy and France. The French National Front gave them £50,000 in August last year as part of what they called a "European support grant" and the National Alliance in Italy via a personal gift from Gianfranco Fini for what he described as "protection of democratic parties" loan.

This flowing of funds between all the European Right is likely a tax avoidance scam as they mostly don't care that much about each other.

Fash watch

Where do anarchists get their money from?

27.01.2014 17:03

Where do anarchists get their money from? The filthy drug dealing, terrorist scumbags! It is time to smash the anarchists once and for all!

Anarchist watch

No platform

27.01.2014 17:07

I agree, the rules for those who subscribe to a Fascist ideology do need to be different, why should they have the protection affored to democratic organisations that respect the law and the people.

There is no platform for Fascism and for their front groups, long may it continue.


Do keep up

27.01.2014 18:25

The 280k was left in a will to the BNP from an ex pat living in Spain. His two sons are disputing the will as their father has not been on the electoral roll for 5 years.
It is at present awaiting a judgement from the high court to who gets the money, the sons or the BNP.
It was widely reported in the media before Xmas.


Are you THAT blinded by your ideologies?

27.01.2014 20:47

Silly, very silly, and those of you who interpreted what I posted as defending the BNP had better take a look in the mirror before you call anybody fascist.

I was defending DEMOCRACY. You maybe have heard the term but apparently do not grasp the fundamental concepts.

Democracy is NOT about the right of those of us on the left to organize and to have our political parties considered legitimate. It is not about right minded people having the vote. It is for EVERYBODY, even including those who would deprive some of us of our rights.

So yes, I believe the BNP folks have the right to have their political party considered legitimate. I also think "commies" have the right to have their political party considered legitimate. And although kind of hard to conceive of them wanting a party, even anarchists. Ge tit? EVERYBODY.



28.01.2014 09:19

Your cries of only defending 'democracy' don't ring true. You sound like one of those shirt and tie fash who stroll between the BNP and UKIP not sure where to find a home.

Indymedia is not the right place for you.


Keeping up

30.01.2014 17:05

We are aware of that will bequest but this is different, the £280,0000 number is an amount the BNP very much like because it is just beneath the EU decleration amount where MEP parties must declare the giver.

The latest info we have is that this is via a Jersey bank and was followed by another payment from the same person for the same amount just after the year end so it will not show up in the 2013 figures although the BNP has already got the money.


A previous News Item of Interest

04.02.2014 23:29

It was suggested, previously, that the Official Reciever for Nick Griffin has a material interest in the finances of the BNP. It would be prudent for Mr Griffin to ensure that it was not a donation from himself. That would be contrary to the restrictions arising from Bankruptcy. If a Bankrupt were to donate to a Party whose Finances he can, arguably, control then it would be a matter of interest.

Nick Griffins Accountant