save the meadsothe meads
save the meads campaign | 21.01.2014 20:16
Many people of Bridgwater have objected to the proposed development of 'The Meads' and surrounding greenbelt on land south of Durleigh Road in Bridgwater. Many people believe this development to be illegal as the land allocated for this development was never passed by the planning inspectorate.
Although the proposed housing development isn't actually on 'The Meads' but south and on elevated ground of said area, we believe it would have a determental impact on wildlife connected with the said area.
Objections came in the form of official documents submitted to Sedgemoor District Council Planning with over 65 people voicing their concerns. An online petition was signed by over 650 people. Although the council chose not to recognise this petition we feel it is still relevent and you can still sign it as we will be forwarding this again within the next couple of weeks. You can view and sign the petiton by following the link;
;or go to Google and type in; 'Sedgemoor District Council: Stop the proposed development of an 'Eco Park' on The Meads in Bridgwater'.
Another paper petition with over 250 signatures have all been seen and ignored by our council. We therefore are looking to raise funds for a judicial review and if need be, a court case. Your funding will help to:
Pay for a solicitor to undertake a judicial review.
Pay for a court case if this need be.
As of 23rd December 2013 planning permission was granted to Summerfields Developers to go ahead with the said development.
What We Need & What You Get
Initially we need funds to pay a solicitor to ascertain whether the proposed development is illegal. On conclusion and depending on if this development is indeed illegal, we will need funding to pay for a court process.
Although we are not sure of the total cost of this campaign, the initial expenses are:
To hire a solicitor for a judicial review will cost approx. £1.500.
To hire a barrister will cost approx. £1,500.
Initial court costs will be approx. (This is the very first stage and we envisage this may be much higher) £6.000.
Indiegogo charges approx. £1,400.
Funds above and beyond £10,000 will be used to facilitate further stages of the judicial review as it progresses if and when needed.
Any additional funds will be added at a later date.
Any surplace funds will be donated to the Environmental Law Foundation who have agreed to help us fight this development.
The Impact
We all agree that Bridgwater is a fast growing town and with the onset of new and big developments such as Hinkley C, people will need housing. We believe our council should also consider that people need space and nature. There are already major housing developments underway and completed in Bridgwater. Important greenspaces such as The Meads and land south of Durleigh Road should be left alone. If we can save this corridor of nature we will be:
Protecting important wildlife such as otters, badgers, water voles and birds of prey amongst others.
Leaving a vehicle free area for dog walkers, children and nature lovers.
Giving Bridgwater a 'set of lungs' amongst the concrete and tarmac.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can’t afford to contribute, but that doesn't matter, you can still help by sharing this campaign on Facebook and other social sites:
Ask folks to get the word out and make some noise about your campaign.
Remind them to use the Indiegogo share tools!
How you can donate
You can donate via the pre-set 'Perks' or you can make a payment of your own choice via the red 'Contribute Now' button located at the top of the page.
Bridgwater is a great market town and has a wonderful community, lets pull together and keep it that way. Thank you.
Many people of Bridgwater have objected to the proposed development of 'The Meads' and surrounding greenbelt on land south of Durleigh Road in Bridgwater. Many people believe this development to be illegal as the land allocated for this development was never passed by the planning inspectorate.
Although the proposed housing development isn't actually on 'The Meads' but south and on elevated ground of said area, we believe it would have a determental impact on wildlife connected with the said area.
Objections came in the form of official documents submitted to Sedgemoor District Council Planning with over 65 people voicing their concerns. An online petition was signed by over 650 people. Although the council chose not to recognise this petition we feel it is still relevent and you can still sign it as we will be forwarding this again within the next couple of weeks. You can view and sign the petiton by following the link;

;or go to Google and type in; 'Sedgemoor District Council: Stop the proposed development of an 'Eco Park' on The Meads in Bridgwater'.
Another paper petition with over 250 signatures have all been seen and ignored by our council. We therefore are looking to raise funds for a judicial review and if need be, a court case. Your funding will help to:
Pay for a solicitor to undertake a judicial review.
Pay for a court case if this need be.
As of 23rd December 2013 planning permission was granted to Summerfields Developers to go ahead with the said development.
What We Need & What You Get
Initially we need funds to pay a solicitor to ascertain whether the proposed development is illegal. On conclusion and depending on if this development is indeed illegal, we will need funding to pay for a court process.
Although we are not sure of the total cost of this campaign, the initial expenses are:
To hire a solicitor for a judicial review will cost approx. £1.500.
To hire a barrister will cost approx. £1,500.
Initial court costs will be approx. (This is the very first stage and we envisage this may be much higher) £6.000.
Indiegogo charges approx. £1,400.
Funds above and beyond £10,000 will be used to facilitate further stages of the judicial review as it progresses if and when needed.
Any additional funds will be added at a later date.
Any surplace funds will be donated to the Environmental Law Foundation who have agreed to help us fight this development.
The Impact
We all agree that Bridgwater is a fast growing town and with the onset of new and big developments such as Hinkley C, people will need housing. We believe our council should also consider that people need space and nature. There are already major housing developments underway and completed in Bridgwater. Important greenspaces such as The Meads and land south of Durleigh Road should be left alone. If we can save this corridor of nature we will be:
Protecting important wildlife such as otters, badgers, water voles and birds of prey amongst others.
Leaving a vehicle free area for dog walkers, children and nature lovers.
Giving Bridgwater a 'set of lungs' amongst the concrete and tarmac.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can’t afford to contribute, but that doesn't matter, you can still help by sharing this campaign on Facebook and other social sites:
Ask folks to get the word out and make some noise about your campaign.
Remind them to use the Indiegogo share tools!
How you can donate
You can donate via the pre-set 'Perks' or you can make a payment of your own choice via the red 'Contribute Now' button located at the top of the page.
Bridgwater is a great market town and has a wonderful community, lets pull together and keep it that way. Thank you.
save the meads campaign