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Radical Anthropology talks

hedgehog | 05.01.2014 14:36 | London

Symbolic culture emerged in Africa over 100,000 years ago, in a social revolution whose echoes can still be heard in myths and rituals around the world. These talks are a general introduction to anthropology, including the latest findings from genetics, evolutionary biology, primatology, cave painting research and archaeology. There is hot food in the venue and plenty of time afterwards for socialising in local pubs.

Tupiq mask
Tupiq mask

Jan 14 Gender, resistance, and the origins of English transnationalism (1558 - present) Sondra Hausner
Jan 21 The song-lines of Aboriginal Australia Chris Knight
Jan 28 The evolutionary emergence of language Chris Knight & Jerome Lewis
Feb 4 Conceptions of life and death in lowland South America Istvan Praet
Feb 11 Chomsky, anarchism and the military mind Chris Knight
Feb 18 Egalitarian hunter-gatherers in the East African Rift Valley Thea Skaanes
Feb 25 The magic of law in Upper Amazonia Harry Walker
Mar 4 Bunbangfai: Buddhism and the carnivalesque Paul Twinn
Mar 11 Dance, play, laugh: What capitalism can’t do Morna Finnegan
Mar 18 Introducing Claude Lévi-Strauss: the science of mythology Chris Knight
Mar 25 A Plains Indian myth: ‘The wives of the sun and moon’ Chris Knight
Apr 1 The trickster: core of hunter-gatherer religion Camilla Power
Apr 8 An Amazonian myth: ‘The hunter Monmanéki and his wives’ Chris Knight

These talks are free but we ask for a donation of £1-£5 to cover expenses.

We meet at 88 Fleet Street, London EC4 1DH (next to St Bride’s church, 5 mins walk from Blackfriars tube). Tuesday evenings, 6.15–9.00 pm.

For regular updates on meetings and anthropology news, please follow us on Twitter (@radicalanthro) and Facebook



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